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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. Your posts suck! Kidding!
  2. I'd give you 10 dollars to let me see you give it a try! :worthy:
  3. Watch yourself, boy. I'll be working somewhere. I'm only 44! Let's play some hockey, and I'll show you what 44 years of anger can do!
  4. I absolutely HATE the fact that it's still 85 days until my retirement ceremony and 55 days until our house is completed. Come on already! I'm so ready to get out of this place!
  5. I hate it when people have 3 complaints in one post on Complaint Thursdays. Quitcher whinin' Wolfie!
  6. Not to mention the ATM fees! My complaint. The retards that sit by the glass at Sabres games and feel it's necessary to bang on the glass every time the play is near them. It really annoys me on my surround system. Stop it, retards! Also, the jackass on the cellphone who has to stand up and wave when the play is near him. Dick! And I also hate the fact that I had to write a check for $1300.00 to sell my home (but I do love the fact that I got it sold!).
  7. I don't like people who can't skate, especially hockey players that can't skate. Until you can skate, you're not a hockey player; you're simply a guy who plays hockey. I'm just messing with you guys. Keep on trying! Check out my new blog!
  8. Tickets have been sold. All hail StubHub!
  9. I just saw one from 2000! Lazy Mf'er!
  10. Or it wouldn't be Halal meat.....grrrrrrrrrr
  11. They're probably illegal immigrants that don't want to get pulled over for speeding so they get deported. We only see that about every mile on every road around these parts. aaaaaggggggggghhhhh!!!!! FU Illegals!
  12. He might not be as driven as he is if he was taller.
  13. It pisses me off that I still have 146 days until closing on our new home. That's about 90 days until I can get a rate lock, and that's a lot of ups and downs in the interest rates, dammit! Give me my freaking 5 percent, and I'll be good. Oh yeah, I have the required down payments and I won't miss any payments, unlike the rest of the clowns you gave mortgages to, you greedy bastards!
  14. It really IS that easy. I watched the third and fourth quarters of Bills @ Rams on my pocket PC while my buddy drove us to our hockey game. It CAN be done. http://downloads.slingmedia.com/go/slingbox-mobile-us
  15. Everyone needs to see this DVD. It came to me in the mail. I never ordered it, but I'm glad I watched it. Radical Muslims want to take over the world, yet we still have our political correctness and ACLU not allowing us to root them out of America. http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/
  16. Slingbox connected to a DVR. You can thank me later.
  17. Dude, you have a kid. You NEED a DVR for your own sanity.
  18. Thanks Jack. Make sure you pay your fair share so I can get my well-deserved pension check on the first business day of each month for the next 30 years. And to all of you, thank you. Jeff Kuhn Chief Warrant Officer 3 US Coast Guard, 25 years and counting
  19. Interest rates. Can someone tell me why mortgage rates when UP when the Fed lowered the rate to 1.5 percent? WTF? $!^!$$!@$*((%! sub-prime bastards!
  20. I guess it's a take-off of the Eddie Bauer Ford models. But yeah, screw them!
  21. People; I still don't like them.
  22. They will not get the point, so don't bother. People are idiots, just deal with it. This has been the longest week ever. I'm in a ridiculously boring class that I don't want to be in and won't benefit me in the future. And it's a much longer commute to this place than to work. SUCKS! I agree. The only thing good about this Thursday is that I get to play hockey tonight! MORONS! Why the hell do they do that? I hate kandy korn and circus peanuts, too. Phooey! I'm stuck on Jelly Bellies right now. Yummy! I like the barking dogs better. I'm a dog lover. Can't help myself! No, NOT a dog fornicator, a dog aficionado. I like dogs way better than I like people!
  23. Stop being a pansy and suck it up. You're not supposed to be in shape. Round is a shape, and a darn fine one at that!
  24. I just witnessed a female teaching a woman from India how to drive in front of my house. Let me just say that I really don't want that Indian woman driving on the same streets as me. It was painful to watch. It was all I could do to not go out there and advise her to remove herself from the driver's seat and to never go back. Couldn't even back up, and when she did, it was so slow and nowhere near the space she was trying to hit. This was after the 'instructor' showed her how to do it by missing the spot herself. It was even worse when she tried to pull out of the spot. They just need to charge her about 6 thousand dollars per year to drive, so she realizes it's not for her. It's gonna cost the insurance industry a lot more than that each year to fix the damage she's gonna cause. Brutal. So yeah, I hate new drivers, bad drivers, and dumb drivers. I won't go into the accident I had two years ago while I was sitting at a stop sign. I was creamed by a Latino driving with his lights off. If I hadn't been pulling forward to get to the stop sign, he would've hit me right in the drivers door. Instead he wiped out the rear door of my wife's Equinox. He gave me the "No English" speach, so I just dialed 911. Fugger. Ohio here I come. Get me outta here!
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