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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Sabrespace FFL?
  2. Tank on! Anything outside the top two picks is a failure of the season. I think TM has already improved the team too much.
  3. I was a little off on the goals, and Russia disappointed me, but for the most part I nailed it. I think we beat Belgium 2-0 before being dominated by Argentina.
  4. We're plus five on Portugal in goal differential. I expect them to beat Ghana, but not by more than two goals. I don't think Germany will be too worried about running it up against us, they'll be content to advance and I'm sure the would rather the US advance with them than Portugal. It's playing out pretty much how I thought it would, a little more scoring though. I think Portugal beats Ghana but not by enough, we'll advance on the tie breaker.
  5. NS, my condolences, must be pretty hard on you. Still room on the American bandwagon, jump on and enjoy the ride.
  6. My son gave me a Cohiba #6 for Father's Day. I think that's pretty awesome.
  7. So....am I the only one thinking the US will make it out of the group stage?
  8. Sorry weave, statement stands though. Give your buddy my name, we might know eachother where is he stationed?
  9. I honestly have know idea. I just know how I feel as someone who was directly affected. Li wouldn't be able to put aside my own bias to rationally discuss it.
  10. I know I don't post much so it's quite possible you don't know, but I've been a soldier for over 20 years. To assume I "don't know crap about the situation" is quite ignorant of you. I'm actually pretty knowledgeable about it. More so than anyone who posts here except possibly Dwight depending on what his buddy in the 2 shop told him, and even then his information would be second hand. (BTW Dwight, there's not a whole lot of Master Sergeants in the intel world, there's a good chance I know him. If he's stationed at Campbell or Lewis I definately know him.) My comment to your post was in reference to the "I'm sure they are all broken up about the mans rights". I assumed the they you were referring to was soldiers, of which I am one. Put down the bottle, take a deep breath, and stop trying so hard to be an ######. Life can't be that bad.
  11. Maybe he would give the team a better chance to win. Or maybe him not being there is addition by subtraction? Maybe he's not the greatest locker room guy? Not saying he is/isn't, I have no idea. What I do remember, if my old, burned out memory is accurate, is that he was too mentally/emotionally weak/immature to hack it in the bundesliga despite having the talent and went running home. Left his team to take a sabbatical. Had moderate success in the EPL, but instead of staying there playing against top level players leading up to the World Cup, he chose the comforting relaxed atmosphere of his local club team in a league equivelent to the ECHL. Donavan is an immense talent that never reached its potential due to a lack of heart and desire. He's how old now? 33? Big difference between that and 29. Maybe he can't handle being a bit player coming off the bench? Whatever the reasons were, he had issues with Klinsman, and that can't be good for the team. I side with the coach.
  12. Likely. Or tracking chips embedded in them. Or both. It would appear not. Umm..... Nah, not worth it. Carry on.
  13. Fwiw, the US is ranked 14th in the world, Ghana is ranked 38th. If Klinsman feels the team is better off without Donovan due to chemistry or whatever reasons he has I trust his judgement. His job is not to field the best 23 players, but the 23 players he feels gives them the best chance to win based on his vision and the direction he wants to take the team. This team has talent. Bradley may not be top ten in the world, but there are very few line-ups he wouldn't be able to crack. Same with Dempsey. Howard is solid in goal. Cameron is a damn good defender. Altidore can score if he's on his game. Jones is very under rated due to injuries and most peoples lack of knowledge/interest in the German league. This team has talent, just not depth. Maybe my nationalistic pride is getting the better of me, but I see them beating Ghana 2 nil, scoreless draw with Portugal, losing to Germany 1 nil and advancing on tie breaker. Beating Russia in the round of 16 and losing to Argentina in the round of eight. USA! USA! USA!
  14. American kids play soccer more than any other sport growing up. My .02 on why the game is not more popular here. Kids/teenagers see a game on TV, watch a foreign player dive in the box and roll around like he's shot in order to draw a penalty, and sees on the replay that the guy wasn't even touched. Every once in awhile, especially close to stoppage time you'll see see a guy carried off on a stretcher and back on the field a minute later. America is a culture that prides itself on toughness, and those actions turn most of us off to the game.
  15. The hell it ain't! Is he not one of the best players in the world? Is Portugal not in our group? Does him not playing increase the U.S.'s chances of earning a point against them? It's not unrealistic. Not likely, not expected, but not unrealistic. Portugal has a long history of not meeting expectations.
  16. Agreed, Dempsey is better. And Bradley is better than both. No question Donovan is one of the best players we have, but if Klinsman believes the team is better without him I trust his judgement. A draw against Portugal is not unrealistic. Beating Ghana is not unrealistic. They may get past the group stage based on tiebreakers.
  17. Thanks eleven. I was worried you'd stay chalk with me til the isles game. No clue who I would have bet on.
  18. Cool. Thanks for doing it Dwight.
  19. Ubkev didn't bet? So if Boston wins it's over. Go Bruins!!!
  20. 14 units on the bruins please
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