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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. I'm waiting for the book "How I would've deflated the footballs" by Tom Brady
  2. I personally wouldn't wish any kind of life altering injury on him, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I would mind if he was tossed around by the Bills D and missed a few games with a bruised rib or something. So injure him, sure, just not a long term effect one. Something akin to a broken leg, that isn't some multiple contusion mess, just a 4 to 6 week injury I wouldn't want a concussion or anything.
  3. I could see Fred deeming Whaley dishonest if he made FJ believe he was still in the scheme, yet was actually only holding onto him because he was good for business thus Whaley cut him the first chance he got where the Pegulas weren't able to argue keeping him around. This screams Whaley desperately trying to save Brown from being cut. Honestly had he told the Pegulas, and Fred prior to yesterday morning( according to some sources Fred hadn't known until it happened) I doubt this would of happened. Also, seeing as he literally did interviews the days prior, it gives me the thought Whaley may not of even expressed potentially cutting him. I can sympathize with Fred if Whaley pulled a rug out from under him, he at least deserved to know ahead of time. He's been here longer than Whaley has, so in a sense it was disrespectful.
  4. I think Fred's biggest asset was his locker room presence and general leadership. He was a tireless worker and was beloved by the fan base. And with Incognito, punchy guy, Harvin and likely a few others; the fact we had an upstanding citizen who'd break his legs if it meant a win for us should have 1 spot in my opinion. Two players I immediately see as less useful is having a kickoff specialist and Bryce Brown, whom is as far from clutch as you can be. FJ knew how to play in the big game, the Bills didn't make it to the playoffs while he was here but it certainly wasn't because a lack of effort on his part. The least they should of done is tell him if he was willing to retire at the end of the year that they'd keep him, so he could ride off into the sunset a Bill.
  5. Honestly with Franson I'd use him as a 3rd pairing PP specialist. Risto-Bogo 20to25min Gorges-Pysyk 20min Colo/Weber-Franson 15to20min Then PP pairings: Risto-Franson Pysyk-Bogo
  6. I will say Franson had great stats the year Toronto went to the playoffs. 3g 3a in 7 games including 2 in the Game 7
  7. For 2 years isn't bad, he'll be a corpse by 31 though speed wise
  8. Another guy I'd be very interested in is Brian Campbell, I'd have no problem taking the vet who can still play big minutes for a couple years. He's older but would fit our needs perfectly in being a PP guy, and minute muncher for a year.
  9. Rex Ryan is in the new crazy Madden trailer, along with Colin Kapernick playing blind Al Pacino.
  10. Will walk back my complaint, not really. I wish the damn thing would get done already so we can move onto hockey with or without Kane. Do I feel bad for the woman, likely. As long as what she's accusing is true than yes. So get off that horse of yours and lets shake hands and go our separate ways. I deleted my stupid post and the slightly less stupid initial response since they came across wrong and were more of a kneejerk reaction.
  11. Yup I only speak mindless drivel, ridiculous maybe in my trade proposals but otherwise I rarely try to get into arguments and the like.
  12. I do not appreciate your condescending and/or sarcastic remarks....
  13. There once was a wookiee Who wanted a cookie So he went to the store to shop The wookiee was brave And refused to shave Thus drawing ire from a cop The cop had a cow While the wookiee checked the DOW And decided he also needed a mop The cop eventually gave up and a baby said sup To which the wookiee replied with a bop Eventually the cookies were found And were ever so round So the wookiee took out the one on top He paid for his food Although the cashier was rude Before eating the cookies like slop The End
  14. Well said however I would say Edm's top 6 may end up with the same problem Pittsburgh has had for years now. I don't doubt their skill but I'd certainly question their ability to survive the playoffs. So I'd say while Edm will likely have a faster point gain, I think Buffalo will more than likely make it to the playoffs slightly later and thrive. Edm also has the whole locker room problem and a badly raised core aside from McDavid. Hall and Eberle supposedly see themselves as vets while older truer vets say they really aren't seeing as they've never done anything team success wise. Chicago/LA could beat up a high scoring Edm if they merely play for themselves or their friend. I'd rather have grittier 30 goal guys who will claw tooth and nail to win over purely 40 goal getters in the playoffs.
  15. And this is why we all love you Josie, you give the forum art, and the other gender's viewpoint on anything. Thank you for the slightly awkward yet very informed opinion :worthy:
  16. I still want to know how he should figure out she's underage in that hypothetical she looks and acts like a 20 year old. It would be difficult when sober, almost impossible when already had a few drinks. What can you do? Just never drink, never go to bars, never pick up people at bars? Should someone honestly have to ask for the license and additional personal information confirming their age? I personally do none of those things, but if she sneaked into a bar underage, and then had sex due to said sneaking the people at fault should honestly be the bar and the girl. If its a legit rape obviously its a whole different story, but we shouldn't need to live in world where everyone has to do background checks just to make sure their ass is covered... Then throw the book at him if that's true
  17. So because I don't want to crucify him out of the gate makes me f*cked up? I'm not making light of rape, it's a horrid act and should be more damning then it is presently, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to blindly trust the girl because she calls rape. Also I love to create "plausible" scenarios for many things, this isn't anything new for me. Some are more plausible than others however.
  18. 1inInfinityTrades NotThewookie1 FTCAMYFB (Flying Turkish Cats Ate My Yams For Breakfast )
  19. If I had to guess, Kane met a mature looking 17 year old who snuck into the bar. They fooled around and now Kane's in trouble. If that is the case I doubt he's given more than a fine and probation seeing as he has a high end lawyer and the victim would be guilty of fraud, and likely underage drinking. If it was a legit rape however throw the book at him.
  20. I sure hope this is true because to me the NHL is the smartest league in how it just lets people use NHL footage as long as it isn't live and what not. They'd have a rebellion on their hands if they were to clamp down like the MLB does since they'd be essentially crushing any and all non-NHL advertising
  21. I agree we shouldn't decide to go all in this year and start mortgaging the future, but I think you are selling many Sabres short. ROR is certainly a Top 6 forward, and would be on any team. Eichel will almost certainly be one. Moulson is a legit Top 6 if he returns to form this year. (The guy has 205 pts in the last 4 seasons) Ennis has all the makings of a Top 6 guy, Gionta is a former Top 6 guy, Girgs is more or less a Top 9 guy varying where he ends up. Kane is certainly Top line material if he returns to form as well. I agree we shouldn't going and buy rental players at the deadline, but we didn't utterly doom ourselves this past few months. Drafting skilled players alone will never lead you to the Cup, just look at Edmonton. You need a good mix of vets to player alongside the youngsters. Plus ROR and Kane aren't ancient....
  22. Tyrod Taylor is certainly my favorite since he seems potentially able to become something great, and more realistically able to get there as well. And what I'm hearing about the D-line makes me excited to see them again, love seeing sacks and picks! Erin and I are the same age and were teammates on a soccer team when we were 10.
  23. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  24. If no one bites on Carle, they'll be in some trouble potentially. They will have a mere 1.7mil in cap space once they put Ohlund on LTIR and next year while Coburn and Ohlund come off the books they'll have all these RFA/UFAs including Stamkos, Killorn, Brown, Namestnikov, Kucherov, Paquette, and Witkowski, Coburn. The following year they'll have Hedman, Boyle, Johnson, Palat, Drouin, and both goalies. So while not desperate, they will have some problems in the near future, and he was acquired for a 2nd, a college guy, and a 7th a year ago. So we maybe looking at more of a 3rd and 2nd in 2017 but I'd still do that.
  25. A 3rd and a 5th? 2nd in 2017?
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