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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Hot Damn.That is all.
  2. Can you compare the likes of Babcock, Hitchcock, Julien, McClellan, Tippet or for that matter any other NHL coach and how they stack up to Teddy?
  3. Camping?
  4. Ed McMahon would say right you are sir!
  5. What a great post! Clarity that most people aren't seeing. Good job :beer:
  6. Why that sir is an insult! :flirt: Although my post is certainly the drive by type, looking at the rhetoric coming from NB, it seems right for the moment. I get what you mean as it seems the tank, anti tank is taking on a you're either with us or against us mentality now more than ever except the anti crowd is about five vocal people. It's tiring on both sides. And I'm sorry but this guy seems to be waiting for a glory day when he can say I told you so instead of rooting for the Sabres to win and frankly I've had enough of that. Go Sabres... "His Uncle in DC did this" or that. I give a what his uncle did in DC? Actually I do give a what his uncle does in Ottawa and I hope that man recovers fully. He brings a lot to the game. "Smile and pull a Marshawn Lynch" Um, think Terry Pegula expects a little more form his employees than that no? Go away with that... If anyone cant see that we are a team on the rise now that we have bottomed out and have stockpiles of talent waiting for marching orders well, I guess I should just ignore them because I am completely stoked now that this has ended and feel that we will be a force to be reckoned with for years. You can't see the talent waiting in the wings? You don't know hockey then. Not an insult to you personally swamp. Just sayin. I'm a glass is half full type. Except with regards to the Sabres as of 4/14/2015 Even tough we are at bottom, that same glass will be overflowing in short order and that will make up for any whiny indiscretion the team and it's current owner and gm, current owner and prior gm, or prior owner or owners and any prior gm has inflicted on the organization. We are going to be a fun team to watch for a long time coming. Sunshine, unicorns and rainbows from here on out for sake. Get on board or get off now! Cause if you're too butt hurt to get on board you will soon be seen as a bandwagon fan. Good times are coming.
  7. I'm wondering if that is a lie.
  8. You're carrying quite the grudge there! I don't think he whiffed on Lemieux at all. He was a piece of being able to get Evander Kane. I'm good with that.
  9. ha ha ha load of crap.
  10. I agree and said as much to him. The pushback was he thought the midnight blue looked good, jersey fatigue yadda yadda look for something around the 50th. I got no specific feedback about the grey sweatpits.
  11. Pretty sure the crowd won't be quite the same at the stadium for The Stones as it was last time I saw them there in 1981! Rules have changed. Then everyone was allowed to bring one gallon of the liquid of their choice. In addition I think everyone that went also brought in a sheet of acid and an ounce of weed lol ;)
  12. Been to Garth Brooks at FNC (was great) and Neil Diamond at FNC for the wife this year and surprisingly had a good time. Also have a Shania Twain concert coming up in London. But the highlights for me this season is old geezer celebration. Back to back Saturdays with The Stones at the stadium and then The Eagles at FNC. That is a great seven day stretch. I can't make it cause we're hosting a party the night before but continuing in the good for old geezers tours Bonnie Raitt at UB August 2nd will be a highlight show. Sold out in minutes and last time she was here ten years ago UB says was the best show they've ever hosted. I've seen some great shows there since then like Joe Cocker and Susan Tedeschi so that is some high praise.
  13. 17 would be cool but I suspect he wears 97 and is it his tradition and would be surprised with anything else. I'm sure if we won the lotto you would grow accustomed to it no?
  14. I'll be there and looking forward to best environment we've had in a long time. The building will be loud again! Where you sitting? I'll try to get a picture. I wwill celebrate with him and wish that it is fact his last game ever as a Sabre. Would be cool for him to go out with a goal. Do it Matty! Fantastic. This is as it should be. Hell ya! But don't expect it until our 50th anniversary season.
  15. Ew, Eichel looks like Larrson. C'mon Bucky. Please make the column that reads GMTM did the right thing now that it's secure you pimple.
  16. I just thinking about this and was going to start a thread. Hockey gods saved me as I scrolled down and saw this one had already started! With McEichel secured, I don't care where the other goes but am thinking I want an east coast team. Just for the fun the thrilling head to head match ups will bring us for years and years. Don't give a shart if it's the Leafs or the Bruins even. Having had to endure three years of the worst hockey I have ever seen will be made up for watching some of the best for ten years. So I hope it's an east coast team.
  17. Their atmosphere is must see TV I will not miss any of the Jets games.
  18. This is the proper train of thought. If the Gods have decided they have shat upon enough for all times sake, we get McDavid. Odds are we don't and we can all be ecstatic with Jack Eichel.
  19. For all the love of Nolan that some have from the past or present, and for me it's the past, do you really want to be a team giving up 40 to 50 shots a game regularly and being out shot 2-1 going forward because the coach cant do it any other way? I don't. Thanks for your time here Teddy. That parachute should suffice for you. Last night's
  20. I have been on board with moving the NYI first and Grigo and a D prospect for ROR. As things have evolved and we find ourselves with McEichel now, my feelings have also evolved. I'm not sure who said it or where but the statement was they would rather wait a year and sign ROR as a FA than give up all those assets for him. I'm starting to agree with that. Given that he is a high dollar player for what he brings and will throw our cap structure out of line. The counter point of course is we may not get him in FA. But then if he goes to FA and his demands become say nine million are we still looking at him? I doubt it. We are now in this for the long haul and may get a stud with the second first rounder. Why give it away when it adds to our long term stability? Tread wisely GMTM. You have our trust.
  21. Of course that's the meaning. He's someone we love to hate and with good reason. I wish to ruin his day. Not his life. What kind of monster do you think I am?
  22. Hahaha and then delete the thread. When someone speaks of it, :blink: What are you talking about?
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