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ska-T Palmtown

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Everything posted by ska-T Palmtown

  1. I feel like I read somewhere that the Canadian and European development programs used to make fun of the Americans for trading control (dominant hand on top) for power (dominant hand low). After decades of getting wiped by the Canadians and Euros, USA hockey gave in. From memory, Patty Kane was one of the first wave of American kids taught this way. (This is the internet so I reserve all rights to be completely 100% wrong about anything I just typed ... but it feels true). **OH - I also have a really great book about the 1980 Olympic team (The Boys of Winter) and the Russians played dominant hand on top because they did not take slap shots ... they did not take slap shots because they did not have very many sticks and did not want to break them. There is a part where they talk about how at every tournament, the Russian team would ask the other teams if they could have a few sticks after the tournament.
  2. I think almost everyone does it with someone or something at one point or another. Normally it is because one person wants another person to be something they just aren't. This is just as true in real life as it is with sports fans. Owen Power is a solid defenseman who is figuring out how his game applies in the toughest, most skilled league in the world ... gosh!
  3. all this "Torts would do this!" or "Torts would not put up with whatever!" Ha! You know what Torts did? Lost to the team alls of yous seem to think is so inferior to whatever brand of non-sense he peddles! Woo! Ride it, Sabres!
  4. You mean Mr. +3 tonight? Ha, yeah, I am with you - but haters gonna hate.
  5. I get it. But all the "Sabres suck whatever" rhetoric aside ... they are tied with beating a team that is ahead of them in the standings. I dunno - not that bad. Could be getting punched in the d1ck by the BJs ...
  6. someone pissed in SS's collective cheerios ... jeez.
  7. something must be wrong with my feed ... i heard "a check by skinner" in the d-zone.
  8. Cranked something in my shoulder playing hockey ... feels rotator-cuffy. It is not awful, so we'll see. I know too many people who have had partial tears where they are told to just live with it 😞
  9. Does that count the two Tuch fired super duper wide and/or high?
  10. I feel bad for Byram ... Avs to whatever this is.
  11. I would find the former Sabre angst funny around here if Mitts were to hoist a cup this year. Could never really cheer for the swamp cats, sorry Samson.
  12. pretty sure power poked the puck up the boards to skinner who was allergic to getting it out. However, not even a BLIP of how bad this game is going.
  13. holy crap. This is worse than my beer league game last night ...
  14. I am sure anyone that cares knows, but the game will be on ESPN+ as well.
  15. Why did you have to go and make all sorts of sense?
  16. It seems if his buyout creates a cap dent so large that we cannot sign a decent replacement <insert dozens of arguments as to what that would be ... a traffic cone could replace his defense>, then the team is not better without him. He is maddening, he is frustrating, he is inconsistent ... he is also their leading goal scorer(ish), electric upon rare occasions, and likely a heckuva guy. I don't think Skinner is the problem with this team and likely not the biggest of the many problems.
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