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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Didn't catch that. poor bastard. Talk about a guy who the rug pulled out from under him.
  2. What the hell is Dave Tippet doing? He's highly thought of everywhere and I thought he had an out clause. I would get away from that mess as they will be shooting for bottom again and the hope of winning the lottery for the Arizona kid.
  3. The man and his band on stage at Shea's just always seemed right. Regal. Will miss this man but his music lives on forever.
  4. Chet here. Having been to the Bell Centre I urge you to get Club level seats as they include all the food and munchies you want. And yes, that include Montreal Smoked Meat sandwiches! Hot dogs, popcorn etc. As great as that is though they pale in comparison to about anywhere on the street. Think eating wings at FNC and thinking, damn these are good! If you go for a Sabres game you will see four or five other people wearing Sabres jerseys! Meh, they don't get it. Fack em!
  5. I hate you forever now lol. Clicked before thinking!
  6. Shall you never be banned my man. Ban all the others with all the man crush on soccer players.
  7. Now we're getting somewhere lol
  8. Why not? Rich owner, new building coming, some guy named McDavid coming onboard soon.
  9. Would be an interesting dilemma but I think if the scenario is I want control, I think El Pegual says thanks for your time and calls the next candidate. However I think since Babcock and Murray are familiar with each other that issue may get put to rest quickly.
  10. Call me naïve but I am surprised by the increase. The booklets nice though lol
  11. It wont be Terry's money that gets Babcock. It will be his personality, Kim, and the family nature of the man and the organization. If they get a sit down meeting they will win the day.
  12. These are now, The Days Of Our Lives.
  13. Sounds like the plan.
  14. Schoney kept the passion even after his playing days were done. Really shows what a bunch of pussies the refs were too lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXpcb5aTnPk Sorry. Off topic ;)
  15. I still have one of the exchanges if you want it posted here lol :angel:
  16. Myers burned and cant get back into position and that is likely all.
  17. Right now with ten minutes left and down two, you'd swear Winnipeg's arena was the FNC no? You're welcome :beer: Go Jets Go Goosebumps. Please avoid the sweep. The fans deserve this.
  18. Damo Cox is Toronto's version of Bucky. Or vice versa and they are likely chums. I want to look back at all the pithy comments after his article though not as one guy says two years, five years etc. I want to look at the pithy comments every year. Cause I believe they are fools gold! Yes go after the staph, yes Myers is an upgrade.... but you could use the muscle of bogo and a productive Kane which of course was not going to happen in the environment that the mature start big buff has created in the dressing room. Right? The part they may, or may not win on is Lemieux, Armia probably not, but who knows what with the first. All the pithy comments seem one and shortsighted. I love the trade and do it again. But I do see it as worthy for both sides. And if Kane becomes a headache here? Our loss. I expect him to flourish and be a power forward for a long time. and if he doesn't some GM will think what I think and make a deal for him. LOL at the one pithy comment that says even if Kane scores 50 x 10 years Peg still wins this trade. LO freaking L.
  19. Would not be my first choice. In fact, would not be my choice period.
  20. Great to see you! Honored to have you back for arguments sakes. As your avatar indicates though, there will be rainbows and unicorns soon. Sunshine too! The building was damn loud here during that series. Don't know if you were here in person for any of the games but we all know tv does a poor , really poor job of transferring the real noise when it we make it. I have not heard it like it was in 2006 ECF since then. I got no problem with the place in that moment. It was rockin.
  21. And still doesn't. Too small.
  22. Well if you're down by the Zamboni you may not have heard it then at the Pittsburgh game. I'm at the opposite end in a Chet and Muffy section. Most of my section is brutal and is company owned or Sabres owned seats so it does taint them. Employees in company seats, don't want to make a scene. Sabres guests aren't going to go crazy. But let me ask, did you hear much let's go pens? Our best atmosphere is a playoff game or Philly or a Canadian team and that's due to their fans coming here. I went to Tampa for a Sabres game and talked up some local born and raised STH sitting next to us and when I said this is like a Leaf game at home one guy said you don't understand, it's like this for every team due to all the transplants lol. Tamps is a great Sabres environment when we play there. Been a while since I've lost my voice but it's been a long time since I felt it would be worth losing my voice for what I was experiencing. Worst hockey I've seen in my life the last two years. As others have said it's the family environment, building design and acoustics, team performance all play into it. But don't go to far with thinking we're just lazy fans now. I was in Montreal a couple of seasons ago and it's a great atmosphere and all but, some of that is strictly generated in the upper bowl in the end zones in the beer sections where they have chicks in tights leading cheers and tossing t shirts to the crowd all game. You wouldn't think they need to do that in Montreal but they do. Our mausoleum will come back to life next year with a much more enjoyable product and I will help lead the charge with what I expect the team to be performing like.
  23. Not being around Buf is what gives tremendous hope for Kane.
  24. Don't know where you sat but I was at the game. My section and many others did in fact chant let's go Buffalo. And my section is generally one of the quietest. There were as usual a lot of Pens fans in our rink and our crowd did a good job of keeping them in check and drowning out their Pens chants so I'm not sure we were at the same game. No it was wasn't the peg environment. we're you expecting Thank You Sabres? It was fine for what it was. Next year the cheering and chanting returns. It won't ever be like Winnipeg though but at least in the playoffs we roar. A good Sabres team directly equates to a good atmosphere in our rink. And you cant compare any building to theirs.
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