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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. You mean like Brian Flynn, Torrey Mitchel kind of sellers?
  2. It was a fun game for two periods but a real deflating loss. Lehner was F'n awesome imo. He might not make any friends on any team though simply due to how intense the dude is. I disagree with you on Grigs and Nikita. Grigs had a decent play or two but was otherwise invisible. Nikita was very visible to me in how shaky and just bad he looked. I was expecting a big game from him. A fun game but I think he stunk and I project him to be all world!. That was the most bizarre thing throughout the game to me. That call on Gorges was something a referee should be suspended for. Complete crap.
  3. Do your eyes tell you we are just plain awful this year or just those fancy stats?
  4. Pinwheeling then no?
  5. I cant but feel good whenever Toronto, Boston or Montreal lose.
  6. I love Robin. Will be our goalie for ten years and will be the best puck handling goalie we ever had. All in.
  7. No.
  8. It's weird to me. RNH is still tradable because everyone knows he has a broken hand. Ennis is another UBI and that's all we know. I don't think he's as good a talent for someone to make a trade without more info. I'm not saying I want him gone but I really want him on the ice and ultimately feel as a ticket holder I have a right to some info. DD is worse than Lindy ever was I think with the upper, lower, months, weeks, day to day crap.
  9. Better keep the heads up tonight. Nikita will be hunting babies.
  10. Ennis kills any deal until het shows he can play again though.
  11. Oh the irony. Schopp can take material form here because he needs to fill time and then refer to message boards idiots like us at the same time. Schopp.
  12. Interesting read but I'm stuck with one of the pithy comments. "I'm not a fan of the Eagles, but I find that this article is disrespectful to the recently deceased. Way too soon." And while I say that here we are discussing it lol. Oh well. To each their own but I have an enormous amount of respect for the musician in the man. And the band. They hated themselves along the way and certainly didn't treat all members equal or fairly but will always love the Eagles music and will always have fond memories from when I was a kid and saw Glenn Frey on his own and went onto Miami Vice and Smugglers Blues etc. Thanks for the link. Well that makes me feel a little better! The Uriah Heap guitarist and Iron Butterfly drummer might be a little hard even for a music aficionado to come up with! But we need to figure out just who the hell Mike Sharpe is now and what did we miss?
  13. Blasphemy!! C'mon now. I was a teen in the 80's too. Ah, good times :w00t: Which leads me to this, who the hell are Mike Sharpe, Mick Box or Ron Bushy? I know the Eagles weren't for everyone but Glenn Frey and the Eagles have left a big impact in music. Of that there can be no debate.
  14. Wow.Sure as hell to any music aficionado it matters. Not being a smart ass here by any means by maybe it's an age thing.
  15. Arizona lost their composure a couple times in the game.
  16. This is a problem contract only to be resolved with someone else's problem in my eyes. Enter Phanuef. Hey lookie here, Weber made the list of top 20 available D men. http://thehockeywriters.com/15-defensemen-being-targeted-at-trade-deadline/
  17. And Jack Nicholson from The Shining!
  18. Well last year it would for us lol. I don't know Ennis for RNH?
  19. Link broken. Fix please!
  20. I won't make fun of you for the stick because you're right. But Jack also makes a lot of good happen with takeaways because of that same stick. And if there's an instigator to be had it should be AZ. Third man in against Risto!
  21. I am crushed. This is a sad day. Happy that I went to rink to see him when the Eagles played their 8th last concert at the FNC in July. I will never forget it. RIP Glenn Frey. I saw Glenn at Fallsview with his own band and I had this feeling of Glenn that night. Happily the feeling didn't last and the show at the FNC was awesome and they all seemed to be really cool with each other. It's a clear image you've painted!
  22. I see a little bit of Monty in that pic! I wanna say that's good but at the end of the day I'm not so sure for long term sakes.
  23. I can't believe Duff or May didn't ask Foligno about the post game festivities in the post game interview! He was on the ice for all that. C'mon you gotta ask him about it.
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