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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I believe tonight, the emperor had no clothes! :rolleyes:
  2. beerme1


    Wait. I'm confused now. :blink: Is it that Thornton is worse than Kaleta on a better team? Thornton is better than Kaleta on a worse team? Or is it Kaleta is better than Thornton on a worse team? Or Kaleta is worse Thornton on worse team? The season hasn't even started yet and we don't really know what we're going to be dealing with this right here is giving me mixed signals! :w00t: I'll go with better on a worse team. Whew, feeling better now. Kaleta, I mean.
  3. So it's the chicken before the egg, horse before the cart type of thing? A GM worth his salt would do better. So rather than pick on these players my focus should rightfully be on Darcy. We can all probably agree on that and yet he remains. And remains. So that isn't getting me any traction. In fact I think in a when do you think Darcy gets fired thread I came to the realization that we would have to miss the playoffs the next TWO years for him to finally bite it. That's just sad. Edit: that said I did like our draft. I like a lot of our prospects. And with Darcy I'm just afraid it is rinse, wash, repeat. But I will also say that I am an optimistic pessimist! If things go bad early, this will be an ugly long season. Conversely, with soo many kids that don't know they're supposed to bad it could be rather entertaining. Having Miller and Vanek around should help the cause. I'm looking forward to this season because nothing sucked more than last year and I can't imagine even if we are bad this year, the entertainment value for my money could be worse than last year. Well, I hope anyway!
  4. :clapping: for both of you. Personally I don't want to see Flynn or Porter on this team. Ahl'er and travelling team ace. Maybe that's harsh but for what my tickets cost, I expect better than that on the ice. And stick Matty Ellis on the same bus. Don't get me wrong Flynn had a couple good spots but way more disappearing acts. Porter, steady solid career ahl and perfect teammate to a guy like Matt Ellis. We can do better and should expect much better. Of course we should expect that Darcy would have been relieved of his duties 10 times by now but he is on solid ground.
  5. Maybe due the fact there is nothing going on I have tired of Sylvester and Peters. Rather hear music than drivel. I'm sure that changes as we starts ramping back up. Eventually! Our long off seasons are really a drag. Wait. it's not Thursday. I take that back.
  6. Well as season ticket holder I will tell you one thing he did last year. He provided the loudest I heard in the arena all season when he scored his first goal. I believe he will be a solid contributor and any deficiency he had should blamed on Darcy. Yes Darcy. Kid should have never been allowed to be utilized like he was and should have been sent down after the coach didn't even dress him in the fourth game if I recall. And even if he surface at the bottom of that list he will be a player for a long time I believe.
  7. Canisius agreement?
  8. Sure feels like the old days doesn't it?
  9. Hearing RJ call his name repeatedly after a playoff game winner? If that doesn't raise the hair on your arms ye aint a Sabres fan. DANNY BRIERE! DANNY BRIERE! DANNY BRIERE! My personal thought is he would be crazy to come back here while he still has a shot at going for a cup somewhere and I would be shocked if he came back. Happy as hell but shocked.
  10. Gents, GODD et all. interesting reading. Very keen insight. My father was raised with horses and had one that he would even sleep in its stall. Thought it was his pet and vice versa. Taught me how incredibly smart the animal is . I did my part of stall cleaning and such and that is tough work indeed. I remember a nasty Arabian that knew I was leery of her and she enjoyed scaring me and giving me a ride instead of the other way when I did take her for a ride. People who don't know better, go stand in the middle of a horse field with some apples and see whasup lol. Horses are pretty cool animals and can be pretty mean thugs too! Oh yea, what is the tri fecta? Crapshoot!!!!
  11. :doh: :doh: :doh:
  12. Assuming the flu.
  13. No worries. It won't be like that at all. It will be much more of a sorry. Take it or Leave it type of thing!
  14. I wonder what the reaction will be in Vancouver to the thought that they traded away a guy who gave them some goals for a guy who they didn't even dress in an elimination game???
  15. And he's not even calling you out for "misued" :P
  16. My cost to a SabreSpace memeber Sec 223 row 1. Ramp pass included. $150 225-9916
  17. My complaint is that LQ isn't around to help guide the Sabres out this mess. He created. Edit: Bastard.
  18. As far as the topic name I have a thought and it's only magnified with that pos Fehr and that pos Bettman being the two guys that need to talk to each other. The thought that comes to mind is: DOOMED
  19. My complaint is the three ring circus in my avatar. It lingers and needs to be fixed.
  20. I hate him but thats besides the point. He had medical clearance to plaoy and we were looking at elimination. If he was cleared and ready why not? You're saying he wasn't ready and that certainly appeared to be the case and we should go nuts on everyone for letting him play. I agree but then I want them gone too. I cant imagine anyone watched him practice and said he looks good to go. I can only imagine the fog of an elimination game set in and they thought they were being smart by letting him play and give the team an emotional and competitive edge. LOL haha ah :doh: They should all be fired for that thinking.
  21. Yes but picture the image. An attractive Biodork chick in a white lab coat with thick black rimmed glasses and ...cue the music and the cameras!
  22. Wherever you are :death: Merry Christmas Larry Quinn :ph34r:
  23. I've missed something. What the ###### is going on in this thread? Stafford sucks and should be moved.
  24. I will go on record as saying I like them. I like them all including fake ones! Any guy who says ya but their fake should simply resign. Fake ones may be similar but they are similar in their perfectness. If you dont like that well, grab some ass then.
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