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ska-T Palmtown

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Everything posted by ska-T Palmtown

  1. lol - alright ... without the context of regulation v OT loss, I will concede they were sorta right. I lost track of my original b1tch about people calling it a "loss" and in my mind switched to them calling "over" - which I think is more accurately what people were doing. I guess the abject negativity got me feeling a little feisty? PS - no fair actually reading my other posts!
  2. Not atol. The Sabres were down 2-1 with over 12 mins to play and people were calling the game "over" - getting a point from an OT loss is not in any realm the same as the game being over at 2-1. C'mon. I mean. Come. On.
  3. Maybe I was Idemo in some sort of fever dream? All the whiney crap about "no effort" ,etc etc etc - the Sabres were one failed to lift backhand from Tage away from the extra point ... oh well. Before the morality police show up - I am not gate-keeping anyone's reactions; merely commenting on how this team has everyone's emotions going all over the place like a yo-yo. Sheesh.
  4. I stand by my statement and all you negative folks can suck it!
  5. hahaha - a little adversity and this board folds like a wet paper tower. We need some grit around here. Some effort. Some jump. But seriously, calling it a loss with 12 mins left is pretty sh1tty ...
  6. You could see that goal coming ... in honor of cozens taking the penalty, the PK'ers decided to chase all over the ice and leave a guy wide open far post ... sigh
  7. LMAO at this thread ... game can't start soon enough!
  8. I'll take the "L" on this one ... I watched less than an actual minute of live game play ... and it was the 4 v 1. The boys could feel I was watching and got nervous. My bad.
  9. I'll put this here - since I am not sure where else ... it is "meh" vibes at worst, but not all bad:
  10. And he is not consistently taking dumb spicy penalties like Dahls.
  11. I'm not sure if I buy that considering he played just fine BOTH times he came back last year. I get the feeling this is the first time he as been asked to play in a complex system that even has the word "defense" near it. Not saying he can't do it - he just looks like he is over thinking a little. The west coast trip actually had a few flashes of the Quinn we need going forward. Also, perhaps it is The Cozens Effect? Two years ago, Cozens somehow played out of his mind and Quinn and JJP just sorta had to show up. This year JJ is with the big boys on line one and Quinn is with "not so great" Cozens and struggling. Causation? Correlation? A bit of both?
  12. @xzy89c1 - you gonna contribute to the conversation or just fly by with vomit emojis?
  13. This missing piece is the actual goals. The Tage number tells us that when he is on the ice, he (his line) should get about 61% of the goals scored. When he is not on the ice, the rest of the team is only at 49%. But that is purely a function of where the shots are taken and whether the "average" NHL player would score on the shot. If you have a high xGF% but a low actual GF - you (and your linemates) are either terrible shooters or are having bad puck luck. Conversely, if you have a low xGF%, but high actual GF - your goalie bails you out a lot and you bury the few chances you get. One without the other does not paint a clear picture of actual performance. A line stacked with snipers (or D-men he get those seeing eye pucks through) should actually have a better GF% than their xGF, since xGF is based on the "average". Based on that chart, if Gilbert's actual goals for % is higher than the expected, once could argue he is outperforming expectations, as low as those may be. Statistics without context can be made to say just about anything you want. There are very few players who single-handedly carry or sink their lines consistently.
  14. Cozens scored and Quinn found himself in the middle of the slot with the puck several times ... fingers crossed.
  15. This. This sums up my Sabres fandom right now. I want to believe. I also want to eat healthier, exercise more often, go to bed on time, and do all the recycling. Alas, I have been conditioned to do otherwise. 😉
  16. The highlight package I watched, the Sharks broadcasters were drooling over Dahls. Something to the effect of "one of THE elite players at his position in the league." But, I guess compared to what the Sharks have been watching the last few years?
  17. are we all just going to gloss over the timeline of "Idemo" disappearing about the same time Thorner made his triumphant return? 👀👀👀
  18. $30 for a 12-pack on Amazon ... no thanks. Jeez - the commentators are in the RAFTERS!
  19. Is no one going to comment on how bad AI is at hockey? The ref has a stick? TF?
  20. At this risk of a little hyperbole - pair him with a good solid stay-at-home type and he will be a nightmare for other teams.
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