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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. Well this guy and his wife are heading to Switzerland in June to see AC/DC in Zurich. We have an exchange student who lives nearby and she will be taking care of us for two weeks. Trip of a lifetime!
  2. However there should be a cheap penalty call shortly.
  3. To their credit most shots have been from outside in this period. These are the types of games they couldn’t lock down last year.
  4. The top line never hits anyone. It’s unreal.
  5. I guess that late hit was the refs “managing” this part of the game. Incredible. That is interference textbook. But apparently it’s the same as Cozens hit.
  6. Beautiful hit by 24 then good shot to assist goal.
  7. We have no ability to stand up for ourselves.
  8. Personally, I want someone to really go after Matheson for that dirty hit on Benson. I don’t care what the score is, he needs to be targeted. How this league equates a hit like that to an accidental puck over the glass is still remarkable to me. 12 did the right thing but he can’t handle himself. This team needs to get some guys who can handle themselves and keep teams honest.
  9. Has there ever been talk of a fan revolt on a game day? In Europe, football fans that don’t like the direction of the club hold serious protests and often don’t go to the game or arrive late. Basically they care enough to let owners and management that the product or direction isn’t acceptable. I mean at this point, why not revolt. Let Pegula know that enough is enough. The money has already been spent on the tickets yes, but actions speak volumes. It would be interesting seeing if this could be arranged and happen.
  10. I think it’s pretty clear this team is done for another season. Time to make some moves, find some players with term and get them here. Move some of the assets. Change coaching staff. It’s beyond time to shake it up.
  11. AC/DC will be announcing 50th anniversary tour on Monday Feb 12/24 First tour in 8 years. This will be the final swan song of the greatest rock band of all time. If I can get tickets it’ll be my 17th show.
  12. That’s not a good looking fall. Knee, ankle, but I’m not thinking Achilles. It’s longterm though. Damn it.
  13. This season is done and they know it.
  14. Not sure if it’s been spoken about but will Eichel be ready for the game on mar 2? Probably if rehab goes well. Sabres fans in Buffalo, you want him to play when they’re there or you happy if he’s still out?
  15. We are not a serious hockey team. If this team can’t play Comrie in the odd game then what are we doing? Levi should be in the A for the rest of the year. Ride UPL and give Comrie the rare start. Thats it.
  16. Someone has said it here a lot but the team’s inability to get games to OT and get loser points is a huge difference in standings. Take nyi, they have 11 losses on OT/SO, we have 4. They will inevitably fall short because of their failure to take games to OT.
  17. And that goal should have been challenged
  18. Had a listen to the Hasek part. Honestly, he sounds like a blowhard. I thought his on ice antics were cool back in the day and thought it was just his game personality but clearly he’s just the same off the ice. When I lived in Vancouver we went to the Roxy a lot and that is where most teams went for drinks (the Roxy hangover was a real thing) and I was speaking to Todd Harvey (a major on ice POS) and we were talking hockey. Asked who I cheered for, said Sabres. I asked him about Barnaby and he couldn’t have been more clear in his thoughts on him. Said he was complete dbag, was a chicken 💩 and so on. I countered with isn’t that his game and he said nobody liked the guy. Take it for what is worth.
  19. Climate change is real. Here in Kelowna we had catastrophic fires this summer and we’re still in drought conditions this winter. We have had only a few cm of snowsonfar and this our first cold snap. We are in serious trouble this summer as they’re predicting this pattern goes on for a year or two. BC is gonna burn and we will be the Smokanagan most likely.
  20. -23c (-6 F) today in Kelowna. Cold snap for about a week. With the wind it’s more like -33c
  21. And I get called negative. 😜
  22. I see most games here in BC and that was an ugly win for Vancouver. We keep the lotto line off the board and lose. The Canucks play against a team with some confidence and it’s a different outcome. Bun? You agree?
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