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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I heard Jeremy White I think, today make a great point that I would like to pose to the crowd that says Vesey shouldn't be allowed to do this. There are 15 other guys that became FA today. So a team drafted and has strung along a guy for four years only to decide they don't want to sign him and you're ok with that? Happens pretty regularly I think and no one cares simply because these guys are usually no good. But with the shoe on the other foot there is butthurt? So then it's hometown, play with a friend or playing for the Hawks as a top six. If I'm him, I think I take the Hawks. .
  2. Or lack thereof considering the years of $,$$$,$$$s he gave up on.
  3. This is awesome my brother! :beer: While this douchebag has the right rant he does not have the look whatsoever! But you know that and this is a glorious thing you've put forth here. I will treasure this and the best win/fail compilation that shows at the end of the fedora haters call out. I think the hipster fedora wearing crowd driving my car are far to cool to be this fool! But even just watching that I want to break his fingers lol.
  4. Well I just crossed over to old man status but I want to tell you some of my most lucent posts occur under this exact state! I also want to warn any of you hipster looking types wearing a fedora and driving a GTI. I'm currently driving a GTI and have always wanted to punch you. The fedora needs to go punk.
  5. It was awesome actually. Hearing slap down some analytics while propping up others. Getting a swipe in that a shot from a guy like Rivet or him doesn't have the same value as a shot from Crosby. Highly recommend everyone listen to it. It's informative and rather comical also and was a great listen.
  6. Neil Peart's drumming at least?
  7. Interestingly just last night while watching women's volleyball in the Olympics my wife informed me that the athletes had a choice of wearing shorts or bikini's or pants. She advised me that our women say they prefer the bikini because they get less sand irritation. I just like them because chicks in bikini's.
  8. dudacek, I adore you! This is the best lol
  9. Quadraphonic sound.
  10. Ha. I don't think he made a bad decision at all. It was a gamble. A very small price to pay for that gamble. Knowing he was a friend of Jack made it a very good deal to make in an attempt to sign him. We are starting to see the rewards of all that he inherited from Darcy. Darcy would still be in last place and sitting on all those assets and wondering what to do with them. Darcy? No ROR and probably no Jack either. Thanks but Darcy is working where he belongs. You think that gambling a third rounder in exchange for a chance at improving the team more than a third round pick would is blowing a deal? Where do you think Vesey would be picked if he was entering the draft this year? Really? Very nice post? That was the worst post I've read on the matter and GMTM separately. Well outside of anything pi posts. Very nice post???? Are you friends?
  11. Got it. If I'm at the Caps game this year I'm booing him :)
  12. Was that before he hit him and knocked him out for the season? I don't remember where that game was. I love watching Ovie personally but I fully expect him to get booed next time in Buffalo. Especially if hits Ennis.
  13. Ennis never played again after 8 ran him over last season. I think he gets loudly booed next few times in Buff.
  14. LOL Mattpie. Teds Nolan was the first one I though of. Just what they need out there. Grigo would be inspired no doubt.
  15. C'mon. Spacek?
  16. Well then to the larger question Moulson fits. I do not process this. No Gio is not in the superstar mold. Do you think he helps younger players learn the game? There's a good reason this man has been a Captain for so long, in so many places. His role is legit and he backs it up. MattPie, I give you exhibit C And MattPie this notion is exhibit B 3putt, this is so right. MattPie, exhibit A. If I had my druthers I'd say Leggie's time has come and gone for us. Thank you for your service good man and good luck catching a ride somewhere. You will get nothing but glowing remarks from the Sabres organization who will gladly admit, you still have a role to fill on another team. Gio has one year left and should be left to fill his term with us. He's our Captain and we all respect that. He has one more year and I hope we make magic in it!
  17. That's all you've worked for. Gimme.
  18. Never, never put the pitchforks away. Always have them close by, at the ready because you never know. Trolling here. REALLY trolling here. Have you ever landed one of these big fish trolls you go after? As noted above, never put them away. You never know when you need them and they should always be at the ready. I'm 50 years and one month old and let me tell you something sonny. If there's one thing I've learned over those decades and decades and decades plus, you never put away the pitchforks. There's always a next time! Bravo sir. These images shall be the basis of our tampering charges. Bring out your pitchforks!!!
  19. I get it in theory but no. I'm sure Doug Sulliman wasn't making the equivalent of 5 mil. A better guy at this stage might be Gio but even that's a reach. I say this because I{ have no idea who the hell Doug Sulliman was.
  20. There are four or five couple near me that do every game. I just cant grasp that in this day and age. The cost involved, the time you have to commit to. But mostly the cost. Of my seats I am good for 15-20 games. and have a brother in law who takes ten. We used to split evenly but again the cost and time investment is too much for a lot of people. Understandably.
  21. Who with his dedication to his craft has changed Eichel like Samson got beefed up. Thanks Jimmy Vesey! I think Jack takes no this coming season.
  22. 11 years now? Have way too much invested to walk away when like dudacek, I'm hoping and expecting to see the next decade be some of the best hockey I've ever seen. Even if I moved to FL I wouldn't give these seats up. The last few years have been really trying as a season ticket holder. I will gladly start to accept the rewards. dudacek, where are you?
  23. Got it thanks! Should have turned into a bigger deal beer league or not. That's some idiot right there.
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