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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I don't know anything about tariffs. If you (or anyone else) wouldn't mind indulging me, why are they a bad thing? Thanks in advance...
  2. Thank you for correcting me on that. A quick Google search would have told me that the house and senate were red in 18, my bad.
  3. I've seen blue ske mentioned a couple times but I'm not familiar with it. Is it similar to Twitter?
  4. When Trump was elected the first time, I believe there were many people In the house and in congress, on both sides of the isle but I believe maybe more blue because they held the majority at the time, that hated the man so much they refused to work with him even if toward a common goal that would have benefitted the country. I also feel that Republicans refused to work with Obama, although for much different reasons. Now that congress and the house are red I'm curious if there will be more of a willingness to work with Trump. Do you also believe that Trump was such an ass that some people couldn't/wouldn't look past their own hatred of the man to work with him and do you also wonder if congress and the house turning red will mean anything different(better, hopefully) this time around? Or, am I seeing things that weren't there?
  5. I don't watch Fox news, or CNN, or any news for that matter. I'm sure I miss alot of good, and bad, but I believe my life is less stressful since a cut out the news.
  6. My opinion of LGR is based on reading a decade plus of LGRs posts. If you have a different opinion than me, I respect that. I'll never tell you you're wrong for not seeing things the way I do. Can I hold a conversation at a much higher level? Yes, of course, and I am, with others. LGR is combative and condescending. I truly believe, based on his own posts, that he'd rather see Trump fail than the country succeed. If me drawing attention to it is a source of discomfort to him, maybe he should give his posts a second read before hitting the submit button. Case in point - Gonna be fun when things one after the other implode.
  7. I had not heard of this and had to Google it, thank you for bringing it to my attention. It seems like a great thing. My only concern is the little bit I've read on line talks about what we are going to do, not what we have already done. I hope Trump, along with a red congress and house, don't ***** it up. My uneducated opinion is America producing our own semiconductors seems like a big deal.
  8. I think we needed a change because Biden showed on national TV that his competency could be questioned, by both parties. Did that change have to be Trump? No, I don't think so, I didn't vote for him. More than half the voters did though so hear we are. I still can't believe Harris lost. I think Obama was a phenomenal president. My previous comment is not so much an indictment against Biden, but acknowledgement of how good I think Obama was, and both men who came after paled in comparison. I'm not knowledgeable enough about the economy, and what effects it, to know if Biden did a good or bad job. I think my comments were specific to mortgage rates. They have more than doubled since I purchased my home, I hope they come back down some. That seems like a reasonable thing to hope happens, regardless of who's responsible or gets credit. Unless you're LGR of course, who'd rather see the country burn than anything good to happen over the next four years and Trump be given credit.
  9. I agree with you about the bankruptcy. I think it was a purposeful, strategic, sleazy way to get out of paying his creditors. Morally reprehensible in my opinion, but not uncommon or illegal. I don't think he CAN run the country into the ground. I think the last eight years have shown us, especially when the other side of the aisle refuses to work with you, that the president doesn't have the freedom to do much on his own. I thought Obama had a great first term. His second term, not so much. Trump and Bidens term were significantly worse than Obamas 2nd in my opinion.
  10. I'm sure you're right about that, but is it what YOUare saying?
  11. Almost a coherent thought. Nonsensical hyperbole, but Almost! GOOD JOB!! Are you saying war is good for the economy?
  12. Maybe you guys don't remember because I don't post here much, but I don't like Trump either. I hated him less than Hillary eight years ago, but I've always said there were at least a half dozen Republicans I wish had won the primary over him and there were that many Democrats I would have voted for, Hillary just wasn't one of them.
  13. Speaking of taxes; my escrow went up over $200/mo this year. My son's escrow went up over $600/mo. We're aligned on the tax issue.
  14. Me calling him a snowflake was in response to him calling me sparky. Maybe enough with insults in general? I'm hoping mortgage rates will come back down to under 4% I have my eye on a small house in Tonawanda I want to use in the summers and rent as an air bnb the rest of the year.
  15. Thanks snowflake. I know you're struggling to see past the burning white hatred of a thousand orange sun's, but perhaps one day, you know, in the process of regurgitating the opinions of people you identify with and follow, you might answer the question in the very short OP? Even for someone like you, there must be something you'd like to see Trump accomplish that would make you happy.
  16. Republicans have the Presidency, Congress and the House. What are you hoping they will accomplish over the next four years that will make you happy?
  17. I hope so. Recessions are yard sales for the well prepared.
  18. I've had flo for years to watch rugby on it. No idea if it's a factor in any way, or if the devise you use matters. I've always watched it on roku.
  19. I watched the Amerks games last night on flo, on the Amerks feed, the sound was fine.
  20. Diggs traded to Houston for pick(s)
  21. Good catch on the Levi prediction Thorny. My arrogance has earned me a big piece of humble pie. Well played sir!
  22. I thought it was obvious I was referring to judging playing ability. Perhaps not? Good on you though for taking the time to scroll through my posting history and finding I was wrong on Skinner hitting free agency six years ago. I doubt anyone else would care enough to do that. I like it in your head Thorny. It's spacious, there's no clutter, and the rents free.
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