I canunderstand your skepticism. However, I've posted pics of myself on here before, consider that a starting point. Since retirement of I've had much more time to focus on my body. My wife and I have tickets for the Leafs game, if someone is kind enough to PM me details for the SS meet and greet you will see for yourself.
K-9, I don't care at all about your political preference. From Deluca, to bobis, to anywhere in between, I just don't care. I stated up thread exactly what my problem was with you. That being said, eat a you tool.
I addressed a concerned among the disabled veteran community, and asked if anyone had any info regarding the truthfulness of it. I did not attempt to pass off anything I was saying as fact and I did not make accusations. He quoted my post any instead of attempting to educate me on why those fears are unfounded he started with his dem v rep BS. I have not inserted myself into that garbage, I have no interest is being a part of it, and I shouldn't be forced to tolerate it. him.
The man is a hockey player. He (hopefully) provides me entertainment a few nights a week for a few months out of the year. If I don't find him worthy of dating my daughters (granddaughters, I didn't have daughters, I had sons, but that's not the point) I should no longer want him to entertain me? What the ?
Please excuse my ignorance but I don't know anything about Canada's socialized system. Is it free? Is it paid for out of taxes? If so, is it the same % for everybody regardless of income?
I've heard stories of Canadians needing medical procedures done coming to the states and paying out of pocket because it would take many months(years) to get it done in Canada. Is this true?
Again, I know absolutely nothing about it, just hoping one of our Canadian friends can help me out here. Thanks in advance...
I completely agree with everything you said. There are quite a few high quality programs to assist Soldiers make the transition to civilian life, they're through the Army Career Alumni Program (ACAP). Employment/training/education is not really under the V.A. Scope.
p.s., it's nice to see a post from you not related to Trump or guns.