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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I think our goalies are set for the next few years. I believe Comrie has played his last game in blue & gold. So far this year 6K has been at worst, serviceable. Three wins in four starts, two of which he played excellent, one decent, and one clunker where the whole team was *****. If you want more than that from a backup that's a you problem. 6K isn't going anywhere.
  2. Yes! He is fitting in nicely here! Glad to have him.
  3. I make chili in a crock pot a couple times a year.
  4. I think by the time this team is truly contending for a cup, Skinner's contract is up and he moves on and Thompson and Tuch are getting 3rd line minutes.
  5. I have a serious man crush on Kulich, but I don't watch Amerks games so I'll defer to you. That being said, you sure about that comp, I've never heard anyone say that.
  6. 6K. Wow, that was a rough one. I said in the GDT I didn't like him getting the start last night, I thought three in a row was too much for him at this point in his career. Not a great game. For those who care about such things, 6Ks save % is down to .901 and money puck has him 48 out of 69 in GSAE, what a difference a game makes with a short sample size. 6K is still 3-1 in games he's started, DG needs to do better in managing those starts.
  7. Not happy about 6K playing tonight, I think they should have went with Levi and played 6K tomorrow.
  8. All six defenders can't be skating less, the math don't work.
  9. The 6K we saw last year was never close to top ten in win percentage, not that I care about such things. What I do care about is of the last 63 shots he faced, only two got by him. One was a good deflection where the shot was wide right, the other was a deflection off of Joki. Most important though is 6K has won every game he's started. By any metric or eye test (well, almost any eye test), he's had a decent start to the season.
  10. Prior to this year I would agree. Cozens has been not as good this year. I see what you did there. Nice! 😃
  11. Would either of the alphabet boys care to expound on why they vomited my take? Is it that you want Mitts locked up longer than five years? Naive enough to think we can get him for under 6.5? Too ignorant to acknowledge he's been our best forward this year? What is it? Enlighten me.
  12. Add the lettuce after it's toasted. Why would you want wilted lettuce? That makes as much sense as waiving 6K.
  13. Well said. I agree his his ceiling is a 1B, that's what I'm hoping for. So far he's exceeding expectations.
  14. I think it depends on how Levi is feeling. Next two games are back to back, I'd think 6K gets one and Levi gets the other. Levi likely gets to choose which one he wants.
  15. Yeah. I don't know why some posters can't mention Biro without bringing up Pegula, like there's some kind of nepotism here. The kid played well and earned his spot.
  16. 6K played better today than in his shutout against the Avs. Two goals on 40 shots, both goals on deflections, one off his own player. Joki did make up for it by saving a goal. 6K now has three wins on three starts this year.
  17. Just like with 6K, I've always liked Mitts. I think he's in the future plans. I don't see him getting under 6.5M. I wouldn't want to sign him for longer than five years.
  18. Personal preference is all. Most prefer UPL, and that's fine. Regardless of which nickname we use, we all know who we're talking about. Some seem to be agitated by it, but that seems like a silly thing to get worked up about, at least to me, YMMV of course.
  19. Fun fact: the Bandits, Sabres & Bills play consecutive home games Dec 29th, 30th and 31st for those that are going home for the holidays.
  20. Looking forward to watching 6K solidify his role as starting goalie, he's looked good!
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