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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. another good week I like this fantasy hockey thing
  2. Wow that is awesome, Ive never seen anything like this but its genius
  3. come on really??? now i have to think about that every time she posts
  4. I never saw this last year but they are ###### cool
  5. hahahah that is awesome
  6. hahaha am i playing you right now? cuz whoever is tim connellys ghost is absolutely getting crushed hahaa my goalie situation worked itself out nicely I think i am set for a nice little run in this league
  7. Hooters Buffalo Platter has been running through me for the last 12 hours..... When will I learn?? Also went to a bar last night for a girls B-Day party and the Ex and her new squeeze were there... He has a bolt through his nose, his eyebrow pierced and tats but is fat and short with like spiky anime hair needless to say the exact opposite of me very strange and awkward for most people that were there.
  8. yeah i stepped out on the plank with a few guys... still doing well though so i am happy lets hope eberle goes nuts
  9. oh thats you??? I guess it was an OK draft :nana: and the jets sent schiefele down... i really wish i would have kept matt read over him WTF was i thinking not ill try my luck with eberle
  10. Filet o fish absolutely no moves and still killing it that man was a genius drafter
  11. can someone post new standings.... I cant get there from work :(
  12. I like that you say weave was right and then are sarcastic and personally attacking slightly hahahah :thumbsup:
  13. I dont think it was that big of a deal, I dont think sportsbuff is nearly as accurate or inside as ecklund is :nana: :nana: :nana:
  14. OMFG where have all the gentlemen gone?
  15. kinda hard for letang to let up there, there has to be some responsibility on the puck carrier. If you turn like that I dont think there should be a suspension, dont even really agree with the penalty.
  16. For Iphone users there is a mobile app not ran by yahoo that works for yahoo. Since yahoo for some reason doesnt have a mobile app for hockey yet... I have been using it for about a week now and it isnt bad. I think it is called monster fantasy hockey and you can do pretty mich everything but trades while using it.
  17. I got lucky and pulled out a pretty big win, I expect to come back to earth this week with my defense not notching more points than my offense
  18. Thank you that is my main complaint for the season John Wawrow and Lori getting on me and treating me like I was stupid for challenging that and saying it was made up, I am still quite heated about it. And I have sent him a PM and he first told me he didnt have time and then told me I was being absurd
  19. another complaint mostly about my TBD post that some have seen... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ajr.org/article.asp?id=1340 "They might say it in slightly different ways, but journalistically, our responsibility is to convey the message of the quote accurately. The verbatim isn't nearly as important as is correctly expressing their meaning." That is a direct quote from Chuck Pollock, the article discusses two different schools of thought on quotation in articles. Which school of thought are you from? While the cliche may be old the quote was put together and changed by Chuck or in other words made up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am i totally wrong? Or can some see where I was coming from? This is the original article if you havent seen it. http://www.oleantime...1cc4c03286.html
  20. Sorry SDS that really blows
  21. I think my complaint for the week is journalists that use quotations around something that shouldnt have quotations. I agree with this statement "I'm one of those people who think quote marks are sacred, and when you are putting quote marks around it, you are telling the reader that this is exactly what the person said." This got me a lot of complaints on TBD but I still feel that way. http://www.ajr.org/article.asp?id=1340
  22. I appreciate that now lori is after me on twitter... I didnt mean this a a personal attack at a writer gees
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