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5th line wingnutt

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Everything posted by 5th line wingnutt

  1. They have had a socialist government for 19 years. Prior to that they were the richest country in South America. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36319877
  2. Health care crisis "Worse off than war zone." http://www.irinnews.org/news-feature/2018/10/25/worse-war-zone-inside-venezuela-s-healthcare-crisis
  3. I just poured an eagle rare. Cheers!
  4. I have not seen any data on the New SAT. Have they published anything? Let's start at the beginning...there are 2 possible causes of the racial test score gap; environmental causes, and biological ones. Biology is pretty easy, how good a brain did you inherit from your parents. Environmental ones are very messy and include, but are not limited to, home, neighborhood, culture, quality of education, and test bias. These causes are not mutually exclusive. I think some of the gap can be explained by pretty much everything in my list. I think testing bias is somewhere between small and negligible.
  5. https://nypost.com/2018/10/17/harvards-gatekeeper-reveals-sat-cutoff-scores-based-on-race/?utm_campaign=iosapp&utm_source=facebook_app&fbclid=IwAR1coamvzhhgyuy6qOtE-bYMTX3Hgt0UG0roZHbxJm_Z5bAhj-pNGfVZwAE Seems like discrimination to me.
  6. Kind of depends on how many people agree with him.
  7. The evidence for this is very weak. The SAT is a good predictive test. It actually slightly over predicts black academic performance. If it was biased it would under predict performance.
  8. Yes, a blog I read (instapundit) has had several links to stories about this during the last couple of months.
  9. Article about the next CBA. https://www.spectorshockey.net/2018/09/the-two-biggest-potential-issues-in-the-next-nhl-cba-standoff/
  10. Pope Francis takes action!
  11. Trade talks to resume next week: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/31/trade-talks-with-canada-will-restart-next-week-as-trump-seeks-a-deal-in-90-days.html I think that new trade deals are the end game on the tariff issue.
  12. Mr. Mercedes, season 2, directv, audience channel. 8/22/18.
  13. Power ranking
  14. Judge allows release of printed 3D gun blueprints
  15. Part of the gerrymandering is "natural". Big cities tend to be Democratic, rural areas Republican. New York City is heavily Democratic and has 9 million people. That is 12 congressional districts right there. Other big cities are similar.
  16. https://lidblog.com/memes-explain-ruissiagate/ I found this amusing. YMMV.
  17. Can unions be sued for Janus Claims? http://reason.com/volokh/2018/07/19/can-unions-be-sued-for-janus-claims
  18. If it was a bad bargain so be it. If it was corporate welfare I am against it.
  19. You are not refuting my point. You are arguing that the government made a bad bargain, and I agree with that. I also agree with that workfare is way better than welfare. Certain folks talk about "what do we owe the poor"? They never ask "what do the poor owe the taxpayer." I think the answer is along the lines of "an honest effort to support themselves." I am not mean spirited, I am willing to help those who cannot help themselves. Many can make an effort. If they fall short I am willing to help. The current system encourages zero effort in many ways.
  20. 1st bold: why? 2nd & 3rd bold: The capitalist offers a job to the laborer, under certain terms and conditions, such as wage rate, and the laborer accepts. The laborer labors and the capitalist pays him, as agreed. This is a completely voluntary exchange. If the laborer was not getting a "fair share" why did he agree to the exchange? Where, exactly, is the taking. Your post seems to be a backwards way of expressing the Marx (not Groucho) labor theory of value.
  21. Sure it is. Halliburton is getting paid for providing goods or services. The welfare client is getting money for nothing (except possibly his vote). In the latter case money goes from the taxpayer to the government to the client with nothing in return. How is this not wealth redistribution.
  22. Leftists believe in the redistribution of wealth. Now you are going to get more of it. Oh, well.
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