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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. Overall hockey player? maybe but its close. Goal Scoring winger, its vanek every day.
  2. Titanic with 19 career NHL games.....
  3. Hopefully TSN remains doing the Draft day and Trade deadline coverage because it was top notch.
  4. Absolutely no chance of Stafford going at the deadline for a 2nd. People dont add projects or give guys a change of scenery when gearing up for the playoffs.
  5. I like Ekblad but we dont really need Defense. I am all for taking dudes that got Early in to the O.
  6. How often do you play? Not baking skates is fine if you are going to skate or play a few times a week. I never baked skates growing up since I was usually in them three times a week but now I only skate a few times a year, if I didnt bake my skates it would take me years to break them in.
  7. Please god do not follow this advice, with newer skates baking them is pretty much the only way to break them in properly. Especially if you arent playing a lot, you NEED to have those skates baked. Everything else he said is good though. Again I would recommend the Pro Shop at Leisure Rinks the manager has been there a LONG LONG time or at least he had when I left Buffalo 5 years ago. This guy had been managing there since my father was reffing when he was 13. Get them baked, wear them a few times, bake them again. It will help you immensely and aafter 2 ish months it will be like wearing slippers.
  8. They are going to suck for a while, my advice would be to call around and find a place that will fit them for you. I know Leisure Rinks used to bake them for you, I dont know if thats still true.... if you call around to some of the pro shops you should be able to find a place that does. I would spend ~150 on a good pair of skates, it seems like a lot but skates can last you a long time especially if you only play a few times a month. I prefer Bauers overall but it really depends on how they feel on your foot.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/30/darnell-barton-new-york-bus-driver_n_4178023.html Idk if this was already on here but wow, def made me tear up. IDK why but it was moving
  10. They were bad but this team might go down as one of the worst of all time Also on pace for the fewest goals scored in the history of the NHL
  11. Delirium Tremens..... Blows my mind every time
  12. Both ways, it has been said by him I believe that he talks to every GM on an almost weekly basis
  13. What? Tavares is elite level talent who Vanek is playing with..... Vaneks play will be raised and Moulsons will be lowered, Moulson is by no stretch a better overall player than Vanek. No hockey person on the planet belives that. Including all of the GMs in the NHL. Which is obvious since we also got a 1st and 2nd round pick in addition to him in the deal.
  14. I dont either and it was for sure a good move and impressive fleecing of the Isles but Vanek is going to thrive there. We are going to see how impressive he could have been with elite talent.
  15. I am wondering why no professional league has done this.
  16. Since Moulson became a regular he has 315 games played 120 goals and 105 assists. Over that same time frame Vanek has 281 games played 110 goals and 127 assists. So vanek has 237 points/281 games good for 0.843 PPG Moulson is at 225/315 for 0.714 PPG. Note: This throws out two of vaneks top 3 offensive seasons. One which I highly doubt Moulson will ever come close to (GP82 G43 A41 P84 +47)
  17. I dont have BVS just Shanahan Syndrome where me and other fans of every franchise and media members can never accurately predict a suspension. The more strongly someone feels about a player is the main factor when determining the suspension. Was kaletas hit bad? sure but was it ten games bad? absolutely not.
  18. Everyone on this board must be smoking something. Vanek is going to be fine on the Island and I bet he lights it up on a really good line. His conditioning will catch up quickly if it needs to at all. For everyone that is now bashing him that he is gone that makes no sense. He gave us a lot of good years and has been one of the most consistent scorers league wide. Moulson is a good hockey player but he does not have the talent that Vanek does.
  19. It isnt, it is unfortunate that his head was hit but that wasnt headhunting and neither was scotts. When you cream a guy with your whole body on his whole body the head is going to be involved. That doesnt make it dirty.
  20. I can understand this, I still dont agree with a lot of the guys on this site saying that they lost respect for scott and those that are up in arms about it being terrible. I think its borderline just like the Dubinsky hit and if anything being kicked out of the game is enough. I think these hits are legal though but if they are going to take it away there is no reason Scott should be waiting for an in person hearing and Dubinsky is let off with just his game misconduct. The league is demonizing John Scott and it isnt fair to him.
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