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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. Ennis is obviously a center and would make a great third line center next year
  2. RIGHT there should be a minimum number of games for positions
  3. :censored: :censored: :wallbash: my team has ###### the bed
  4. shut up you are crushing me
  5. There is a lot you can do with it especially with some of the geniuses online and incredible code writers but in the Air Force they dont allow us to do ANYTHING fun or imaginative. ITs technically a shared drive, document libraries, picture libraries, and If they are feeling frisky a calender or a chart. Maybe a KPI thrown in but most of the people i work with dont understand the thought of storing documents online so its pretty hard to introduce these things to the technological illiterate
  6. Right now I am in a SharePoint refresher training.... I dont really need refreshing so I am bored out of my mind
  7. The first time me and my friends went out after I got back from Iraq I promised them that I would pay the amount of weight the girl that they took home was if she was over 190... none of them would do it though :(
  8. mmmm spongecandy
  9. I have a feeling it will be shortlived... do you have any defenseman???
  10. I didnt adjust my roster while i was on vacation and I will never go 2-15 ever again lol I gave the lead away as well as my pick em. I was leading by 9 with two weeks left and fogot to make picks for week 16 until the 4 oclock games. I picked them all right and only got 3 point that weeks and ended up losing it by 4 points. I went from about to win 750 dollars to owing 15... I hate life right now. So i saw this and picked up bryan little. THANKS
  11. :cry: that really brought my mood down
  12. YES I am with you on all of this... P.S. The sabres play tonight so i guess that evens out to just an ok friday :(
  13. hahah i was hoping for something other than Lucic but if thats all then I dont think its that bad
  14. Nope not at all. :P What do people feel has been his worst call?
  15. Good I really havent had too many problems with the punishment shanahan has been dealing out. I think it is as fair as it can be.
  16. If anyone is around Newport News, VA my aparment is accommodating and only costs a 12 pack to watch a game. Hot chicks get in free!
  17. SO sorry :cry:
  18. This is the complaint thread if you wanna brag go start your own!
  19. For those two I will give you pronger :P
  20. Agreed there has to be some responsibility put on the player being hit. Keep your head up and dont turn into the boards like somehow magically it will stop the guy coming at you. Lower your shoulder and absorb the hit or else this is what happens to you.
  21. I agree with this
  22. perfect play IMO if a guy throws a shot like that the player comes right back at him in the same way and everything is kosher. That is policing themselves but we will see if that is allowed in the NHL anymore.
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