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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Not liking the UPL situation because he’s likely looking to gouge us.
  2. I like the player, have a hard time with the trade based on the Twitter and HfBoards crucifying us and comparing it to Erat for Forsburg. Granted had we done nothing we’d still be ridiculed just more quietly. I’m not entirely sure where Savoie would have fit long term but I wish we could have at least got a little more for him.
  3. According to the Oilers, he's a very soft player. I hate overpaying regardless though; we're being torn a new one on the HFboards
  4. I don't get why he isn't though; he tore it up in the WHL
  5. They trade Savoie for some dude
  6. Good question, I see nothing else
  7. I'd put Buffalo and Ottawa at 88 as well. We all have warts and beauty marks. Ullmark in Ottawa won't be Ullmark in Boston
  8. 1. While the cap hit is negligible, the commitment is a huge difference. If Zucker struggles, we aren't inconvenienced in anyway after this year. Monahan however could haunt CBJ for 5 years. 2. Monahan was quite literally a cap dump only 2 years ago and while he has rebounded, still has a rather troublesome injury history Plus, system wise, I'm unsure if Monahan could do it for a full season without turning back into the cap dump version. 3. Arguing that @dudacek is being purposefully dense to oppose your opinion is a choice.
  9. Happy 4th everyone! Sorry for the noise Canada
  10. Necas is all offense little defense, he’d just be a taller and faster version of Skinner making nearly the same money.
  11. Skinner will either be great in the playoffs due to his pesky attitude and skills or downright awful due to his lack of defensive effort and proclivity to over ply the puck at times.
  12. I’m looking at you Jeff Carter, thankfully he’s in Pittsburgh/ retired
  13. Why though, the more you push a topic like that the more backlash you’ll find. I’m not saying to ignore the fact but don’t make her out to be any different than any other coach. The idea, is at the end of the day the best way to help her is to not treat her differently. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier and do you know why most normal people eventually stopped being racist in the particular situation? He proved to all those watching that not only did he belong but that he was damn good at it too. He was no longer the black baseball player, he was just the baseball player. That’s part of why society is so fractured and factionalized now. Instead of finding the commonalities and absorbing new things; we instead target differences blow them up in the social sphere and then draw lines. Even worse now, some feel that due to their “specialness” they should be inherently praised. Should she be celebrated for being the 1st sure, but it shouldn’t be the reason she is praised or made special. Her womanhood isn’t what made her an NHL assistant coach, her talents did. I don’t need to know she’s a woman, I want to know what she does at an NHL coaching level to get the job and one day potentially reach the head coaching job. In the end working to make the average fan agreeable with it is far more important than trying to magically convert a full blown sexist; because by targeting the extreme stance you over shoot the general audience and create agitation in the process. Imagine learning addition and subtraction in grade school but then every year afterward you continue to be retaught adding and subtraction in the same manner. 2+2=4 etc. Even in Calculus II your professor explains the process of 2+2=4. It goes from helpful, to useful reminder, to agitating rehashing very quick.
  14. Frankly that has always been my thought; Pegula felt wronged by Eichel whom he poured resources and money into only to have him ask out. Without the request for a trade; he'd of been shipped to the best hospital with the best doctor for the surgery and given a blank check for rehab if he needed special rehab versus regular NHL styled types. When he asked out he was effectively made an ungrateful whelp who deserved nothing more from him. The Jets can kick rocks with that ask.
  15. Never, you can’t take that approach or we’ll get literally destroyed by any trade
  16. I'm not angry about the hire; she's supposedly a good coach. I just don't want every freaking Kraken broadcast on national media and every road crew announcer to bring it up 10 times a game. Plus then I won't need to see the endless complaints on Twitter 🙂
  17. Supposedly he said he would sign with us either.
  18. If you are hinting at catering advertising to the wrong demographic; I guess. I was more so trying to state that it has more to due with the idea of stripping people of "ownership" into more of a subscription model.
  19. We seemingly have done well in both. Although the locker room needs a bit more win-minded culture versus happy-go-lucky.
  20. If he was willing to come here, I'd be all for it. How do you win if players won't come to you?
  21. Well how exactly does one fix it? Chicago was guilty of far far worse and yet look at them.
  22. Congrats to her. I worry and know they will milk this until the cow is dry instead of just ya know, normalizing it. People won't care if it isn't shoved in their face every 5 minutes and that would mean she could just do her job, do well hopefully and just become another member of the coaching society.
  23. Well our team doctor didn't approve of it either, and he's a rather well known Sports doctor and famous for the whole Kevin Everett event in 2007. If he didn't feel comfortable with it and since this was the first of its kind in the NHL I can't exactly fault the concerns. Additionally, there were multiple teams that were on our side in the ordeal that wouldn't have let him get the surgery either. It wasn't exactly a routine surgery commonly done around the league. Just look at how Patrick Kane had to fight his surgery's results in order to get signed again due Backstrom, Kesler and Jankowski. Most NHL teams are naturally very cautious with any degree of risk. No bad buzz, well three other scenarios could of played out: 1. Surgery is successful and he comes back as a lame duck and then is traded at slightly better value(he still would have lost value due to the injury + surgery long term unpredictability. (Could of happened had the doctor approved of it) 2. Surgery is successful but takes longer to recover from after a few opinions are garnered. Team doctors are incensed by the team siding with some random out of league guy over their expertise. Eichel returns late into December or January and the team gets lowballed by concerned teams knowing we have to trade him before the deadline to avoid his NTC. 3. Surgery is successful but isn't NHL viable forcing him to LTIRetire, Sabres are quite literally screwed as their entire tank was for nothing and we are left to scramble. Additionally the team doctors are proven right and create a stir in the sports medicine field and teams league wide look into the viability of player's choosing their treatments. Tarasenko is the only Top 6 guy left. Van Riemsdyk would signal Zucker was meant for the Top 6 Pavelski has all but retired at this point
  24. Eichel endlessly haunts us it seems. Feels as if nothing we could of done with Eichel would of worked in our favor. You give him his surgery, Buffalo holds all the risk and then he has to play for you again to prove he's healthy all the while dealing with a NTC coming up at year's end. You could just trade him for peanuts and set back the team a decade but avoid the drama We chose to play hard ball and get some good assets but at least some teams are salty about us not just taking an L. It feels like sometimes we as a team are just supposed to take the flak and disappointment and be happy with it because we have a team.
  25. I'd be a tad torn at 6x6mil but wouldn't get too angry; would be more concerned about Quinn's availability Stupid Florida tax advantage. Although they are certainly now in a bit of a cap crunch. Granted some useful idiot team will bail them out for no apparent reason
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