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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. I hear incredible things about that, why is that a complaint?
  2. Same with Girgs, I would think Grigs has a higher upside though.... I dont get these rankings
  3. You didnt read it...... it is about upside not current
  4. I like how he uses the save pct like it wouldn't change drastically with far less shots. Also his PK save % is incredible when you look at how many shots he has faced man down
  5. Yeah also his math is pretty flawed
  6. Yeah the funniest part of it is that Miller has almost made as many saves at even strength as those two have combined. Also at even strength holtby has made about 300 less saves than miller in 5 less games...... So in the next 5 games holtby could catch miller if he makes 55.8 saves a game
  7. I am pretty sure stamkos said in an interview that MSL was taking his spot NM saw that on twitter from some nobody. If it was me I take Sequin.
  8. most certainly
  9. He would most certainly help.... I wonder what they would want to move to get the cap stuff worked out though..... It looks like mike green would have to go.... which would surely help miller as well because green is a defensive liability
  10. better than me and you going at it?
  11. SHUT UP NEWB! Just kidding. Every message board has that feel though. You just have to post and become an accepted member of the community. It was that way when I started posting as well and I think that I have earned my way into the club.
  12. What do you mean by lakeshore?
  13. Hahah no burrito, no callahan I hate this world!
  14. Plus LGR doesnt believe in buying a super pack. He doesnt want 4 burritos for 3 bucks a piece he would rather just have 3 burritos for 4 bucks a piece. He doesnt realize he could just give away that fourth burrito for cheap.
  15. Yeah if you read the article I posted you would see that it actually moved his projections up two years....... He estimated it to be at 71 million with no tv revenue in 2015-16. So imagine what it will be with the TV revenue. Also it begins next season as a projection of HRR. It wont truly be felt until the following year. "NHL revenues grew at a rate of an average of 7.1 per cent under the last CBA, so growth should be expected. After the first year, I’ve only used 5 per cent growth in my calculations, prior to factoring in the new TV deal."
  16. WHOOOOOOOSHHHHHHH thats the joke man
  17. It hasnt been accounted for actually. so it hops 10 million just based off that for next year. That isnt even counting the increased revenues this year, it being an olympic year where if past years are any indication, will help the game a lot. So 19+ million over 6 years is very do able. " That’s how the NHL will become a nearly $4-billion business and have a salary cap of almost $75-million in less than two years. The crazy part is what happens if you project that continued 5 per cent growth into the future. With the new TV deal added in, the league could easily have an $80-million cap by 2016-17 and a $100-million cap by the time the CBA expires in 2022. The floor projects to more than $75-million by that point." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/globe-on-hockey/mirtle-how-the-nhls-salary-cap-will-jump-10-million-in-two-years/article15627506/
  18. Whatever, you must be a CBA lawyer. Lower the cap hit in accordance with the rules if you guys are so worried about it. It isnt an issue though.
  19. Oh my gosh! Really????? Dude do the math exactly if you want. You give him 8.5 the first year and it ends up becoming 4.25! You know what I meant and it is well within the rules.
  20. Yes it is. You arent allowed to tack on 2 years at one million when you dont expect the player to play those years. Forecasting a player getting old is allowed. As long as callahan is playing here it is allowed. If he tried to get out of it then he would still count against the cap.
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