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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. This is great! Better than my first post on SS. And ending with the great lyric, Don't Let Me Down! Love it. In honor of McCartney coming to town yes?
  2. I bought an ASUS 23" AIO when Windows 8 came out. The touch screen it has is fantastic. and with Win 10 expect it to be even better! Was Win 10 on the computer or di you have to update it?
  3. Whatchya lookin for?
  4. I'm going suggest what you guys are saying is true. And then I'm going to say that he wont get a better offer and he wont get a four year offer and that he will be a Sabre by Sept. 14th.
  5. That sucks. I was expecting that but mine was intact. I was surprised actually. Office 10 is what I have. Stupid question, have you tried search?
  6. No mention of this in the e mail sent today to season ticket holders. I'm sure there will be multiple options regardless.
  7. I'm looking to see if there's anything new here and have to agree with these comments.
  8. I have learned yet another lesson from SS. When I want to call someone stupid, I shall say don't be silly.
  9. And if Kasdorf turns out to be something? We will be deep at G hopefully soon with development.
  10. :worthy: Great reason why I stay away from the political thread.
  11. Got mine squared away. I had cookies blocked on everything instead of just third party. Fixed my issue. I think Win 10 holds great promise after having lived with 8, 8.1 I think 10 is going to be the best they have done. I hope. :-)
  12. I installed it and had initial issues but had an update and thought everything was cool. I like it much better than 8 and the edge browser seems pretty slick actually. Until now. It wont remember user name and passwords and wont let me log in. If I enter my log in info it doesn't advance to the next screen. It just stays on the log in screen as if I never hit enter. Frustrating but I like 10 so I hope this October update I've read about fixes any issues.
  13. So we will be Yotes fans again then.
  14. And Like Panos, you do it well! :w00t: You should most definitely post more. Remember the humor not the shame. Or forgive me then or whatever. Unless you start a new thread for something like that because the new thread police are rather heavy handed. New posters should be a given a $20 gift card to Consumers Beverage. :beer:
  15. Don't know about updating rosters. Been a while since I played. Are you saying an NHL 14 game can be updated with current rosters of 15? So not knowing if that is the case my point was don't delay the release of the game due to reworking covers or discs. Print expedited ones with Toews only and if it's such a financial hit charge a buck more for the game. I'm sure people around here are willing to fork up a buck to get access as quick as possible to our Sabres team with the ability to play Eichel. If I was misguided and my first sentence is what it it is and you were referring to well, never mind :cry:
  16. Do you want play as the Sabres with Eichel on the team? Worth the buck no?
  17. They can increase the game cost by a buck and cover the cost.
  18. What the hell is happening here?
  19. If I'm connecting the dots from this thread, well I hope I'm wrong and won't say what thought I 've formed. I will see what comes next before forming an opinion. I hope it's not what has formed in my brain but I won't be surprised if that is what comes out. all based on having read this thread and PHT. That kinda pisses me off too but as the saying goes where there's smoke there's fire.
  20. Ah, I thought based on your comments it would be non touch. I agree about IE. Absolute pos. I have the favorites bar disappear frequently for no reason. Very aggravation so I'm hoping for a better experience with edge. but no extensions till later this year is making me think in addition to some other bugs of just waiting till the October update on 10
  21. Non touch lap top yes?
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