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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I don't think is fair since you are in fact saying this is a race issue. First there is one person I believe saying he's played his last game. O'Reilly has a lengthy thread somewhere on here discussing his legal sin. His record was clean before and since then and he's been a model citizen. You certainly can't say that about Kane. A bloodied girl, and then relatively soon afterwards on a night when the hockey world descended on us and then he has more violence based women claims come out and whatever is going to come from this, he has been given two lesser charges because the woman who could claim the felony isn't coming forward and then you have the resulting thread based on the immediate situation at hand. I don't think it is the least bit fair to claim this as a race issue. In fact I guarantee you that Kane has been made to feel at home here regardless the color of his skin possibly more than anywhere in his life. As stated above I don't that the comments are fair and soon enough, O'Reilly will be paying for his sin.
  2. Thanks for giving me a desperately needed laugh today! :thumbsup:
  3. if GMTM liked Bernier, do you think Toronto would have sent him here for a fifth?
  4. Bullcrap. We own the window. If he's not making a decision till Aug 15th so be it. Other teams will have to line up one by one for their first interview vs only knowing our world. Why let him get comfortable with anyone else before that date. The other teams are going to want a quick decision after Aug 15th. That is our advantage. Keep it They will be impatient with him while we have exercised extreme patience. If we're going after Rick Nash he'll still be there Aug 15th. If's he's not and we miss out, we miss out. If a Fowler or Barrie deal requires a winger they want from us but we would like to wait to know what Vesey does, GMTM pulls the trigger on the deal regardless of the date.
  5. I'm in full agreement with this. He cost an asset for exclusivity. Lets use what we paid for. We can do multiple meetings bringing him to town several times. If Aug 15th comes and he goes somewhere else so be it. It won't be due to a lack of effort on our part. Jesus send him down to Boca for a weekend and let the girls show him around there also. Welcome him to the family. You can do these types of things with our exclusivity that no one else can and certainly wont have time to after Aug 15th. Should we have to do any of this for this guy? HELL NO but it's our exclusive time to do what we want and that will include things no one else can so do it.
  6. Where'd you get that from? Jack's underage.
  7. Shameless plug! :nana:
  8. Heard a murmur that there were other players there. No knowledge of who and haven't read that anywhere.
  9. Make it 10 out of 10 as I've officially decided I would too. Can I just ask you to name whatever it is on this team as far as players, coaches, owners, fans or anything associated with the team that you can say is a positive? You've actually replaced someone who I would ask that same question to but it would a antangonistic type of question. To you though, it's a legit question I'm asking you? I agree with this and want to buy off the longer term at less money if he'll do it. I have full faith in him as a player.
  10. For anyone who wasn't in the playoffs or bust line as I am, this has to push the dial for you. For season ticket holders all I want to say is WHHHHHEEEEEE WHHHHHEEEEEE WHHHHHEEEEEE :)
  11. With Kanes crap we need to sign Vesey more than ever.
  12. Oh. What's the other term? I know them bastads drink beer. Vegetarian? Either way Duffs could accommodate. So celery and carrots for both groups but celery, carrots with blue cheese, beer and turkey burgers for one group only I guess then. Why oh why would you belong to a non beer group? I'm guessing you're not posting on this here message board if that's the case.
  13. What? GMTM doesn't have better judgement and certainly not optimism. he is going to get it done his way though make no mistake. ZFG!
  14. Well it would be a trade so.. KANE? Well he would of course take the carrots and celery with blue cheese. Oh and beer. Glorious glorious beer. Something for everyone at Duffs.
  15. Nice post. I'm sure Pi2000 disagrees with you. I will say that in this case though I'm not sure the slam against GR is warranted this time. Despite the fact that I believe WGR has had about the worst two weeks ever of reporting facts. Well not reporting because it is guys opinions. But the fact the is opinions have been so wrong, so often over the last couple weeks is embarrassing. To your first sentence though, and to be fair, to their credit at GR today I heard ham sammich weigh in on this top six issue. Blasting back at people who are holding the position of Vesey is demanding a top six position, he vehemently asked from what we know of DD do you really believe he is just going to hand a position to anyone? NOOOOOO. I have to agree with him based on the room, and also what happened with Girgs. You ain't getting that spot if your play doesn't warrant it. Of course conversely we have GMTM saying there is a top six position available for him. He is a GM and recruiting this guy. Do you think he says that if for a minute he feels Vesey cant prove it on the ice? Me either. I would think they are saying things like we believe in you but you have to show it to all the guys in the room not just us. Maybe toss in a nugget or two about how Jack came here, he wanted nothing given to him. Not even a number. Earn it. Jack was pretty stubborn on the issue that he be given nothing because he has to earn it. I'm guessing Vesey is perfectly fine in that mindset as well and this overblown crap is more driven by certain media and Pi2000. Nothing wrong with asking a team if they can envision a top six spot for him. That's not demanding a top six. Holy crap. We'll know by Aug 20th or so. Maybe even July 10 or so.
  16. Thought I read Limited NTC that he could exclude 15 teams.
  17. Someone earlier mentioned Robocop. I'm seeing Blades Of Steel.
  18. Ha ha I can agree with that. This doesn't seem likely either but I fully believe juniors will discourage or damage growth. So then the answer is give him nine games with Sabres, expose some flaws tell him to work on that, report to Roch for end of season and playoffs and then be ready to roll next season if you show it or you go to Roch for more seasoning.
  19. Guhle looked great last year camp and pre season. I don't think he benefits by doing juniors again and if he looks as good as he did last year they have areal dilemma on their hands. Once again we are between a rock and a hard place with a kid who cant go to Roch. . And for what it's worth I'm out on Fowler and moving on to getting something done with Barrie.
  20. FWIW I cant see Guhle doing another year in juniors and I've moved on from Fowler and am now looking to making Barrie work somehow. Don't care that he's not a lefty. He's much higher skill and quite likely would love to get out of there.
  21. Nah. Applebees and Brewtus Sam Adams. Remember this kid is no kid.
  22. Yes the Vesey. (kind of like a disease or something) GMTM also made it sound like it was going to be more to me than just a day trip.
  23. Good to know he still thinks highly of himself.
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