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ska-T Palmtown

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Everything posted by ska-T Palmtown

  1. Joseph Smith ... I turned off the ESPN+ game when they said they were going to the post game show ... all the players were off the ice. I feel like I stumbled into an alternate universe ... at least they won the SO ... yikes.
  2. I saw that one too! The pie (mmmm...pie) chart says that of the 598 players during that time who played 100 or more games, 10.9% came from the 2nd round. The graph says (but not specifically) that of the 9 yrs and 30 players per year drafted in round 2, 22% made the NHL for 100+ games. Math check ... 10.9% of 598 is ~65 young folks and 22% of 270 is ... (drumroll) 59. Honestly those two numbers are shockingly close for some rando internet site that happened to be the first result in both our googles.
  3. I have no horse in the race between the two of you, but googled this because I am bored at work: So, a 4th round pick (between 2000 and 2009) had a 22% chance of playing 100 or more games in the NHL. Note there is no weight for how good those games were 🙂 The source is not some super math think tank, but the math seems to check out: https://dobberprospects.com/2020/05/16/nhl-draft-pick-probabilities/
  4. My problem is that I tend to hate all the other teams out of either jealousy or old-school rivalry reasons. I had a nice run here in Chicago before Toews and Kane faded ... but what other teams don't I hate?
  5. The "second most" he has sweat in practice lately may have been when he went back to Minny instead of Cancun?
  6. But I don't buy it. At a higher altitude there is less pressure meaning your sweat would evaporate faster, leading you to **feel like you** sweat LESS under the same exertion. This is, of course, a pretty simplistic take - but nothing about higher altitude that I can think of would make you sweat more other than working harder. 🤷‍♀️
  7. If he wants to make the playoffs and perhaps even win a series? Yup. He seems like one of those guys that the Blackhawks always seemed to have during the Toews-Kane glory days ...
  8. Yeah, "shoot left handed" in current hockey wisdom would mean they are actually right-hand dominant, hence if everyone did it that way, the league would actually be 90% left-hand shots. The fact that only 60% shoot lefty either means the % of people who do not play with the dominant hand on top is much higher than I thought - or left-handed people who shoot righty are WAY better at hockey (thus making up 40% instead of only 10%). I fear I have talked way more about this than anyone really wanted me to, so I will see myself out 🙂
  9. But they would not switch which hand they play with...I was speaking to which hands they use where to do hockey things, not where they arbitrarily line up on the ice. (I edited my other post to make it more obvious - I see where the confusion could have been)
  10. If this is true, it is actually kind of staggering. From what I know, most countries now teach you to have your dominant hand on top - so either natural lefties (who would play righty in this scenario) tend to be FAR better at hockey or there are still quite a few kids out there still opting for shot power over control. *Google tells me only ~10% of the world is naturally left-handed, so if everyone played with their dominant hand on top, you would expect the NHL to be like 90% lefties ...
  11. You are probably not wrong about that. From what I have seen - Skinner seems to be a pretty hard guy to play WITH. From observation, he does not seem to play any one style or system or anything with any consistency. I think the times he has been most successful (relative, I know) have been when others are doing well and he can focus more. I seem to recall him scoring many many "dirty area" goals in the past years off of rebounds and chaos. This year the only chaos he seems to create consistently is with his own team? I want to like Skinner The Player, but I can't quite get there 😕
  12. The only goals scored lately have been by a guy who was a healthy scratch most of the season and two defensemen (one of which was on his first shot in his first game with the Sabres) ... sure could use some more of that "scoring" thing around here. Most everyone thought Casey was "soft and weak" when he started - yet he was probably one of the few Sabres this year that won more board battles than he lost ... all this "tough guy" talk is simultaneously hilarious, pathetic, and toxic.
  13. Right? Haven't all the other threads talked about how we need to be patient with D-men because they don't really develop until they are 26-27? Perhaps there was sarcasm that we are not picking up? As in 24 makes him the "old man" on D?
  14. Would anyone else be that surprised if VO moves and becomes a somewhat meaningful contributor when properly coached and properly used? I will give the guy credit - scratched a LOT this year but still seems to come to play (within his skillset) when called up on.
  15. Katchouk sounds sorta like Tkachuk ... is that good enough?
  16. He forgot he was not playing soccer - lol. When you have been noticed TWICE in a season by the league ... you suck!
  17. Wait - I thought the point of the trade was to appease the SabreSpacers that can't stand the fact that the players hang out and do young adult things? If he knows people already, then it is just right back to Dahlin's basement for more fork-knife, right? /s
  19. Yeah - sorry for ska-splaining earlier, you probably know the regular rules better than me. 🙂 Sadly, I won't know the answer to your question until tomorrow when I check - lol. If anyone is super jonesing to watch this - you could do a 7-day free trial of Fubo? Nope.
  20. If you are a subscriber and the game was shown on ESPN+, then yes.
  21. Joker gotta shoot that one.
  22. What do we think of Messier behind the bench? lol - the "disappointed dad" way he can't stop talking about how he expected more from Buffalo this year 🤣
  23. Someone said upthread that it was not showing up on ESPN+, but I see it. Sorry if that was resolved already...
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