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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. No you're right! But the Leafs traded for Gleason and announced it during the warm up for the Winter Classic no?
  2. Ok I guess I'll carry the flag. Enroth has how many wins? It's hard to win with this team or whatever he said. He is right of course so he should have shutout by now knowing that right?
  3. Thanks. So This guy strikes me as a really sharp guy that should serve us very well. He did say that if a scout has a guy at 5+ and he has him at 3.9 the scout would have some explaining to do etc. This was good info and he came across as far more comfortable in this interview than the first ones he gave. I am very happy he was the choice and look forward to what he is going to do.
  4. GMTM was good listen yesterday on GR. Cemented the fact to me Miller is moving. Interesting that he created his own rating system and our scouts are to use it and not be sitting at a computer all day. I'm sure it's on their audio vault.
  5. AHHHH this f'n software! Well to sum up my recreated thought's, good for you Varone. Enjoy the moment. It is a dream achieved. Congrats to you and thank you for all your efforts. The original post had so much more. Sigh.
  6. Wasn't he reassigned? Relieved of his duties or something as opposed to terminated? Did Pat or Tim or Ted say well we're paying hom anyway so make him do something? Or am I way off?
  7. I have my idea of un movable and it numbers two. Gergs and Zadorov.
  8. That's the damn truth right there. Would be insulting at this point I think. He's earning his keep here. Oh and as far as Varone, I'm sure we're showcasing him for a blockbuster trade.
  9. The drinking game is no you're right. Occasionally I hear him say ya you're right and it stops me cold. What is this? Drinking game part two? We could do a lot worse than him though so I am willing to suffer with him. Razor is a good guy to boot too eh!
  10. But with more dedication to his craft and more long term upside resulting in a decent offensive player who can learn his defensive requirements. We hope. Oh and screw Derek Roy.
  11. Teddy will need a Jason Dawe for next years playoff run. Just sayin.
  12. I would like to re sign Moulson personally but if he becomes the driving force behind a bidding war that has more upside than you make that move and your LA deals work for me. But I really would rather re sign him but I think he may net more than you are even proposing as the deadline approaches. Interestingly though, Vanek may determine the out come of Moulson at the deadline. It really could become stupid like July 1 stupid! Will be interesting for sure.
  13. I think there are two rules to this game. Gergs and Zadorov are the two rules. They are off limits. They are the backbone of this team for the next ten years and three cups. So ###### off with any talk including them in anything other than cup parades. Understand?
  14. I love you for this! I am sick of tanking already. And as a season ticket holder the next invoice I get will be sickening. The tank crowd needs to remember some of us have to pay for this both emotionally and financially. I've spent enough. Show me the baby without having to tank next year. I want to see hockey. I'm willing to pay for it. There is a limit and you were pushing that limit with DRRR. That's gone and done and I am hopeful. Don't put me through this again next year please.
  15. And if I'm not mistaken has been sent down as a result.
  16. Pipe down. This is a minor league thread.
  17. Interesting and weird to me. Thanks for the info.
  18. Also mentioned on the radio by Murray was that someone was spreading lies about him. Said something along the lines of Pat asking him about some incident that occurred in PEI. He told Pat that never happened. I wonder if it was Benning in an act of desperation and Pat called him on it and let that window close on him. Guys on WGR keep speculating that keeping Nolan my have been the sticking point with him. I wonder if it was him planting lies and getting caught in it. Regardless, I am far happier with Murray as the choice than Benning.
  19. Well I mentioned at 12:35 today after listening to it on the radio that MacLean said the assistant GM would be a shocker and he knew who it was but wouldn't announce but it was an agent. I have no idea who this would be and as I stated earlier I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I also laughed at the fact he's busting Tim's balls about not responding to his text with congrats and Tim says that's because a) I didn't want you to jinx it and b) you sent the text to Terry Murray!
  20. Also one of the guys said at the end of the interview the ast gm will be a shocker. An agent. Not sure if this joking or not. Murray was more at ease with these guys simply because he is friends with and familiar with them. Was good stuff!
  21. Great day in Sabreland! :worthy: Thank you Patty for coming on board to get this crap fest straightened out.
  22. Thank you Aud. I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of making a slight change to your hilarious take!
  23. He does do something before the Olympics. He already knows our team inside out I'm guessing.
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