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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Yes I think we got us a marked man right there. Next time Kadri is going to be roughed up. And I'll be there to enjoy the festivities :w00t:
  2. So, he doesn't stink?
  3. The Carolina Quebecois Nordiques
  4. Well this will have a different feel to it. We won't know anyone on the team so who are we supposed to hate? Kadri? Quick name four guys from the Leafs. I stopped at four and of them is Nylander who's just getting started.
  5. Alright alright. I went Tuesday and couldn't believe he did that but it was more a wtf feeling and rather than bitching about it. But then I heard everyone complain about it all day Wednesday and while you may be right that he should have started his defensive guys against McDavid, that is to say he's oblivious to the back drop. Wonder if O'Reilly was playing what he does? I don't give a crap about the matchup he was looking for. I doubt the third line center starts the game at home. Even today people, including ex players are ripping him about it. Rant off. There are as you point out plenty of reasons harp on him.
  6. So Bylsma can play an O'Reilly with an O'Reilly just to get warm fuzzies but he cant put the matchup that every hockey fan in the world wanted to see. Got it.
  7. This is why they put the metal detectors in the arena I guess. Turns out it was a needed security thing after all.
  8. Fine. We shall crap on Bylsma then. He ruined Moulson like Rex ruined Mario.
  9. All that and in a game crying for offense! We start with that matchup and a goal against. weeeeeee
  10. I think that's what most of us expect.
  11. Oscars closing tonight started with the bah buh ba duh duh , but they didn't let the somebody make some noise in this joint play. #Sabres everywhere!
  12. I'm good with draft day dealing. I think that is GMTM's true calling. But can I ask that at deadline day that Franson and friends could include Moulson? I think that would be dynomite! You get biscuits for this type of post right?
  13. It's coming! I just wonder if we'll be part of it.
  14. Sabres pain in the ass.
  15. I know and was alluding to Huckleberry mentioning a deal at the draft now.
  16. Then what becomes of that? Ennis, Franson and?
  17. Five or six?
  18. I'm thinking Skinner really is a bigger gamble with the concussion issues. Can't imagine him playing long term honestly.
  19. Scattered, smothered and covered please. Man I feel bad for the waitresses at all Denny's and Waffle Houses that have to put up with guys like us at 3am. I heart this post. Ya mon! Dad or Mom time is irreplaceable and you need to shut out everything else when you get those moments. Bravo to you sir!
  20. We are not Edmonton, now will be. We're solid in goal years before they are. Welcome! That is rich my man!
  21. This really is the take away message from tonight's game. We played a cup team and lost and at this point of our building it is gonna happen. We had energy when we shouldn't have considering the roadie and the flights etc. To be fair to him he was still shaking off yet another crushing hit. But if they're talking contract tonight, I definitely showcase that to him and his agent lol.
  22. This is garbage my friend. Garbage.
  23. I love a freshly flooded sheet of ice. While Bettman is still around and seeing how he loves to constantly with the rules and structure of the game, they should make the game six periods of ten minutes and we will have better play and beautiful sheer ice to look at.
  24. :lol: Salute! :beer:
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