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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. beerme1


    Arbitrator time. Hope he is on stand by.
  2. Darcy next? John Vogl ‏@BuffNewsVogl 1h The Sabres have waived Kevin Porter, according to @FriedgeHNIC. Demotion to Amerks (if not claimed) opens spot for Cody McCormick.
  3. beerme1


    I am expecting a three or four game reduction. If not from Bettman than from an arbitrator.
  4. Before or after the season started?
  5. Who cares
  6. LOL right on que! :lol:
  7. Ok you're right about the time on when he should have been fired. He wasn't. Send in the clowns. Where are the clowns? Well maybe, they're here. I don't need Darcy making another single decision for this team. Get out.
  8. You expect the fans to know the right names? Opening night when they introduced everybody on the team they put up Kyle Porter! Stupid me, I've been calling him Kevin :doh:
  9. Larry F'n Quinn. Having a hearty laugh right about now.
  10. You lookin for any tickets?
  11. I expect the Fire Darcy chant to become the norm in the arena. Seriously.
  12. beerme1


    Just because!
  13. Didn't we think that last year too?
  14. Agreed except my season ticket invoice is already paid.
  15. To be fair to samich he did say that was just his hunch though I think based on Cody's new deal.
  16. Not a fan of this decision. It's not what I expected either but oh well. If they can roll it with thats fine. I dont think this does anything to ensure they stay here either. Vanek will most certainly approach the nine million dollar mark and want five or six years and is gone at the deadline and Ott will want to stay here and will get overpaid at the same time.
  17. Over two and a half minutes without possession of the puck while in your own end will turn any crowd.
  18. I wonder when Peters buddy Laraque is going to get a job? Must just be too old to take a chance on I guess. I think you're wrong. Ask the players about it for the best answer. I think the rivalry is strong and will stay strong. Guys like Ott come to mind. Born in Windsor I believe and will always have an axe to grind against them.
  19. Vanek for C. Increases his value at the trade deadline.
  20. I disagree. Tell me he didn't sulk somewhat when he didn't get it. More importantly in the here and now status of THIS team, tell me he doesn't sulk and basically wait it out till he's gone. I think he feels slighted and that's ok as long as he comes to play. However, I believe we do reward and recognize the people that deserve it going forward. Not the people that Lindy feels he can control. No Lindy is a whole new ball game around here. That said I have also said I'm not interested in paying this man 9 mil per season on a new contract and if that's the case ship him out and don't worry about his feelings. But his sulky play would net us a lot less than a productive happy camper who we plan on shipping out anyway. Even if he knows it.
  21. I want to mea culpa on my previous comments about Vanek. I have not thought of him worthy of even an A while some have suggested a C. Tonight's performance on this team makes me believe he deserves nothing less than an A and if he were to re sign prior to the start of the season give him the C. He was a man amongst boys tonight and showed a lot of the traits needed to be Captain. He Hit. He should have scored. He was a GREAT playmaker and had a presence on the ice. A needed presence on the ice. Veteran savy experience. I am on record as saying we DON'T HAVE A CAPTAIN on this team and that scares me. Forgive me for saying this after observing one live pre season game but that does explain where this team is at. So Vanek deserves something and if we don't at least give him an A I think his feelings are hurt and he is gone. And there in lies the rub. Should your Captain or A be that fragile that his feelings are hurt? No. Of course not but Darcy/Ruff has painted us into this corner and we have to deal with it. So I guess my Captaincy is the mix of Vanek, Ott and Weber. And if Vanek declines and is gone than I am putting an A on Myers or Erhoff. Forgive my spelling errors and any negative feelings you have towards me. A new season is upon us. Lets start fresh. My starting line is Scott, Kaleta and Girgs. Have a nice day!
  22. Lets make it their room now. I just cant get around the idea of Vanek wearing a C. Ott to a lesser extent because he's always on the edge but I could live with him way before Vanek. Outside of Weber or Ott there isn't anyone on this team that qualifies at this point to me.
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