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Everything posted by Hank

  1. 6K is having a better season than Ullmark did at the same age.
  2. I thought it was funny. What's wrong with a ref showing some humor when announcing a call?
  3. I'd offer Savoie. If that didn't do it I'd start adding draft picks. If Savoie and next years first don't get it done I'd pass. That's as high as I'd go.
  4. The pension is the main reason I stayed in until retirement. Free Healthcare for life was also important to me, but it was mainly for the pension. The army allowed me to retire at 43.
  5. Another option would be job corps. Free room and board with a wide variety of trades, from welding to computer programming, truck driver to IT. Open to everyone.
  6. No, it's really not. If I can get out of it, so can they. MOST enlisted personnel join to escape poverty. It's a way out if you want out bad enough.
  7. They could join the army. Liveable wage, great benefits, free college education, learn a trade. It's open to everyone. There's no excuse to live in poverty.
  8. Yesterday I thanked you, today I gave you a green checkmark. I feel dirty.
  9. No, it's not dead. Not even close to dead. I have alot of 6K content I'll be posting in the near future.
  10. Despite my wife's efforts, I've struggled to understand what this term means. This is the best explanation I've heard/read. For that, I thank you.
  11. I'll go on record right now, Levi will start at least 25 games next year and have a winning record.
  12. I've been hammering this for months. Skinners contract was structured to be bought out after next season.
  13. I love Prague, I plan on going. Anyone else?
  14. Tommy Novak from Nashville is a UFA, I think he could be a productive third line player on the Sabres.
  15. Ravens, SF. That's it.
  16. Seriously? What kind of discussion do you think will come from that? You really anticipate someone taking an opposing view on here that would facilitate a discussion? All you did was let more people know that idiot exists. Why? If you really want a discussion, I believe asking why you would share a video like that is a fair question. When I see a post like that my assumption is that poster has low self esteem and craves validation from other posters to feel better about themselves. "look everybody! This guy made a disgusting remark about suicide! I think he's disgusting! LOOK AT ME EVERYBODY! IM A GOOD PERSON!! VALIDATE ME!!" I also don't think that's who you are. I was curious, so I thought I'd ask. As always, YMMV
  17. I'm willing to bet there's a very tiny percentage of posters on sabrespace that know that podcast exists and would have never seen that. Now we'll all see it because you felt the need to share it. What is wrong with you?
  18. I haven't watched it yet You *****ingprickcocksucker!
  19. I love afternoon games! Sabres for the legal limit.
  20. Skinner has a NMC, he isn't going anywhere. His contract was structured to be bought out after next season, and I believe Adams will. All this talk about not being able to pay all the forwards is not true. If they all fit can be debated, but the money is there, that includes re-signing Mitts.
  21. My wife and I bought one of our Irish Setters from a breeder in Fort worth in 2019. We spent a week there, seemed like a nice place to live.
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