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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. So in your first post you try to bring sensibility and rationalize what's happening? Have you read anything in this forum? :w00t: Welcome aboard
  2. Despite the fact, I went to the rink tonight to say goodbye. I will miss this ball of semi emotion and his effort to make us legit. I have a playoff team to root for now. For more reasons than one obviously with a bump in draft pick if he re signs with them or (not sure) gets to the conference final? Wow I am an emotional mess now. I will miss this guy. He has given us so much. Go Blues!
  3. Thank you. I will absolutely be standing and chanting. In one way I think just the taunt Miilllerrrr Miilllerrrr would be cool too. He will after all be the competition soon!
  4. I can't read that. Jibber jabber crap trap from the sports talk guy for smart people. I'm not allowed to. And I don't want to.
  5. Is that Lake Erie where Ryan likes to take pics? And is that crickets I hear in the background? Cheers!
  6. I watched and am glad I did. My beef is the usual you can't hear what the question was on half of them. If you're a fan you should watch that video. Miller is at ease. His guard is down. He is still thinking but this is a really cool q and a with him. What he says about the city the people and what it means to play in a place where the people are fans and the players are noticed and not invisible. Not every player gets that. It's the second last one you'll see from him my friend. I encourage you have the patience to watch it. You will be pleased with the reflection of Ryan Miller. I'm very glad that I invested the nine minutes and change which is NOTHING compared to how much I have invested over the years. And I for one am GLAD he will play his final game tomorrow. I will be there one last time to witness him and hopefully rise out of my seat screaming MILLERRRRR!!!! I thought the last game last year was the swan song but I'm positive this is. Watch the video. Thanks for the memories Ryan, I guess my jersey with your name and number will get creatively framed now. Go win a cup dude.
  7. Nice! :P
  8. Sportsnet radio throwing a surprise team Pittsburgh in the Miller mix and then almost saying no way at the same time because of Shero and Bylsma the two guys who didn't use him in the Olympics. That would be really interesting to see Miller with them AND have Crosby as a teammate!
  9. Seriously? NO! Those are our Messier and Pronger for the next decade + and the only two untouchables. Take anything but them. This teams in a lot of trouble and giving up two long term stars for one isn't helping.
  10. Me too. I see him going to Pittsburgh for a top prospect and a second and then in the off season Pitt is too strapped to offer him what it takes and he comes back here.
  11. Don't expect full tank next year. The roster will be very different and Nolan will be in year two. The goalie while maybe not Miller doesn't mean he won't at least be capable. And whatever gained by trading him helps in other places on the team.
  12. Screw that. Leave Miller on the bench thank you. I'd rather not see him play and get injured going for a Bronze medal and killing any trade.
  13. That's not true. Peameal bacon is proper etiquette. And you know it.
  14. He is now a hero in Latvia I would guess after winning over the Swiss. Kudos Ted and congrats Latvia!
  15. Are we still here?
  16. In the system Freddie Roy?
  17. I'm cool with that. Even Devine since other than getting wood over Zadorov has been part of this mess all along. I don't hate Devine by any means but there is most certainly a new Sheriff in town and Devines fingerprints are all over this team. Adios. Edit:although to be fair I like Devine. And loved his comment about Zadorov. Do you want to get tougher to play against? I thought he would help in transition maybe his time has come. Good luck o him if goes or stays.
  18. WE are doing something I believe tomorrow if not right now or the next three hours.
  19. Friday will be a fun day for sure because something is going down before the freeze.
  20. I'm really curious what Snow ends up with for Vanek. He needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat now.
  21. That would take away Moulson to LA then.
  22. Because of the pissing contests?
  23. Razor probably just saw Thurman tweeted it's on like a MOFO!
  24. Please don't bait me into this. There are so many pissing contests going on lately and I really don't have time to post some drunken ramble. Hey, anyone seen CHS? Oh. CHZ. Right!
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