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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. That has got to be trade related right? I thought Mcnabb played really really well last night so i hate that move. Porter is eh
  2. Seriously I feel like he has played on every team in the NHL but ours. Every time I turn on another teams game he seems to play for them
  3. Woah weird
  4. Him and Risto should be an anchor for a long long time. With Myers finally looking like himself our defense should be very very good.
  5. Pettine has been rumored to want the Browns head coaching job a LOT. 11 draft picks this year on an average team. Still need a RB and a QB but the defense looks good and Gordon is a stud. If you can get three starters out of this draft it will be a quick turnaround.
  6. I'm not saying that he is the captain next year but I would bet his play would be good enough to be on the roster. Also he can do much more than weber can, of course there will be more mistakes with him but who cares?
  7. Why not? Him and Risto were the best defensemen at the Juniors. With other players who will be on lineups next year....
  8. Nope a Serbian Immigrant and Longshoreman. his name....... Dobrivoje Lučić
  9. yup this is what i wanted :( This is still what I want. A 6'4'' 240 pound winger who was abandoned on a frozen lake in Saskatchewan in the middle of winter as a three year old. He makes an igloo and chews a whole into the ice so that he can fish. When spring came and the ice broke he swam to shore, unlucky for him an angry moose was drinking on the shore where he landed. He grabs the moose by the antlers and kills the moose after ripping them off. Upon seeing this a pack of wolves respect him and not only raise him but make them their pack leader. He spends the next year hunting with the pack, then the wolves start to trust humans because of their leader. This proves to be a huge mistake and his adopted mother is killed by a man in the nearest town. He finds the man on a backyard rink and kills him brutally stealing his skates and stick. He then realizes that he cant keep going on killing all the humans so he teaches himself to skate and shoot and score. He travels the countryside finding every pond hockey and junior hockey game he can find. To make up for the humans killing his wolf mother he becomes the greatest hockey player to ever live. Every time the other team touches the puck he puts the guy through the boards and because our silly rules wont allow him to hit the goalie he destroys their psyches by scoring goals. He is granted exceptional player status as a 6 year old and destroys every record the OHL has. He is then given the first ever exceptional player status for the NHL and he leads us to the Stanley Cup each of his twenty years in the league. Its not too much to ask for right?
  10. Ehrhoff/Grig/Miller OReilly Stastny and a first!
  11. Dude the bills just got Ramses Barden and Nathan Williams SUPER BOWL
  12. 11 only plays well during summer Olympic years when they happen to fall on a leap year that has an average winter temperature above freezing. Also he has never had a goal or an assist in times where lake erie is over 63% covered in ice.
  13. Read everyone elses post. Both of our possible picks are looking to be higher than our first pick of the last draft. Risto could very easily be playing on this team and would be if it wasnt historically awful. That is really good for a defense-man. There are also 2 guys drafter after him that are playing regular minutes in the league. Reinhart is ready to play in the NHL right now, so is bennett, so is eckblad, and so are a few others. Those guys will be on rosters next year, two of them might be on ours.
  14. You will be wrong and everyone will point and laugh about it whenever they see my signature!
  15. Give him the King Henrik deal. After he accepts a trade that nets us at least a first round pick at the deadline. Tkachuk sweetheart deal.
  16. I think both of our first round picks will be playing here next year.
  17. 5 of the top 10 are playing for their clubs right now. that is if you dont include Risto...... also of the top 25 or so picks there are 3 or 4 forwards who could be in our top six this year. Right this minute. Especially Drouin
  18. Most top 10 guys play in the NHL that season. Unless you are picking projects, whcih we wont be. We already have projects.
  19. Which is probably why we havent already shipped stafford out.....
  20. They are only slightly better than us. We were going to make him the highest paid player and he wouldnt agree. He isnt going to sign anywhere until free agency and I bet you a much better team will offer as much money as the islanders. Yeah but the money is the problem. Montreal would want us to keep some of it and we want to get out from under that landslide
  21. I would think that depending on how we did in free agency we would at least be competitive for a wild card. That is without considering that I think it is very plausible that we may have two to three more first found picks depending on the trade deadline. I am still sincerely hoping for a Tkachuk scenario to work out with one or hopefully all of Ott, Moulson, and Miller.
  22. I would bet money that he doesnt stay there. I highly doubt he re-signs with them
  23. doesnt it have a trackpad? just use two fingers down. Thats the thing i like most about mac is the smart trackpad
  24. I think i am switching my opinion to want bennett and dal colle.
  25. Bias for action! You should teach him about it
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