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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Well I thought you were quoting someone. So then I'll ask you, WTF?
  2. Oh God. Another month of trolling.
  3. But you would never compare him to Dmitri Kalinin. Am I right?
  4. Al Pacino says who ahh Brilliant post!
  5. I can. The guy waffles. blah blah blah not very good blah blah but I'm on the "sign Risto to a healthy long-term deal bandwagon, but I still don't think he's what most fans think he is" Bullcrap cover your nasty ass drivel. Seriously? You wrote that. Seriously? This belongs on your greatest hits compilation. Massive bullcrap.
  6. Sorry but it's been shown in this thread over and over that it's not worth two cents because some think it's only worth one cent and nobody has even mentioned the values if they were in Canadian dollars or metric. Sorry. To recap: Analytics Mathematics Jimmy Vesey Let it go. Let it go. Good god get to the season please. Captain, the ship can't take much more of this.
  7. There are examples on this page of why people don't do analytics. Arguments state so many different percentages. For one guy it's a 7 % chance. Another one it's 8, 6, 11, 9 holy crap which is it? And then the 25% argument. So I have now determined that analytics is like Bill Clinton. It depend on what the meaning of the word is, is. Let it go, let it go.
  8. That's ridiculous. His entitlement attitude before he's even played one NHL game tells me all I need to know about him. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate the guy for at least the next seven years.
  9. Well I can tell you from experience if you're buying a new car out of state, make sure it has the California emissions rating or you wont get it registered here. :doh: Used is no problem but God help you if you buy new without it. I was on my way to Ohio to purchase a new car with the deal all worked out pending that clarification on a Saturday morning. The dealer in Ohio called me when I was at Westfield, NY to say the car did not in fact have the California emission rating which is clearly visible on the window sticker and I turned around and came home. Bought the same car, cheaper from a place near Boston :censored: and had a great experience and made a good football friend with a Buffalo football connection and a hockey player as well. Turned out to be pretty cool actually. I drove to Boston to trade my car in and the had to fly home and then back to Boston to pick the new car up with 150 wings and they were pretty grateful for that and so was I with the deal. Years later that friendship continues. Oh, the car had the California emissions stupidity.
  10. Let it go. Let it go.
  11. As a collective group the whining needs to stop. Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be. Cue some stupid Disney thing now. Let it go, let it go. We'll see about Aug 19th or so.
  12. I don't see why he wouldn't personally.
  13. Does Therrein know about this?
  14. There's no tanking anymore! I see what you did there
  15. Indeed it is generous but I expect us to do some damage this year and think they are going to do everything they can to wring any last bit of production from Molson. Ennis gets righted and Kuli is up for the contract year so generous? You can that but I'm expecting big things this season.
  16. Heh, could be. I was having posting difficulty so his contribution will remain unknown. Realistic expectation should be 13
  17. I don't see him getting suspended. He maintained his innocence all along. In fact his lawyer actually said something like ROR has stated he wasn't driving. So charges withdrawn and he's maintained his innocence to me equals no zero suspension. Most certainly though, that was not the outcome I expected.
  18. The next P Kane?
  19. I'm going to look into this.
  20. Still 20 plus and I'll predict 30 + this year from this um, player.
  21. That would be an interesting development but I can't see it happening. I also think Murray would match it.
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