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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. That's crap. His floor is not Chris Butler. That's crap.
  2. Way to early bro. Way way way way
  3. Ah, I'm catching up now. But I wonder about your reference. After all, Derek Roy has actually been helping us no?
  4. No worries bro you didn't come off as chastising and I certainly didn't take it that way. I think your second paragraph speaks for all of us! God Speed this f'n thing! Bizarro world we're living in.
  5. Nice. Again I offer you a welcome. I think you'll be here long term cause you're a drunken lunatic like the rest of us apparently. Oh and thanks for taking care of that ridiculous avatar! :beer:
  6. I had to watch the game delayed by about two hours and haven't set foot in the CHL thread yet. Sorry if it was overlapping comments. Seems like we're on the same page. I will post in the CHL. I just need to decompress a little right now. For a last place team, the amount of energy and emotion being invested right now by (hey Mike Weber) us fans has never occurred before. I think. So this Isle game I think we come out like Chi did tonight and look good. And then the isle get fed up and say lets take it to them and wear us out. This will be another amazing game for a last place team. So much emotion. Hell I don't think I even made into the GDT today at all. Maybe wrong though. Things are starting to get blurry over multiple threads.
  7. I think I'm having stroke, aneurism, seizures amongst other things. Other things! I expect the Sabres will be a little worn out tonight after banging everything in sight last night. Party on.
  8. I agree but as seen below, they're still blaming Bush! I think it's Irbe's fault ultimately. Who knew how good he could be at this goalie coaching thing. Well Nolan I suppose.
  9. I'll be there and I just can't imagine it. Don't want to imagine it. I sure as hell hope it's resolved before our last game. Weber will be involved in a fight with fans in the stands if it's ending like this to appreciate the fans better.
  11. I think they have done all they could to tank in a professional manner. Sad that you are apologizing cause you started a new thread lol. Some people don't like that type of thing. I mean the starting a new thread thing.
  12. April 11 is my hope.
  13. You won't understand the standings next year my friend! Kudo's to you for keeping track of the bizarre.
  14. I'm not that confident at all. But still trying to see hope after last night I will say as long as AZ wins one we might be ok cause we can win two and I see that as Car and Pitt.
  15. Understood. He said it very matter factly though. Elliot Friedman was in the room most of the time and maybe it was for his consumption. Cause Ted say we could speak freely once Elliot left lol.
  16. Not sure what exactly went on out there with Kane but he was discussed with Ted Black last night, Black said that he and his wife met with Kane's parents and that Kane was really impressed with how they were treated. So he will be starting off here with a good frame of mind and respect for the team and imagine that will continue throughout his tenure as a Sabre. I look forward to pics of a Sabres jersey being worn all over the peg.
  17. This turned out to be really cool. The Friedge was there and Zemgus as well for twenty minutes or so. Teds wife and son were there as well. There was no private questioning it just kind of went to a free for all and they offered to let us do the rope line but because of the questioning we missed it lol. They gave some cool hates with season ticket holder embroidered on the strap, I got an autographed Zemgus jersey, three beers (important) wife a glass of wine and some answers. Ted was big on explaining things. Pitt, Chicago did it right. Some teams start the process and due to pressure from fans, owners etc give up on it and pick up a name FA and bust the plan. They tried the FA route by signing someone whose name will not be mentioned and it made it clear to them they need to build through the draft. GMTM is rink rat and has them on the right path. Pegualas have been here four years now, and after the fa whose name will not be said, Peguala realized the way they have to go to build. Kim Pegs took Bettman upstairs last time he was here after his presser to remind him we are coming up on ten years since the ice bowl and we want another. Ted was asked about college players and gave some interesting answers. Was asked about Penn State but not about the guy the Leafs signed and we didn't. Said they do look at college ranks seriously but understand some guys are 25 years old. It may help playing against older guys for Eichel but some others have peaked at that level. They are equally big on Eichel vs McDavid and not concerned if they end up at 3 or 4. I wish I had time to express a lot more opinion but there just isn't enough time and people being people, some like to hear themselves talk and ask stupid questions. That's where I come in :rolleyes: Home whites, royal blue and silver piping. I did get my questions in when we were running short on time. On home whites he had an interesting take. Said that when they switched to road uni's for home they were ecstatic in Pittsburgh. Being in Pitt it was seen as a coup to be able to don black and gold a la steelers. Has had his eyes opened about jerseys since being here and has been surprised at how much it means to fans. explained the yadda yadda I expected, retail sale vs wholesale who gets what revenue... Has spoken to the league about it, thinks the midnight blue looks classy and expects they will be doing something for the 50th anniversary switching t original colors or something. Gotta run. Oh he did temper expectations for next year. He said even though they got Crosby in pitt everyone expected them to go win a cup the next year and they missed the playoffs even with him. Dude beside me shakes his head and says ya but how many cuos has Crosby won. Ted's response was, well one and I want that one. Good line.
  18. I asked Buddy Nix a question like that about the Bills once. Something like could we expect to see ten wins that season? He wouldn't touch it for nothing. Wouldn't get into the prediction business... I imagine Ted would offer the same, We are trying to improve and have big expectations next year etc
  19. In this bizzaro world season, I think Leafs fans are tanking and will sneak surprise cheers for the Sabres when they score. (some) Sabres fan will cheer when Toronto scores. They usually out number us as fans in our building so our goals will be cheered louder than theirs and at the end of the game when the Leafs win 4-2 Weber will say it was nice to have the support of the fans again lol. Thanks Leaf fans!
  20. I will be there tonight also. Buy you a drink at the 200 level bar after the game if you like.
  21. I know it's a league thing and I know he's heard this issue before. I would see if he's approached the league about it and I wonder why they ever switched to begin with and what his feelings on it are. Would expect to hear we're having jersey fatigue yadda yadda so no changes... I would so much prefer the royal blue. I do hate the silver though and this is a good point to me. The royal shows up as blue on the tv where the midnight looks black most of the time and the silver sweat pits have no place. Thanks for the suggestion :thumbsup:
  22. Doing this Meet tonight. Only thing I can come with for a personal topic without coming across as an angry season ticket holder is questioning the home color jersey. I grew up as we all did with the home team wearing white and would so much prefer that. Teams like Chicago's road uni's are really cool and we never see them. So if I get only a couple minutes of personal time I guess I can ask about that issue without being an a hole about all the things I want to be an a hole about instead. Any other suggestions? Back to my question to Aud as to a topic, if I go with arena ops questions, it leads me into a dangerous path as I will get testy about things they don't do and maintain etc. I'll get angry, he'll get antsy and the outcome won't be any good. I'd like to see a band playing like MSG has. Instead we get twin city village garbage totes doing the shuffle on the scoreboard. I HATE that! The crowd gets into it though lol. Maybe just the jerseys huh?
  23. I'm at the game tonight and ask that we keep more 2-0 please.
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