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Everything posted by BuffalOhio

  1. 12 games in and I've lost hope already. This really isn't like me, but I just don't see any good out there, just the same old, same old. This is the first time I've said it; I think Ruff's time is just about up.
  2. Gerbe's hustle is second-to-none. A lot of the core players could learn from his example. Once he gets with some scorers, his points will come. He has been a forechecking and backchecking (which Lindy loves) machine. Ennis is the real deal. What a deft touch on that goal last night. He's the new Briere. Love McCormick with Hecht and Connolly. Don't much love Hecht or Connolly, but I think the Code-Man makes them both accountable for the most part. Great win boys. Now do the same to the Phlyers and make me believe again!
  3. I was happy that at least he showed some heart, albeit in a dirty way. I think he's gonna get a game for that, or at least a talking-to. I don't mind that it was Ruutu, though.
  4. ..|.. Alfredsson! I hate you (and I wish you were on the Sabres) for you being one of the all-time Sabre Killers. Honestly, why the heck can't they stop this f'n guy?
  5. Yes, she was quite an example of Buffalonia.....HOT HOT HOT! I think he was about to say 10 ton gorilla, but pound came out and he had to correct it somehow. Harry sucks. I can think of SEKERA. Holy cow he can not complete a pass. Simply awful. See above, and yes, Rivet needs to go next year.
  6. This goes into what I was going to post anyway.... JUST FINISH YOUR DAMN CHANCES, BOYS!
  8. I'm sure you'd rather have him put it right on your tape. I'd just do a spin-a-rama and lose you in my rear-view mirror, Shrades. The dude who clotheslined you got nothing? How the F did that happen? Damn, I'd quit reffing if I was THAT bad! QFT! Shrader doesn't have the skills or wherewithal to do so, HA! F Hatcher Captain of the Stars who won the Cup on a disputed goal in Buffalo in 1999? Getting it now? My complaint - retards who don't GO when the light turns green. Especially when I'm further back in line, and my getting through depends on all 6-10 drivers in front of me going when able to do so. Put your damn phone down and PAY ATTENTION, ######!
  9. I hate when this thread stays open so I can post on it on a FRIDAY. Have a great weekend, all!
  10. So you're saying that YOU don't flush them either? Set the example, Shrader.
  11. United States Military.....
  12. I was sitting in the stall today and heard a couple dudes come in, piss, flush the toilet (oooooh, the handle :sick: ), then leave without washing. First of all, their piss residue is on the door handle, second of all, everyone's piss residue is now on their hands. I wonder if they even realize why they always have colds. Scumbags. I ALWAYS wash, then always use a paper towel to open that door handle. I heard that the mens room door handle is one of the most bacteria laden spots in all the world. Yay. And yeah, the bastards that piss all over the seat don't make my mood any cheerier, either! Hmmmmm....piss is not censored. Shocking.
  13. I NEVER watch reality shows. Just never got into 'em. Right now I love Rules of Engagement (I swear someone that knows me must have created the character Jeff (and my name is Jeff) played by Patrick Warburton) and can't wait for Rescue Me to start again. Oh, and playoff hockey is great to watch, too, but I hear that series is ending within 2 weeks, damn.
  14. Does she have any guy friends that are similar to your friend? React just like she does when she's joking with that dude. If not, you're screwed (or not!).
  15. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what I did. Now quit your whining Swampass!
  16. It's still Thursday, so here's my complaint today. TWICE today, while going through the EZ-Pass or iZoom lanes on my drive from Cleveland to Chicago, idiots didn't bother to read the signs. I always use the faster lanes because I have an EZ-Pass. What pisses me off is that people don't pay attention, then stop at the UNATTENDED booth to get their ticket when they're not supposed to be there in the first ###### place. WAKE THE ###### UP, MORONS.
  17. Spent about 3 hours today replacing the cam position sensor and the crank position sensor on my 01 Cavalier. Yes, it's got 165K miles on it, and yes, it's old and crappy. I only bought it for the good gas mileage, and the plan all along has been to give it to my nephew when he turns 16, so don't rag on me for owning it. That being said, holy ###### is it hard to get at those little bastards. Why do they put them in a place where you have to remove all kinds of stuff to get at them? Dammit man! Anyway, after a trip to Autozone to clear the codes, the check engine light is gone. Should've been waaaaay easier than that!
  18. It's been snowing here for a couple ###### hours! Now THAT'S a complaint!
  19. That's not very green of her. Wow, today's parents are way too protective. I realize they have to be, but I remember riding on the back shelf of the Mercury and flying off when mom stopped too fast. Kids are so protective they can hardly function when they grow up. Just a general observation. She put the lamp there so you'd break the bulb and she'd make you change the carpet. The whole thing is that she didn't like the carpet! They're sneaky, I tell ya!
  20. Whatcha doin' now, Inky?
  21. Who says parents MUST pay for their kids' college educations? What ever happened to student loans or military academies? It seems like an unwritten rule these days where parents feel the HAVE to do it. I wonder what my dad would've said if I told him he MUST pay for my college. ###### off comes to mind.... I know parents feel they have to do the right thing, but I see so many people bankrupting themselves and so many kids that don't care about anything anyway. I hope you're not one of them, Blue! Good luck with that.
  22. Yeah, I know. I just think it's a sad state of affairs that we have to advertise and mail and mail and mail to get people to do the right thing when it's soooooo simple. Waste of money and resources for sure, but unfortunately necessary to ensure everyone is counted and things are distributed properly. Good luck with the job Shrades!
  23. I know.....Muuuuuuuuhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha! Get well, brother! Just messin!
  24. Inky, you still there?
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