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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Have you listened to WGR? Tomorrow I'm kind of expecting someone to say we HAVE to protect JackSam.
  2. The Ville Leino was the second highest rated FA and was willing to play C until it was obvious he didn't want to play C Beware the FA Ville.
  3. Frogs don't drink tea. You fool. :P
  4. Now that is one I'm doing in a heartbeat. Therefore, not likely legitimate. Pretty sure someone is offering more than that for # 3 and likely much more. Unless they Marcus can revive Nick's career this deal is not legit in my eyes.
  5. LOL the silly season will be on as it always is. They really can't help themselves and it's true of any sport.
  6. Expect NY State born BOGO to say no thanks.
  7. Perhaps GMTM is not interested.
  8. True Boston Cream.
  9. Hmm. Swear I read that Tommy boy did have a NMC and in addition he now has a new head coach who will also probably bench him.
  10. Don't see him coming back willingly. He got his NMC, he's at home, and he's hit the wall. Stay home please.
  11. Don't want anything to do with Vanek thanks., And to give something up for him? Hell no. I would rather overpay McGinn thanks. I don't want to do that either but Vanek is out of our blood and needs to stay there. And he'll have to be protected on top of that. NO. By the way Dudacek, great work. It's really eye opening actually and reinforces talk that this is going to be a wild time for a lot of teams. Your list shows why teams have a lot to do. Thanks
  12. I like and want to keep Bog but this argument sure as hell makes sense. Hoss sense if you will.
  13. That's only for next season. I believe he's FA after that and will be looking at six, seven million or more.
  14. They are protecting all of NTC and NMC's
  15. And yet questions remain. Listening to flat out inaccuracy again from Schopp the dope and bulldog on the radio today.
  16. No one understands the rules.
  17. It is. I'm putting that out there. But then I have faith in our G, D, F and improvements that GMTM is about to make and that Coach will be doing exactly that this season. Playoffs or bust for me.
  18. Now that would be a pretty interesting signing but His contract will scare me more than any other FA I think. I's sayin McGinns getting a 5x5 type of offer what the hell does someone lay out for Okposo? 7x7?
  19. Yes disregard. Reading comprehension issue.
  20. No way we need to only protect one D as Murray will be busy soon acquiring another that we can't afford to lose.
  21. My hope was the Deutch Dangler
  22. Interesting. I'd been expecting that they buy WBBZ and put the Sabres on there, simulcast the two radio shows, Bandits, maybe Bisons, some UB stuff, Bingo and Bowling and they can do this! Please make it happen and get the Sabres off MSG.
  23. Agree and as much as I love GMTM he cant whiff on this. I have a tremendous amount of faith in him though but know that he is liable to say it and do something wild.
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