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Everything posted by RazielSabre

  1. I would like to know a bit more about his role. His held it for almost 20 years now and seems to be widely hated. If the worst happens and there is another lockout surely it can't look good for him since that will be 2 in less than 10 years, but there never seems to be any mention of him losing his job. Who governs/controls his job? Is he really as corrupt as everyone makes out? Anyone give me a bit more information in the details/politics of that side of hockey? I know my question is vague but other thank knowing he kinda controls hockey I don't actually know that much about him/his job. Wikipedia is useful but it's not quite as good as hearing it from ya'll.
  2. Very interesting, thanks for that.
  3. Probably been said, but you do realise thats FireLindyRuff NOW. Right?
  4. I wouldn't worry, I suspect this is just people being desperate for something. You were merely a baby to their Dingo... Lol, sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
  5. I'm completely addicted to Skrillex - Bangarang

  6. :lol: :lol:
  7. I really think this is being overblown, look at bolded line.
  8. Well made point, agreed.
  9. I've got better things to do than to watch a video, if you want to reply please write what you have to say. .
  10. To be fair there is a difference between, as you say, 'jerking off in 3 threads' and calling someone a prostitute, as was implyed I believe. Not that I really want to get involved.
  11. I believe that one. The others I suspect are 'bored offseason talk'.
  12. Sounds like Ruff anyway, just slightly more extreme.
  13. Regier has already stated that there are 3 players his not moving, Myers, Ennis and Hodgson. Provided they can sign Ennis that is.
  14. I still disagree, based on what I have seen over the last couple of years.... Toughness has been a complaint for about a year or so, but no more.
  15. Having been on this forum a number of years I've seen a number of complaints from TSC. 1) Regier is useless for letting Drury and Briere go. 2) Lack of scoring is Ruff/Regier/Tuesdays fault. 3) Toughness. 4) Certain players not scoring at a PPG rate. 5) Certain players being hated for, well, whatever reason TSC feel like. So no, TSC aura has been whatever could be portrayed as negative at any one point in time. Oh and no-one loves everything about this organisation, most people just know how to have a balanced opinion.
  16. Yep. In truth I don't give a ###### about the incident itself, I'm arguing on morals.
  17. Kinda supposed to be to be honest. As Weave will undoubtedly say: 'Hyperbole'. There is a point there though, if you look hard you'll see it.
  18. So your all for Sharia law? Personally I'm not anyway, but I believe that would have been the best way to respond. To win and beat them. You play hockey to win, not to fight.
  19. FIFA are one of the most corrupt organisations on the planet, but that comment is a clear breach of a number of rules. However justified she was in the comments, dems da rules. By the way, I think she was justified but before anyone says this is what happens in football I have seen matches like this in the NHL and other sports. It's not good and it's not acceptable, but that happens in sports.
  20. While this will no doubt be twisted into a pointless, I'm-bored-and-its-offseason Ruff rant I do think this could be an interesting discussion about Dineen as an NHL coach. My thoughts on Dineen: While inexperienced I think he could be an excellent head coach. Panthers were good to get him. My thoughts on Ruff: Proven, good coach with a system that works. His been a good coach working with poor teams but doesn't seem to be the best motivator when the team is down, however this can be attributed to the mental toughness of the team. I think Ruff deserved one more year at the time given the circumstances. If it was this offseason and Dineen had expressed an interest I would say yes, fire Ruff and hire Dineen. Last offseason, no. However given the fact his not available I don't know of a better coach at the moment so keep Ruff.
  21. I see your point, hadn't realised with Segiun, Giroux and Schenn.
  22. Just because his using his brain as opposed to thinking with his fists doesn't mean he enjoyed the Sabres being out of the playoffs. If we had taken it as a strength and gone on to win the next 10 games straight I'd have taken that as a message that if you mess with the Sabres you'll only make us stronger. Fighting half the Bruins then losing the next load of games would only make Buffalo look stupid probably harming our reputation even further. Your pushing boundries now. I've been in those situations. My instinct was to make sure those I love were ok. I've also been on the other side of the situation, then see the one you love go looking for retribution rather than making sure I'm ok. Be DAMN sure you know you speak from a higher authority before making statements like that. In this case you don't, so shut up.
  23. Crosby numbers? Again?
  24. Yer but my only worry with that is that now we have a top 2 center and starting him off in the NHL as a winger. Cant have everything though and it might be worth a shot. Most of this conversation would probably be best in the Sabres 12-13 thread actually. Shall we get back to the lack of information regarding Doan?
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