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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I don't dispute the fact that it's true, but I think the why is an important variable that directly impacts the result and should not be overlooked.
  2. Free we Free weights - high weight, low reps. Take a weight gain supplement(tru-mass, mass-tech or some equivalent).
  3. I hear ya. The last decade I yo-yo between 185 & 230. I found its much harder to stay in shape when I'm home, life gets in the way.
  4. 1st point - I think R&D would still be financed, either through the government or through private funding. 2nd point - the why is important because in this case it is relevant. Of course insured people see the doctor more than uninsured people. Uninsured people can't get in to see the dr, the study is flawed. Uninsured people would see the doc if they could, but they can't. Maybe I just can't explain my point well :-(
  5. I think the why does change the numbers, and I think you are too smart not to see that. Let's just agree to disagree on this one instead of going back and forth. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Is that why a wal-mart pharmacist quoted me a price of $740 for 30 Viagra? If so, it sucks, and I'd definately like to see meds capped.
  6. Awesome gentlemen. Weight loss will definately have an effect on your knee pain. Supplements might help too, I take tripple strength flexamin, it makes world of difference. Hope you don't mind some unsolicited advice: Cardio: if running gets to be too hard on the knees walk on a treadmill at 3% incline at 4.2 mph, that should burn about 1000 calories an hour without too much impact on the knees. Weight loss: what you put into your body has way more impact on weight loss than exercising. Every deployment I have fat kids that lose 20+ pounds the first month. It has alot more to do with beer and pizza being eliminated from thier diet than anything else. Your body will adjust to what you are doing. Don't get discouraged if you plateau, switch it up. If you are like me and prefer free weights at your own pace, when you do plateau switch to crossfit for a couple weeks then go back to the weights. Crossfit. I hate it, don't need it, won't do it, but it is absolutely the best thing for weight loss.
  7. Wouldn't you agree that the if, without the why, is not a true representation of the facts? Not to the same level. EVERYONE is entitled to a public education up to high school graduation. Not everyone can go to the doctor if they don't have insurance. Thank you, that seems to be pretty much the system I would like put in place here. Agreed I don't understand what you mean with this statement.
  8. Nelson out for the year, torn ACL. Ouch!
  9. We have free education through highschool. We also have private schools for those that can afford it. Why can't we have public and private healthcare also?
  10. Re: the MIT study. Say you and I both go to the ER for a gunshot wound to the chest and require surgery. Both wound and surgery are similar. I have health insurance and you do not. Is it possible you might be declared fit to go home after seven days, whereas I'm not sent home until day twelve, based solely on the fact that I have insurance and you don't? I think it's not only possible, but likely, and that that fact would skew the study. Also, I can see the doc for the common cold, whereas the uninsured cannot because they would be turned away. That would also impact the MIT study.
  11. When I was a kid we had medicaid. From what I remember of it, it was essentially free healthcare for those that couldn't afford it. What's the difference between Medicaid and obamacare? If Medicaid still exists, then no, I don't believe the increase in people seeking treatment would increase significantly. As NS stated in his post, the issue in Canada is availability for services. The reason why it's an issue is because thier doctors are underpaid and come to the US seeking more money, and thier governments restrictions on importing doctors, which we have no issue with. I think it's very doable.
  12. So in theory, if there's no change to the compensation for doctors/nurse practitioners/specialists there should not be any danger of losing clinics/doctors and increasing wait times for services that are the issue in Canada. Insurance companies take a hit, but big picture it's much better for the general public. Sign me up!
  13. Valid point. But like you said, they got around it last time, I don't see what could have changed to prevent them from getting around it this time.
  14. Are doctors in Canada paid by the government? If so, are thier wAges significantly lower than thier counterparts in the US, making it a less attractive place for doctors to go? If doctors in canada were paid the same as in the US do you think more doctors would want to go there? Would more doctors and more clinics reduce the wait time for people who need services?
  15. You sound just like cowherd.
  16. Does provential laws apply to a Milti-national corporation?
  17. This is a presidential politics thread. How is it not the ideal thread to discuss obamacare leading up to the election? How is the idea you proposed different from obamacare? Healthcare for all, government assistance for those that can't afford it. Dosen't appear to be very different to me. Or did I not read your post correctly? Not trying to imply in any way that you are wrong, or even that I disagree with you. If obamacare is truly what I read up thread, it seems alot better than what we currently have, at least to me. But If someone has better ideas on the subject I'm curious to see what they are.
  18. What other ways are there that would be better?
  19. Weave, how is it a bad thing for the insurance companies? Percentage of people with insurance goes up, does it not? More premiums paid, what am I missing?
  20. Thank you for taking the time to post that. It looks good to me, why do I see/hear people complaining about it?
  21. Almost my entire adult life I've been in the army and never had to worry about healthcare for the family or myself. Because of that, I've never given much thought to "obamacare", don't really understand how it works or who it applies to. Would any of you fine gentlemen be so kind as to give me a dumbed down version that I can understand? Much appreciated....
  22. I like that idea.
  23. Yes, "Fallen Angels" is a common term that we use.
  24. Is this the quote you have an issue with: "Where we acknowledge the incredible debt we owe to the families of the 6,473 fallen angels and the 49,746 wounded. Thousands, critically wounded." It's a common term that we use, especially during the first 12-18 hours of recovering the bodies when everyone is overly emotional, arranging the hero flight back to the states and performing the ramp ceremony on thier way out. I have no issue with the him using the term, and I can't imagine any of my peers having an issue with it, I'm curious, why does it bother you? This is the quote that I think should bother you because it is complete bull - "Where we bring our troops home from Afghanistan, just as we brought them home from Iraq." We are not pulling out of Afghanistan any time soon, and I would be shocked if it is not still a topic for the next election.
  25. Did you sign it?
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