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Everything posted by rakish

  1. Last time they didn't, if I remember correctly
  2. @PASabreFan would have added a random diacritical mark in the title, his comedy always goes one step further. It's his tell.
  3. Matic Torok
  4. You can't send send Tuch to Rochester, or Dahlin...wait a minute, nevermind
  5. Rhett Rhinehart, 5th round? 6th round? Is he available to be drafted, EliteProspects doesn't say he is, doesn't say he isn't. 3 and a half minutes on Rhett Rhinehart
  6. What's a bit spooky is that you made this comment while I was making the video, which addresses the same issues.
  7. 19 minutes, pretty brutal. I should have removed @Randall Flagg from my list of people I read, I think it would have made him laugh.
  8. Liger believes the drafting is better, I'm not as convinced. But you're getting away from the conversation. We're talking about methods of valuing analytics, and who is doing it well. My argument is that a teams ability to correct for age bias demonstrates their sophistication in analytics. How do you know Buffalo analytics track record has him as a 4RW? And what does that mean?
  9. I did a video about this in the 2021 draft thread. My argument is that you value a teams ability to do analytics by examining their draft picks to see how they deal with age bias. I looked at 4 teams, to summarize, LA is good, Carolina does OK, Buffalo not so much, Pittsburgh doesn't recognize there's a problem that they need to adjust for.
  10. Beniers
  11. Simon Knak
  12. Didn't realize this was for me, I'll do 3 minutes on Beniers next time I do a video. Now is not good as I'm suffering caffeine headaches
  13. Now that I've covered the general overview, and a guess at how other teams are doing their analytics, I'll move on to individual players. My memory is that this is pretty short, maybe 3 minutes, on Jeremi Tammela
  14. But he beat them just as hard at age 16 Look, there's 9 guys you could take at 1, My method drafts Guenther, yours is Eklund. That's why I keep track in Mom's Basement, I am, most of the time, wrong.
  15. The red flag for me is that his 16th year was just OK. It's how I separate Draisaitl from Bennett. Sam's career has reverted to his 16th year, the guy just traded to Columbus had a shaky 16, but scores fine like he did at 17. Eklund year 17 was great, but scoring wise not Guenther great. Taking Eklund would be great at 3, or definately 5, but for me, not at one.
  16. You're overgeneralizing. The 6'5" player is great to select within the first 15 picks, but if you get past 15, he's not athletic enough to overcome the clumsyness the height creates. Yet teams will draft the 6'5" in the 5th round even though they don't score because they are just shooting darts. So it is very true that undersized players outperform their peers (because GM's undervalue their scoring, and overvalue height past pick 15), but it has nothing to do with Power or Edvinsson being good defensemen, both are legitimate top 5 picks, of which, there are about 9.
  17. Pittsburgh, you can read these now, right?
  18. I meant to look at Pittsburgh too, but I forgot, I'll make a jpeg and add Pittsburgh below
  19. I gotta video coming, just give me an hour
  20. It's me, @Buffalonill and Guenther's Mom vs the rest of you.
  21. I put out a video on my draft process. I was hoping to avoid google, so I went with the public option at patreon. Turns out I had to post it on Vimeo anyway. https://www.patreon.com/joecochrane or If you'd rather just see the list rather than hear about the process for 20 minutes: Guenther,Power,Beniers,Eklund,Edvinsson,McTavish picks for 33, still thinking about the order, it'll be some arrangement of these 5 I think. Anton Olsson, Olen Zellweger, Conner Roulette, Brett Harrison, Sasha Pastujov I'm not sure I'll put out another video with the rest of the draft board, it's not very ... watchable?
  22. Without thinking too hard by me, Nashville feels they have too many players for the expansion draft, LA feels they don't have enough, so they are moving futures to get a player at a discounted price
  23. That's why you break down the HTML reports so you can do this sort of analysis. I did this sort of analysis with @inkman on the podcast last offseason. If you watch it, let me know if I said anything totally insane, memory is weird that way, my memory is that it was all genius. If you want to do such analysis, I'm happy to podcast with you for an hour.
  24. I think it's about the weeds. You gotta pull the weeds and plant Lafleur, no great teams were built around a guy named weeds.
  25. If they are getting futures, it makes sense to me to make the trade between the expansion draft and the entry draft, as teams will not want to protect one more player. If they are getting multiple expansion protected player, I think you're right, it'll happen before the expansion draft.
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