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Everything posted by FolignosJock

  1. anyone watch? how was it? who stood out?
  2. he played bad though....and some of the guys left behind were for older players who were already drafted....
  3. Yep they are only three rinks within 2 hours of me. Actually a guy died last week playing in the league near me as well. Collapsed on the ice. The money is just way way too much. Especially since free skate is the same pricing as in and around Buffalo.... I dont get it. That is nice
  4. Where are you at? I hate that it is this much because I want to play but I cant afford it. My dad played in a bar league in Fredonia and he only paid like 125. That included a jersey! They did have bar sponsors but still! That is affordable.
  5. whats the pricing at where you guys live. Down here it is around 425 for a season. I think that's outrageous
  6. I wish i would have been around at the beginning of the season to do this. Very cool. Another board I frequent does this with the stock market, it is a great way to teach people to invest.
  7. Grigorenko is gonna be fine. Everyone agrees he got put through the ringer because of mismanagment. It will work out. Although he is going to hold out in 4 years because his next contract is not going to be up to the caliber he is at and he is going to want the money he deserves.
  8. YES! You are welcome!
  9. has kassian ever scored a shootout deciding goal?
  10. Hhahahaha this guy is a forum thesaurus!
  11. Hhahahaha who are you asking for advice? Do what I say!!!! You wont regret it!
  12. You dont do that....... you start off like three feet from the boards. Take a short stride and try...... How could you read what I put and think of it as skating full speed at the boards?
  13. Who is the two? I feel like the whole world hates lundquist right now
  15. It is the easiest way! My father taught me when I was four, and it was my first time in pads but i had been skating multiple times just using a toe stop. I also refused to fall down, I thought of it as a source of pride that I could skate without falling down. Then we got on the ice in pads and he knocked me down! He ruined my streak of not falling down to prove to me that the pads would make falling not hurt and to not be afraid of falling down. After that stopping got easy.
  16. It isnt that hard, it is mostly just a leap of faith. YOU ARE GOING TO FALL. You might even hurt your butt however it shouldnt take that long to learn. A good 30 minutes of attempting to do it as I said and you should have it down. Then it is just building confidence so that you can do it when you are going full speed.
  17. Its literally all courage. Just go for it! I would practice going slowly towards the end boards and then just put both skates against your momentum. then increase speed gradually, the boards are there to stop you and for you to grab onto if you lose your balance. ALTERNATE FEET every time or every few attempts, you want to be able to do it in each direction. http://howtohockey.com/how-to-hockey-stop There is a good site with great pictures. I couldnt view the vids but the pictures are what you need. It is 98% mental and 2% balance in my opinion. If you can just ignore your brain and do it it wont take long at all to learn.
  18. No but Nolan pinch hit enroth and he hit for the cycle.
  19. Weirdly, I still feel pretty confident that the Leino contract is going to work out.
  20. Really? This isnt even a question. CoHo is the better player. Will be the better player and we most definitely won this trade. We also got what we needed more of and that scoring line center. Also Foligno does everything Kassian does and he does it better and not dirty.
  21. Stop with the hypothetical whoa is me catastrophization crap that always happens with Buffalo people. Now I wish i would have never brought it up
  22. Oh calm down! People shouldnt be out driving to a game. Safely watch from home and hopefully they can reimburse people in some way.
  23. After watching Reggie in the last Olympics I thought he deserved a lot more playing time than he got here. I also liked Gerbe but with him and Ennis our team was way too small, you can only afford to have one of those types on a team in my opinion and Ennis is the better player.
  24. This was my idea!!!!!! Remember who said it first!!!! NHL you owe me big time!
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