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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I think it's this. I think when Levi, Savoie, Kulich, Rosen, Östlund and Power are entering their prime is when KAs boss will evaluate whether KAs rebuild is a success based on standings/playoffs.
  2. If the product is available to every player/team it doesn't provide a competitive advantage. That's how I see it anyway, but I'm less smarter than some.
  3. I think with all the questions/conversations regarding the players quitting on Granato, thier efforts these games leading into the new year will show how they truly feel about him. I don't expect wins against the Leafs, Rangers and Bruins, but I expect effort, unless the want him fired.
  4. On November 14th the Predators had won only six of their first 21 games. Since then they have the best record in the league, winning 13 of 16. They didn't make any changes to the roster or coaching staff. Saros found his game, the defense are clearing the crease and the bottom six are contributing. That's it. The Sabres have the talent to compete, and win, night in and night out. They just need to play like they give a damn.
  5. 6K was coming off of what seemed to be a pretty severe illness in the Denver altitude, and the team as a whole played like *****. I think he plays a great game in the mullet, won't be surprised if he gets a shutout.
  6. You came to Sabrespace and sought out the game day thread to inform strangers on a message board that you have better things to do than watch a game you have no interest in? That's interesting.
  7. I still watch every minute of every game. More often than not it's while eating my waffle the next morning, but that's because I spend most evenings with the kids and grandkids. My interest in the team has not wavered at all. Since I retired I follow them more than I did pre-retirement when the kids were in the house because I have more free time and less obligations. I also don't get worked up like I did in my 20's. Family, career and a mortgage puts sports in perspective.
  8. Ouch! Sorry Jay's fans, that sucks.
  9. Did your snarky reply to me giving my opinion of a trade make you feel better?
  10. I think Durzi was a very under rated pick up. That kid is good.
  11. It's a good trade. Fills a bottom six/PK need, decent speed, forechecks and got him for free.
  12. Interesting analogy on torts, I like it. I agree with you about ROR. I don't think he lost his love for the game, I don't think he hated being in Buffalo, I think he hated some of his teammates.
  13. Torts should be in the running for coach of the year, I don't think he gets enough credit.
  14. 6K was outstanding against the Preds and deserved a better fate, I hope they go back to him tonight.
  15. Today is the first of a three game winning streak.
  16. This is an excellent place to see live scores for any league in any sport across the globe: https://www.flashscore.com
  17. Rough night for my boy 6K. Woof!! Save % down to .905(24th), GAA down to 2.88 22nd). 6K is now 6-3-1 in games started.
  18. I think we're more in agreement than not, especially on not going past five years. Definitely wouldn't give him a NTC. I'd prefer to keep him if I was Adams, but I'd also be looking at what I could get for him in a trade.
  19. The only thing I would add to this is I believe Mitts is 25, so locking hi up for five years takes him through his prime.
  20. A big reason for Mitts improved play, in my opinion, is he's matured physically. He's able to maintain possession of the puck. Less turnovers and stronger on the boards. Depends on his ask and what we could get for him for me, but I don't think the kids could make up what he currently provides (more than just points) next year and maybe the year after.
  21. I just reread this. I did not mean to imply you're unintelligent, I know you are. Apologies if it came across that way. I just find your seemingly unwavering stance (at least to me) a bit curious.
  22. I have a brother in law who thinks once you have an opinion on something if you change your mind it makes you a hypocrite. He doesn't grasp that educated, intelligent people make opinions based on observations and available information, and with more observations and information opinions can change. He also has an eighth grade education, has never held a steady job and constantly asked my wife for money. That's who you remind me of when it comes to Mitts. You've never liked him and you never will, production be damned.
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