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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Eleven in the other thread I believe I was told you cant do that and I said yes you can. Somehow in all this, you owe me a beer!
  2. I'm guessing the scrimmage will be open to the public.
  3. Make it stop!!! duh duh duh I'm so fancy ...
  4. I think we would have a lot of local kids that would play here at home in this league under this scenario. I think it would be good but I would also wonder outside of the parents how are they going to get 1800 per game there?
  5. Debate or joke? Sure can't tell by the op. But what I have heard form his fellow soldiers is pretty incriminating. I'm more than willing to give the man his day in court an disprove these claims and give him his due or see that he is in fact all of that and then, give him due. Personally either way, whatever side you're on I find it classless to be making a joke out of this. Men died. And now even more of ours will.
  6. I really don't want to but I feel I need to. So you and the dems are ok with returning five top soldiers to the field for the Taliban. In exchange for someone who by all accounts so far decided to ignore the chosen path he took, the oath he took, walk away from all he served with, denounce his citizenship, cost many others lives to those who were killed looking for him, with yet another blind eye by POTUS to the constitution and yet you managed to be sly about this huh? Pretty much why I refuse to discuss politics around work or message boards. Enjoy.
  7. Are we sure about this? I just recalled that I've seen ads on Craigslist for season including ownership rights. I would assume that meant transfer or ownership not just obtaining tickets for the season.
  8. Odd. I know you can with the Bills. Wonder why the Sabres won't let you.
  9. I am renewing because I would never get my seats again. Front row club end zone. As for the annual price increase? I don't give a flying ###### about it as they are giving it right back to me. I will care about the year after when they again hit me and don't give me a rebate. I was quite pissed about the increase last year as well. Some other message board that I no longer frequent told me to pipe down it was no big deal. It was to me in light of the increased the year before also. They have made my tickets very, very difficult to sell if I need to and I sell about five games a year. Eleven, have the rights transferred and find a new mate or two or three to break it up.
  10. I don't see him ever accepting asst gm. He'll be in the league office as fax inspector before takes asst gm anywhere.
  11. Intense Vacation for the win please.
  12. That would be an epic fall.
  13. And to fair we're not even sure yet if their number 1 in Bradford is a long term answer.
  14. Well that's just great. Now that you've spoken up the thread police will monitoring you're move. Be careful friend. Be very careful. Don't let them get you.
  15. Well the pick does nothing to help the Isle next year unless they trade the pick for a player or ready prospect. I think Garth being Garth, he gives it to us.
  16. But how often do we see the dominant team in the regular season become the other teams ###### in the playoffs? If I we're betting on it my money would be on Boston. Now I'm going to puke.
  17. I think pretty highly of GMTM. I thinking that the day after the season locker room clean out they put an envelope with a big fat check in it and Ville is never seen in North America again. If he doesn't get rid of him that quickly (league rules permitting) I will think less of him. You can over pay anyone and get more out of them than what we get from him.
  18. Ya right whatever. The last couple seasons have not been just a buck for me. Mine was $16 per pair for this season. They better not be pulling that chit again for next season on my seats. Please.
  19. Yes to avoid that recapture penalty down the line should he retire. And he looks like he wants to retire NOW. Leino will be gone, Staff at the deadline so ya, this guy is my nominee. Unless he gets back on track which I will admit could happen if we get three above average guys in front of him.
  20. A bigger version of Erhoff but with more upside I say. Buyout # 2 goes on Erhoff this summer.
  21. I will give you that. He did a good job containing Jagr tonight.
  22. Lol it has been mentioned many times that this will happen. So you're not the first or the last to suggest it. But hey, get over yourself! And yes, I've been waiting to say that to you :=) Personally at first I laughed. Now I want it to happen because I see Erhoff as aloof a lot of times. But then again, if he is a bottom three d man he is probably just fine. But here and now he is obviously positioned higher than that and that may be MY problem with him. Feed him less minutes, make him a second PP guy and he may very well be worth his price. And with the length of his contract it won't take that long to position him in the proper role. Maybe as early as next season actually. Myers and possibly Risto and Zadorov as early as next year already ahead of him. If not just add one year and add Jake to that mix as well. Maybe not next year but the year after he will be ready. Erhoff is really frustrating me lately and I don't know if it's bonehead plays or my expectations of him, but his constant gaffes and lack of size/physical ability make me weary mor and more each day of him.
  23. Don't forget the ignorant Canadian that yelled Go Leafs Go I haven't seen anything today. Does anyone know why Nolan benched the 4th line? I don't think I saw Scott, Deslaurier or Ellis the entire second half of the game. Zemgus should have gotten a star. What an effort he brought. In the season ticket holder surveys I have stated that there should be more organ like it used be. So I guess you're welcome lol. Erhoff and Hank had ugly nights. And on second thought the idiots that yelled anything during the moment of silence we're no doubt all Canadians. There to see Stamkos and yell go leafs go. Idiots.
  24. ###### you! Said my rotting almost 48 year old body. Have a nice day. :flirt:
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