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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Girgs, Risto, and Zadorov are untouchables in my book. Would I trade Ennis for Eberle straight up, yes. would I trade him for Ennis + Myers, no unless they add their 1st rounder. I wonder if Arizona would be interested in Hodgson, Regier was certainly high on him. I'm very reserved in regards to trading with Boston unless we get something pretty special in return.
  2. #1&2 Sabres win #3 was a draw but only due to the lack of actual fighting, Kaleta punched him and McCormick pinned him, no real fight to win.
  3. We may have lost the game, but I'm happy in how they stood up for one another. The Sabres didn't start 2 of the 3 scrums so calling it a clown show is complete BS. I especially loved to see Zadorov immediately going after Hedman and Girgs taking out his frustration on that Tampa guy. Hedman was a wuss to say the least, he wasn't willing to fight both times he was challenged, and by guys either not as tall and/or old as him. Especially seeing as he brought the Zadorov part on himself. Granted, I still have to say that last attempt by Myers and Girgs to break the shutout was commendable, it really seems as if Myers is a changed man.
  4. I have a serious question for many of you..... I understand you're angry, I really want McEichel too but what are the Sabres to do..... You can't tell the players to lose, you can't move any of the 1st line or top D-pair since they are apart of the new core. I'm not trading Girgensons, Ennis, Risto, and Zadorov just to torpedo the team. GMTM can't make blatant tanking moves since the NHL will then obviously penalize us in some aspect. We are stuck keeping Zadorov up or else we risk losing him permanently to the freaking KHL! Plus its hard not to outdo a team with over 10 injuries and another who is so ####ed up they can't tell you what an Oiler is in the first place. Honestly calm the hell down. Tanking isn't easy to accomplish without literally ruining everything you have up until then.... TM has practically done everything possible to not improve this team a ton but still set us up so we can make a playoff run in the near future rather than having to wait 3 or 4 more years after this season. If this streak causes us to finish 26th and miss our chance at McEichel, so be it..... but if the two towers, Ennis, and Girgs improve greatly I can't fault them. If Girgs scores 25 goals and Zadorov/Risto become an elite pairing by the end of this year, and we still draft a high end prospect at #4 or 5 are you honestly going to cry?
  5. Wow, we actually played well most of the game and won against another top team. The world has been turned on its head as a 20 year old Latvian, a midget who's fast, and a beer company lead what was the worst team in the league to 6 wins in 7 games.
  6. Regardless, I'm starting to wonder if Tyler Ennis will be our Martin St. Louis-lite? Both are small hard workers whom can play offense very well and are ok in the defensive end. Ennis is a consistent 20 goal scorer who's on pace for about 25 this year. While behind St. Louis's point production, he certainly is the 2d line version in a sense.
  7. That's the problem, unlike Edmonton, we actually have a vet leadership group and an assortment of prospects. As well as Edmonton has a bunch of last year Grigos. Honestly though, it seems like Edmonton just kept using the same wish list year after year regardless of the team's needs. Think about it, Hall, RNH, Yakopov, and Eberle are extremely similar. Only Drasital has real size among them. And not one of them went back to juniors. Just imagine them trading for Hodgson whom is cut from the same cloth.
  8. If you watch the game you'll notice Hodgson occasionally, PP specifically because he doesn't play like Girgensons, however if you are only watching the stats sheet you may as well look for BigFoot.
  9. I'm enjoying seeing us win due to, for the most part, players here for the long haul. The GEM line continues to put points up while the three younger D-men we have, have all looked good to great at times. When they cool off though, I want us to lose and lose hard.
  10. Why isn't the GEM line also the top PP unit? Girgs plays far better with Ennis & Moulson and they click offensively. Girgs can't seem to get Stewart to go to the right places and does Mezaros hit the net ever?
  11. I have mixed feelings thus far. The universe looks right, the stormtroopers look kickass, and seeing another Sith is always cool. But the Millennium Falcon shot didn't feel like Star Wars, to much like Star Trek. Too many lenses flares and the like. Aside from that, the Stormtrooper guns seem overly detailed; one of the best parts of Star Wars was the guns were simple and looked enough like guns to feel gun-like but not overly detailed.
  12. I think its pretty sad when two 19 year old defensemen look far better than a pair of experienced D-men. By that I mean, one would think that Benoit and Mez could at very least play ok in their own zone, but even the 19 year olds try to fix their mistakes and dont panic while the older players do....
  13. I'd say RJ helped them a little against Toronto, and thus that confidence spun into last night's game.
  14. According to Bailey's mom back from the prospects camp, Baptiste and Bailey are very good friends and hung out that week. She is friends with Baptiste's parents as well as would root for Baptiste when he wasn't facing her son.
  15. I really needed this with the Bills loss and the general badness of the Sabres due to the tank. It was nice to see them blow out a team themselves for a change. The Leafs being that team only made it better. Girgs and Ennis are having a heated competition for leader in goals, and now Girgs is actually a + player Just a great game to watch, RJ making calls in the 1st, then a 3rd where they actually dashed the Leafs chances. Hodgson looked far better then any other time this year, he deserved a goal.
  16. You certainly got me there :) I honestly would want more than just Mantha in Myers + Hodgson lets say, primarily due to Mantha's lack of NHL play. I wouldn't need anything huge, just something whom can play now and potentially at least be useful down the line. Plus he's in the Q, so I'm a little skeptical of his point totals.
  17. Because it's idiotic at best. Unless you have the ability to see the future there is little chance you'll win or even break even on said trade. Putting all your eggs in one basket is not a wise choice.
  18. I want Nichushkin more than Mantha to be honest, one has NHL experience, the other doesn't. Plus the price is likely more reasonable
  19. I certainly hope not, fighting is an intricate part of the game. Reduced in its role, yes, but not obsolete by any means.
  20. I'd do Myers for Nikushkin + a conditional 3rd round in the event he plays fewer than 41 games this season.
  21. Girgs, Risto, and Zadorov showed up it seemed. Sadly the rest of the team must of forgot there was a game today
  22. Yes, we still have a chance...... as long as Girgensons scores 6 more goals that go unanswered by Pittsburgh
  23. Hmm, why am I not surprised that Girgensons has created the best scoring chance for us thus far in this nightmarish game.
  24. If you ignore Meszaros, Benoit, the SOG for the other team it was a pretty good game
  25. Hell if they have so few options, see if they can just simulcast a Canadian channel
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