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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Perhaps we are being obtuse. His answer does not satisfy me. An "I agree" would satisfy me. It seems like a much simpler answer if he in fact agrees, which I question.
  2. You don't have the time? You spent way more time not answering a simple question than if you answered? Perhaps your non-answer is the answer? You would think so, but apparently not...
  3. I'm shocked Dilfer was a top 10 pick.
  4. I find it very curious that you refuse to give your viewpoint when you seem so very full of viewpoints. Hoss, no opinion from you either? Really??
  5. You still didn't answer my question. Maybe if you were more direct? Let me try again, do you believe that a 48 yo woman should go to jail for having sex with a 15 yo boy? a short yes or no response is perfectly acceptable.
  6. I personally am not trying to make any point, but I am just as curious of your opinion also. Care to share?
  7. Fair enough. However, I am curious about your opinion and am asking you directly. Will you answer?
  8. Because I'm curious if you believe a 48 yo woman should be sentenced to jail for having sex with a 15 yo boy.
  9. Are you implying that physical force is a requirement for rape? Do you believe that woman should go to jail?
  10. 48 year old adult and a 15 year old kid, gender shouldn't matter, it's statutory rape. Her gender doesn't make her any less of a predator, she should be in jail. If a 48 yo man didn't overpower a 15 yo girl and she wanted to have sex with him you'd be okay with that? Don't we have pages on here crucifying Kane when we thought his alleged victim may have been 16? Why the double standard for the woman? She's attractive so it's okay? But if she was ugly and weighed 260 it would be different?
  11. Yes, there is a double standard. No, it should not exist. She should be in jail. There should be the same outcry as if is was a forty-eight year old man raping a fifteen year old girl.
  12. Why do you believe women don't feel they have the power to say, "don't take my pants off me, I don't want to have sex with you"?
  13. Can Ray Rice help the Bills win football games?
  14. My A1C is 9.5.
  15. Are you implying that women are not intelligent enough to understand they have the ability to say no? Surely that's not your intention?
  16. Mancrush Wednesday?
  17. I lost my virginity to my friends mother, so did two other guys that I know. I know there's more, but I only know of the two personally. She lived on the corner of Franklin and Adams in tonawanda, kitty corner from Old Man River. If any other posters on here know who I'm talking about and you struggle with it, you're not alone.
  18. Very interesting and entertaining read, thank you to all who contributed.
  19. Later the draft time the better for me.
  20. I'm in. Don't like the keeper, like the full point PPR, one QB.
  21. No World Cup 16 Toronto thread??? You guys suck.
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