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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. You may or may not find it useful but, Cortana for one thing.
  2. So you're good with it then?
  3. To Swamp, weave and Claude thank you for bringing this thread back from. I've been busy but returned to frozen pizza talk and it being ok for the woman to grill 95% of the time. ACK! :wacko: And Claude that looks pretty good for a screw up!
  4. beerme1


    LOL Thank you I'm a fan of both guys. Love this clip though good stuff! :thumbsup:
  5. You're right I think. But when my Vista machine crapped out Windows 8 is what was out and that's what I got. But I bought a touchscreen set up and have been pretty ok with it. I think touchscreen is the big key though. So I've been on the loser side of windows for a while and am in fact, looking forward to 10! Totally agree with you about the people on 7 though. They are the new XP's :-)
  6. beerme1


    Actually that is true. He has played with a heavier body than he has which is good. But I haven't seen him spear someone or golf swing the back of their ankles. I forgot how much more aggressive he had been in throwing his body around. That's a good point!
  7. beerme1


    That's being polite! But Ennis will never be capable of the nasty chit Briere usually did I think unless he starts to get worked over all the time maybe. I think it was just natural for Briere to hack at the back of someone's ankle skating away from him lol.
  8. LOL I keep telling a friend of mine about many things, DO IT! Cause you're young enough to still get away with that . Although it has never been said about something like this. He' a computer geek and is doing this anyway. Me too
  9. Because there is no need to season them because it's porcelain coated. It isn't the same as if it were just like the old cast iron grates where seasoning is appropriate. That porcelain blocks the entire process of seasoning them. So if they are porcelain coated the only benefit of putting them in the oven on self clean would be to ash up any crud on them. If they are not porcelain coated then they could be seasoned with oil and put in the oven.
  10. You've seen the answers. High heat burn off is the way to go. You don't need any chemicals imo like easy off unless your doing a thorough cleaning including the heat guards and flavorizers and scraping out all the crud and warshing it down. I do a burn and wire brush. But brushing is what leads to the description by weave. Different manufactures call for different brushes. SS or Brass bristles but they all will chip and rust. The curse of porcelain coated grates. And now with the SS grates I've read the way to go is shut off when you're done cooking and then pre heat and clean next time. That is going to take some getting used to for me and so far, I'm not digging it. I want t o burn off and scrape my grill so It's ready to go next time and if I'm doing fish, I can put the fish grate on right away and pre heat it. Trial and error with any new grill and it seems grates too! I use tri bar weber brush on both grills but that is a reason I hate the porcelain coated. Rusting Ugh. Wish Weber would still just do what they did with cast iron and you season it. Of course if you don't, argh, rusting! LOL It will not be an issue for me anymore as I've converted to the SS grates. Even found a cool cleaning tool called Grill Floss but not too sure I would recommend it yet. It' s a little funky but it is good for chunky residuals for sure. If interested I can provide a link lol. That friend is misguided if he's doing that with the porcelain coated grates. Old school grates sure, but porcelain coated he is wasting his time. Although if he doesn't brush then I guess it would help but I can't imagine not brushing off the crud.
  11. I'm truly impressed if you can get that use. I usually just dump automatically after two burns, but one thing I wish my performer had is an adjustable grate. I told Grant at Ed Youngs which is where I bought both of my Webers that I was going to be in trouble when I got home. The wife is just never going to understand that I came home with a charcoal grill that uses a small propane can to ignite the charcoal as a supplement for the gas grill. Man was I ever right lol! Howeverhe taste of 1 1/4 inch rib eye from Federal Meats done on the charcoal changes ones opinion real quick. I do use the gas grill more out of convenience and keep it in the garage so I can grill even if it's raining. The performer is in the open on the back patio. For anyone reading try getting meat from Federal Meats. Hormone and anti biotics free you will appreciate the difference. At Wegmans try the "local" steaks for similar.
  12. I'm really confused now. I thought with all these stupid afternoon games we were going to be on either NBC network ten times or something. Instead it's five and three of those are night games so wtf?? Ted Black referred to this as an experiment. What the hell is it and may it never be repeated again.
  13. Ya um, oops. Well there's another one for the fire now!
  14. LOL Grant is a good guy and very willing to help and offer good suggestions. The original grates that came on my grill lasted a few years. The replacements they gave me under warranty which were different, lasted one year and were complete garbage. Now my bro in law shows up with my grill but it came with SS grates and flavorizer bars. So it's the same grill I have now lol. If you are buying one of these Webers do yourself a favor and get the special edition model that comes with the ss grates but the enamel lid. I have to say I agree with you about the cooking properties of the cast iron. But the problem is the grates are porcelain coated cast iron. And I have found that combo sucks as it always rusts. Over different grill companies too. So now I'm burning on these ss grates and honestly my biggest fear was searing. It really is no issue, especially on my e330 with sear burner and clean up is so much better and durability is unquestionably better. I would agree with this. But if you can spring for what I'm talking about, long term expect this grill to last 15 years. And outside of the grate issues (like my 330) the e210 is great choice a that price point! So if that's what you can do, do it! edit edit: I cant speak about the 210 I don't have experience with it and have no idea what cooking on it is like. But what I can speak to is those damn porcelain coated grates!
  15. I have an e 330. But whoa whoa whoa that is not the price range you spoke of. Anyways imo the grill is great but the grates are junk. Grill is five years old and I'm on my third set of grates. The third one being Stainless Steel. I swapped the flavorizor bars at the same time and am never looking back. My bro in law just bought a special edition ep 330 that comes with the SS grates and flavorizor bars. I would not buy the all SS model. The general price is $849 for that model and he got his at value hardware assembled for $749 on sale which they never do! But you are a long way in price from where you stated. You're also a long ways toward a long term grill if you can bump your price to that level.
  16. Ah, another married man.
  17. Royal Oak All Natural Lump Hardwood and nothing else. You are absolutely right on with no starter fluid. It is the holy grail way. Do not use lighter fluid or briquettes even. I get the dogs part but not the burgers. When I cook on the charcoal grill I save what's left of that burn and re fire it for Hot Dogs. Burgers I am more than willing to use for a first burn. Grant is the man! at Ed Youngs. Cool dude and knows his Weber stuff. Weber Performer in that range.
  18. I like Ted Black. And I pretty much don't like Lawyers. I also like Russ Brandon. I want to thank Ted for his contributions for us and congratulate Russ for what is an unimaginable position he has attained.
  19. I may be off on a couple of those but you get my point. Please don't fault Brandon for getting jobs from Ralph he wasn't qualified for. The jobs he has done that he is qualified for he does exceedingly well. I just don't see how he will have the time to oversee both teams and league meetings etc etc etc. It will be interesting to see this.
  20. At first glance that would appear to make sense. This morning though I have heard the Devils play by play guy and now the Leafs play by play guy and they both said the same thing. Lou couldn't stand being on the sidelines and wants to be back in on the action daily. That sounds to me like there will be head butting.
  21. Ok. How come nobody called me out on this modern day press mistake? Has worked AGAINST Babcock! Man you peeps are slippin. I guess whatevs.
  22. Not happy with ownership in Jersey, Shero, forced from GM etc. Had Shanny as player and will be on same page. Has worked with Babcock Team Canada should be ok. Interesting though the problems that could develop.
  23. If he doesn't, he's dead to me.
  24. Truly ridiculous.
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