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Everything posted by RazielSabre

  1. I really hate that wanker, no specific reason. Just do. Interesting, I have to say this is the first time I've known this board to be spot on about something. Then again it's wasn't a particularly tough deduction... Heh. I'm putting no big sway on it either way, with the CBA in flux probably best if we don't sign him. Plus I'm far more focused on getting Ennis signed.
  2. He did well, but thats all. Need I remind you that Ruff made the SC finals in his first year? Forgetting that his looked to every NHL team for a job and no-one wants him. Oh and he then accused them of racism. Dude's a real winner, sure...
  3. He made a crap division and barely made the playoffs and his in his first season. Historically a coaches most success season. Did they do well? Yes. Should we have done better? Also yes, these aren't points being debated though. I'm not even sure what your point is, we don't have a good enough sample size of him as a coach to tell.
  4. Christ on a bike I didn't realise, fair play.
  5. 1 SCfinal, 1 presidents trophy, (2?) ECFinals I believe, yes it's not all been success but considering in that time we've gone bankrupt, lost two of our key players in one day and had 3 owners I don't think we've done all bad. Florida goalie: Theodore was the goalie, .917 save %. Oh and the backup had a .913save%, which is a marked improvement on Enroths season. Florida stars: Campbell, Versteeg, Fleishmann, Weiss. Not major stars but solid players. They did well and were a good team. Despite the fact they had one of the worst goal differentials in the NHL and got in to the playoffs by losing in overtime. Dineen did nothing special with a reasonable team. The part about players coming here and having their production drop has limited truth, only when the players haven't played in a defensively responsible system before. For certain players it has allowed them to thrive.
  6. Agreed, great signing for them. I do think they desperately need more offense though.
  7. And I'd hoped humanity had got past the 'era of the mindless thug'. Sadly it appears not. I would quite happily see all pure enforcers out of the game. Physical power forwards and skilled players with a physical side, even grinders and energy players are fine. Thugs like Scott, Lucic, Parros, Boulton have no place in todays society or game. I know Lucic is a stretch but his mentality lets what skill he does have down. EDIT: Agitators like Ott and Kaleta are ok, as long as they are fulfilling a second role.
  8. Thanks for that. I just don't see him playing again.
  9. With every single premier league club in debt and most having a constant chance of going under (and Portsmouth almost already have, Rangers in the SPL have) I can say we really don't want contracts like that. If prosperity long term means no season next year, I'll take it.
  10. If Pronger retires due to this injury does his salary count, I assume it doesn't atm as his (probably?) on LTIR. If it does start counting where does that leave them against the assumed cap?
  11. $6mill a year for a 25 goal scorer? The NHL is doomed if that is 'the market'.
  12. So Simmonds is a pending UFA. What do you pay him?
  13. :lol: :lol:
  14. Why call a bunch of people out and then turn this in to an arguement between half the board? The point we're arguing over isn't even valid to this damn thread! I believe my point and nothing I say will change your mind. It has been said and I refuse to waste my time on a fools errand for you.
  15. As I've said before, the reason a number of us make statements like that is because there are more than a 'small minority' of people here who have expressed that opinion. I'll admit, not a majority, but not an insignificant number of people either. There's a reason so many of us say stuff like that.
  16. Bolded: Lol. I don't consider getting in fights a particularly good thing if your Simmonds or Stafford, you're there to provide secondary scoring, not fight. We have idiots like McCormick or Scott for that.
  17. Leino, at this stage, is worth about $1mill. Don't forget how many players Philly have lost so far. That might have played into them giving him so much money.
  18. If we get Briere and win a cup how many Flyers will have been traded out only to win a cup with a new team the next year? Funny thought.
  19. His not a Sabres player. It's therefore a steal...
  20. I see the logic, I just don't see it happening. I don't think he'd want to or thay Philly would either.
  21. I looked at Phillys stats and saw how many of their top scorers are still Flyers. Not many so I'm almost sure they won't trade Simmonds, not even for defense. I see them trading picks for players but not much else. I'd take a 2nd and a 3rd rounder for Leopold tho.
  22. Negativity aside, that post did make me laugh. I heard that somewhere, just find it stunning. I mean we do such a good job of killing each other.
  23. Also there was no Shanny, and he was stomping on retribution early on in the season. No doubt that made some level of difference. If you know you'll hurt your team in the long run because Sheriff Shanny is cracking down on retribution you'll think twice. I'm not saying it was the only reason, just without a doubt part of the reason. Mosquito's can carry fatal diseases. I always said we would miss him, I think we did.
  24. My point wasn't that we're not soft, its that there are plenty of people here that want a purely physical team and have probably pined for one since we lost Peca. I think the team has lacked an identity over the least few years, other than being 'cheap' I mean. Things were never going to come together in one season. I'll accept that apology.
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