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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I wasn't at tonight's game but I'll bet they had a Ryan or Ryan's on the scoreboard for that. Really was. As others have said see below, Stu could pot a goal for us. I don't know how this guy can be Wayne Gretzky of the AHL and David Legwand at the end of his career at the same time. Just don't get it. He's not on the team at the time of the draft then. Problem solved? Not sure that I can accept your statement though. Rookie dont count no?
  2. LOL! Send him down! I like this
  3. You know someone's comin at ya for that right? Quite the opposite of what I was expecting after listening to them after beating Shitsburgh.
  4. Expect to see a little more from them based on the confidence gained in beating the Pens. Might even try for two regulation goals tonight.
  5. And no other GM wanted Nilsson. What's your point?
  6. I aagree. I'm not interested in trading him at this point.
  7. Do not waste a beer. EVER. See! He is. But didn't you also make him the starter? I do not believe Nilsson is a starter. I would however make sure he plays every fourth game or so and if the pattern continues make it every three games.
  8. Like I mentioned earlier, Kane ain't going anywhere. Lets get him straightened out here and contributing. We'll never get the value we should so play it out and get productive here jackass.
  9. I'd have Mike Weber for free over Nelson right now.
  10. I think I'm ready to ogive him a few games to see what he's got now. And perhaps entertain us!
  11. It really does seem like the last few years fire sale. EVERYTHING MUST GOOOOO!!! I hate this feeling.
  12. I think they will be. In front of hundreds of people!
  13. ATTN shoppers: now on fire sale we have section 319 for $6.00 I believe that is in honor of Cash Cunningham passing away today. I must tell you also, I was wrong. I said Section 226 club seats would be $20 at 4:45 but it's happening and it's 4:19 sorry!
  14. Fedun. Tonight!
  15. Attention K-Mart shoppers, (I realize the under fiddy crowd may not get that) the pre blue light special is at $25 for the club seats. In the event that you are in the wrong store, the Dollar General has a ticket in Section 317 for $7.40 marketed exclusively through StubHub proud partner of your Buffalo Sabres. I kid you not. I'm going tonight cause I'm not selling $94 tickets for $20 lol
  16. I agree. But Benning. There's a chance lol
  17. Update Tickets are not free yet. Currently available Club Seats for $26 Sec 226 row 3 The smart shopper knows that these will be available on K-Mart blue light special in aisle 5 at 4:45 for $20 and the uber smart shopper knows how to get in touch with this guy at 5:00 and tell him you'll take his tickets but only if he throws in $50 drinks! Oye
  18. $33 Club seats available NOW! Good grief.
  19. Keep wishing dreamers. E Kane ain't going anywhere at this point in time.
  20. This is because Lenny gives up goal like candy to kids on Halloween right?
  21. So we are Edmonton after all then?
  22. Modo, you need to understand who that comment is coming from. Promo is um, um Lunatic Fringe. Lehner was awesome again. The real shame of this season is that we are just wasting terrific goaltending whether it's Lenny or Nilsson. And for the record, I think it should be Nilson.
  23. Kane with a penalty then. This will happen!
  24. I just spoke to Robin Lehner and and he said Yippee Kay Ay Mother lets get this done.
  25. Uhh, guess I missed that then huh?
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