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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. This! Letting him go back to the Q isnt going to make him used to the faster game or the bigger bodies, he has already dominated at that level. The struggle at this level is what he needs to help him get used to the pace, he isnt out of place out there, he just hasnt been noticeable really. That isnt a bad thing for a young player three games into his career. Plus we are looking for the best team right? He has played better than a few of the guys that will be here all year.
  2. This was one of the worst days of my like, I was the first person at the light when that guy ran up on the sidewalk with people diving away like out of a movie, he busts into the intersection a cop tries to stop him only to get ran over and then two motorcycle cops ripped off there helmets and threw them at the driver, one broke the windshield and I think the other one hit the guy they grabbed hold of him and tried to rip him out of the car but he drove away toward the old endzone. I had about 7 people with me in my dads explorer and we were just at a loss, I couldnt even breathe. That is the worst thing that I have ever witnessed in person
  3. Is there hockey yet? I am ready to come back to the board but without hockey.... its boring around here
  4. Please god! Explain in detail your struggle, and how you are living in California and what jobs you do and what your expenses are. If you have the money for those things you arent struggling, you just have poor money management skills.
  5. Honestly I think and extra .10 to .50 cents per pizza is nothing compared to getting the people that work for his company health insurance. That is hardly noticeable, I live in an area that only has chain pizzerias and I eat papa johns maybe once a month or more depending on work get togethers. I have no trouble pitching in a few more dimes on a pie so that the driver delivering my pizza will have health insurance. It is an absolute joke that papa johns released anything in regards to this especially after the pictures of his house made it to the interent. The man had a ###### golf course in his back yard, and a grotto not to mention the guest house which is bigger than any house in the neighborhood I grew up in. A person simply does not need that much. I dont want to seem like I am punishing him for being successful and wealthy but when you have the ability to take care of your employees and you dont do that so you can live in an extremely lavish way, that is where I draw the line on the whole 1% argument.
  6. Terrible playcalling and failure to utilize spiller to the maximum, at least our offense isnt anemic like it was in the jauron era and we can actually play with almost every team in the league on a consistent basis. I wouldnt mind seeing the squad stay the same for the most part because I think 2-3 pieces is all we are missing
  7. Posting from Qatar this time and not Iraq, Thanks a lot guys and gals!
  8. Nice! I have to say it seems petty to me that the owners wouldnt just play this season under the old CBA. They are making money and should love what they do. I wish they would just solve this
  9. So are most against the players now? I was always against the owners, but now I dont quite know. What are peoples thoughts? I just want hockey
  10. It still needs to be done Also that article is stupid, anyone in their right mind would think that that conforms to the law. Everyone knows that lawrence can be shortened to larry. So if my ID says chris instead of christopher, they wouldnt know... Give me a Break Hahaha what makes that article even more of a crock is the picture. "Voter Fraud is a myth" hahaha
  11. There are elections every year, if you want to wait til after the big one fine but new voter id laws will always be implemented within a few months of an election
  12. How many people that are voting arent driving, buying cigarettes, beer or going to an R rated movie. Come on, that is the weakest argument EVER. Making someone prove their identity is not denying anyone the right to vote. THIS
  13. yeah thats my problem with the quote as well. HE implied that if a womans body didnt shut it down natuarally that it wasnt a legitimate rape They arent denying the right, you should have a photo ID and if the argument is the money or the time than have them bring there birth certificate and that would suffice or they could have someone to make them a voter ID card right there. Convicted felons cant vote, illegal aliens cant vote, foreigners cant vote, people that show up to the polling places should have to prove that they are eligible to vote. If it is a photo ID so be it.
  14. I could understand that then. I am personally pro life and politically pro choice, I dont want to live in a country that tells women what to do with their bodies, especially when it is a bunch of men making the decision.
  15. It is different because its not a test to pass. IT is a picture of your face with your name on it so they know you are actually allowed to vote and are who you are saying you are. You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol or cigarettes. I dont see why voting should be any different, they arent taking away anyones right to vote. The chains thing really?? Do people actually think that is racist? I dont see how...
  16. Agreed, two wars and billions of dollars later.... also almost 13 years and here I am sitting in Qatar
  17. Thats why I am not voting, also I dont think it is as important as some make it seem. and that was....
  18. I am not voting. 1) Because I dont think either candidate deserves my vote. 2) I have no faith in either to do a better job than the other. 3) I find it disgusting that as a Deployed US servicemember my "Absentee Ballot" is only counted if needed. I dont think it should hold more weight but I think it should be the first counted. 4) If I did vote it would have to be for a republican because the military cuts that have been carried out are hurting my quality of life. 5) Im not ready or old enough to become a republican.
  19. Guess what mine was....
  20. I am in Qatar so this deployment is cake! Thanks eleven
  21. The reason he hasnt signed is because there is going to be a F@#$@#$ lockout, I hate Gary Bettman. He has to be the worst commisioner in professional sports.
  22. I remember when I thought steve ott was rob ray...
  23. Agreed! On the point of ebooks, I bought my GF a kindle for christmas and I have the app on my ipad, I love them both! the only way i would buy a real book is if I want it on a shelf in my home or they dont have a digital version. So much easier than lugging a book around especially on long flights
  24. Hahaha how is Tempo? I think that will be my first meal back in Buffalo after this deployment. Tempo
  25. I just finished 11/22/63 and am currently about half way through Unbroken... both are incredible and I recommend them highly
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