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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. My biggest concern about Byram is that he doesn't seem to do well outside of being Dahlin's partner. Plus I have no intention to trade away Power no matter how soft he might be.
  2. Unless we get Weegar from Calgary I have zero interest in trading him as I have no interest in trading in the division
  3. Would be nice if Byram would stop throwing the puck up the ice and it getting picked off in the zone
  4. Love the logo, hate the name
  5. The Meese obviously lol
  6. The time to go after them was immediately after the hit; Muel dropped the ball. Lindy said that if they scored a goal during the 5min major he'd let the dogs loose; instead Peterka put Dahlin in a catch-22 and we gave up a SHG which all but ended our hope for physical revenge. In a sense Lindy wanted them to behave like in a playoff game; make the opposing team pay on the scoreboard and once you've got a 3 goal lead; get revenge.
  7. Had Dahlin been on the ice he would of went after Noesen; as an A, that would of been the duty of Muel to handle it. He didn't and then Ruff told them not to respond in kind unless they scored again.
  8. Brian Gionta would be #2 Nick Foligno likely grabs #3 From there its more a grab bag of journey men and a great at a time defensive d-man Add in the region for Tuch and Connolly and they probably help split up the randos and Orpik
  9. I'd imagine there's a group of players who truly want to do something but can't. If there's anyone I lost respect for it was Muel for not doing anything. I have no illusions about Power fighting and Zucker was in the D zone when it occurred. Lastly I'm not expecting my rookie center to go after a freaking Neanderthal. Zucker seemed ready to go if Muel went but instead he just stood around. Lindy's response is both surprising and not. While for all intents and purposes we are "done" this year; I highly doubt the players are hearing that and in a playoff race that is how you are supposed to handle stuff like that nowadays. I'm disappointed that Malestyn didn't find a way to draw a fight though; but then again Kea is always looking for any excuse to tag us with penalties so that also plays into the formula.
  10. Well we probably won’t see great Tage until late March now since coming off injuries he takes time to get his ball rolling. Muel, you needed to address that hit; your star center is laying prone on the ice so grab someone and chuck fists. Power isn’t going to and Kulich and Peterka aren’t exactly built to fight bare fist brawls. Can someone inform Quinn that on the PP, if Peterka is tangled with a PKer it only hurts us if you skate directly into them or that just throwing the puck into the slot when Zucker is in position for a screen is completely unacceptable. Peterka, love ya man but those knuckleball passes to the point need to stop. There isn’t a soul around who could play that puck and you put Dahlin in a catch-22. A win is a win though
  11. Well again the refs jobbed us seeing as he got hooked the hell out of. We can see where the refs pockets were padded by
  12. Why is it Buffalo regardless of sport seems to get screwed by refs. Logic and interpretation will help our opponents against us but we must obey the letter of the law when for us. I disagree, there were clips that looked it but wasn’t conclusive
  13. Why is this team great in the 1st and have solid 5v5 numbers apparently yet are over 10pts behind 7th in the division while having 5 guys on pace for 20 goals. This team is honestly so freaking confusing. If Adams were in his 1st or 2nd year I'd fully understand his hesitance; but its been 5 years; figure it out!
  14. He isn't good; he quite literally was a cap dump by said playoff team
  15. It's a 1st + a 4th, the 4th can become a 3rd if Dallas makes the Finals. The 1st is unconditional
  16. I can most certainly agree there at this point; I gave him multiple mulligans and it never panned out. He will make an occasional good move and drafts pretty well but has seemingly no ability to form a consistent playoff team and has had plenty of time to do so.
  17. Actually I was busy doing something else with no time to give an actual response. The Reinhart deal wasn't a disaster; Florida definitely got exactly what they wanted but we also got pieces back that have high potential. A disaster would be the ROR trade to St. L had Tage not suddenly blew up into a great player. A trade doesn't have to have an immediate benefit to not be considered terrible. The situation that led to Reinhart being traded was what required him to be traded. Adams gave him a 1 year deal, in part due to COVID, and Reinhart refused to sign long term that following year. We could of kept him for 1 year and ran the high risk of him walking in the ensuing offseason. If without COVID the Sabres still chose a 1 year contract; I'd be far harder on them but none of us have any way of knowing that. Adams could of very well desired to sign him long term but with COVID issues arising was told to keep contracts at 1 year. I'm also sick of waiting year after year for the newest crop of rookies to "save us" but I have no willingness to play Russian Roulette with 4 bullets in order to try and risk everything for 1 run.
  18. Why has that happened to us 3 or 4 times this year? Honestly we have absurd levels of bad luck.
  19. They can ask all they want but it isn't happening.
  20. I'm still holding firm at Cozens + Byram for Petersson and that is supposedly the price but apparently Adams might be asking for more back; he better not pull a Botts and strike down a trade for some sort of insane issue with receiving an extra piece.
  21. SF Giants 2010, 2012 and 2014 are directly my favorite MLB team however my passion isn't quite what it is for the local teams The NY Giants Super Bowls versus Brady are my Dad's favorite team winning and the same goes for the Blackhawks so they are both my 2nd favorites
  22. If that's their ask then I just don't see any reason to even entertain the offer. Petersson's possible boost over Thompson is no where near worth a 4.5mil+ increase in salary as well as other assets. For it to make sense from our standpoint, we need both Thompson and Petersson at the other end of the trade. Frankly we'd just get worse seeing as Cozens would apparently secure the 2C until Kulich can outright bury him. Its the grass is greener on the other side type of approach with Cozens. Cozens and Byram have ties to the area and are likely thought highly of. To Vancouver they may see Cozens as merely being miscasted or misled. Never underestimate the hubris of a GM to fix someone.
  23. I would hope lightning strikes the GM if he made that idiotic of a trade. What we always have to trade away our top scorer? Or is it just because you hate Thompson?
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