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ska-T Palmtown

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Everything posted by ska-T Palmtown

  1. This tests my memory, so I might be wrong, but the Sabres had him top-4 and he has been a bottom pairing / depth piece since leaving, right? So, another case of poor organizational depth forcing a player to slot higher than they should, resulting in that player not being "good enough" to play for the Sabres. sigh.
  2. He looked fine - and produced at a rate above his rookie year stats - both times he came back last season. Unless, you are implying he has another, undisclosed, ailment that is vexing him this year?
  3. Ironically, by getting 1 out of 2 points last night, the Sabres incrementally increased their season points% 🤣
  4. Apparently, only a little over 50% of 8th overall picks ever score 100+ points in their career ... **Adding: this does not account for D-men who score at a lower rate and it is through 2023, so some kids might still be in juniors if they were not drafted by the Sabres.
  5. My older sister used to sit on the couch and watch every game we could (in the 80's, none of this fancy streaming hootenanny). She would keep track of the game in a spiral notebook with colored markers for the teams - just like keeping score at a baseball game ... she knew the stats - followed the team ride or die. Just texting with her, she was not even aware they played tonight 😞 "Oh ... I gave up on them"
  6. I wanted to give you angry, shocked, sad, and haha - so you get a cup!
  7. He made the really smart play holding the puck for a second to spring McLeod ... then he <checks notes> yeah, skated hard and got back in the play.
  8. Not disagreeing, but I think we'd have a pretty full 3rd line if that was the official struggle bus.
  9. JJ is one of the reasons why I still hold out hope for Cozens and Quinn. We all know JJ can do it, but he has looked pretty lost lately, too. Maybe being asked to at least think about defense is really harshing their collective vibe?
  10. It was a decent crosscheck to the hips ... but he definitely went down more easily than you'd think.
  11. i kinda feel like Rayzor is getting REALLY tired of this shiznit
  12. I'll be the first (maybe other have already?) to admit that this team has my emotions yo-yo'ing all over the place. I love the Buffalo Sabres as my hometown hockey team. They are in my blood, they are in my DNA and I will always be happy when they win a game. But this endless cycle of "omg! we might be dece ... nope. oh." is just effing with my head. I am a positive person by nature, but these MFs got me wanting heads to roll 😞
  13. Son of a biscuit - I wanted to put something about that in there; he showed against the best of his peers that he could do it. Too busy making memes for the the game day thread!
  14. So I think Terry and I have about the same amount of professional hockey experience ... zero. Both huge fans. If I had buh buh buh billllllions of dollars and my other sports team was making me money faster than my hasbro scrooge mcduck money counter could count, the last thing I would want to do is be in the weeds with the hockey team. But, perhaps this is why I am not a billionaire in the first place?
  15. when a very moveable object meets and extremely weak force:
  16. Yes. This. IF we had done a better rebuild and had a few more Zuckers zuckering around, some of these "kids" would have their fingers crossed they might play their 100th NHL game this year ... not 300th. I love the dude, but Benson would be playing his final year in the WHL if he was in a team with slightly above NHL talent AND execution. Too lazy to verify, but I would wager a modest amount that Buffalo has more games played by [whatever age] by 1st and 2nd rounds not drafted in the top-3 overall than all but 3 teams, at most. And my suspicion is that those other teams are also kinda lousy right now.
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