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Everything posted by RazielSabre

  1. I now own a sub to NHL Gamecenter Live, rock on! :D:D:D:D:D:D

  2. Listening to Becoming Insane by Infected Mushroom. Fecking rules.

  3. 16 chicken wings for dinner. Seriously bad news the next day...
  4. I cannot believe I actually thought Spotify supported and paid artists. Corporate tossers, just as bad as the big record companies.

  5. Seems like your having a really rough time at the moment, wish it turns around soon dude. :)
  6. LMAO thats actually distubing. I am a fan of metal/rock with melody but can't get past the roaring. My mate is trying to get me into Devildriver but I can't, I'll meet him at Trivium/Mastodon, who are ok. Lol. Thanks for the correction, I'll go and change the oringinal thing heh.
  7. Who in this hole things the dale farm residents deserve to stay?

  8. Somebody needs to beat those idiots to death. I'm a rocker/metal fan but I HATE death metal.
  9. Yes, oh yes oh yes. As an Atheist more so. :)
  10. I'm going to assume you're not a big fan of Richard Dawkins?
  11. I checked this thread late but you deserve a clap! :clapping:
  12. Does my boss agreeing to do a job as I've planned it but saying we'll do it in 1/3 of the time, and for a profit count as a complaint? :censored: :censored:
  13. R.I.P Steve Jobs. The world has lost a brilliant visionary and pioneer.

  14. Fair enuff, ok, see your point. LMAO bout the offense thing, very true.
  15. When you meet god you want to look nice. Guess that tune!

  16. Just because the hit was to the head doesn't make it automatically illegal, Campoli had his part too. He lost control, ducked forward and what we can only assume a full body check became a head hit. They don't have to like it to find it legal. Campoli's loss of the puck made it legal, but with everything there are two sides and Malone got a warning too. Not sure what your problem is to be honest. No offense intended. :).
  17. Yep, completely agree.
  18. I like the video breakdown of why he didn't add anything to that one. Once in a while it's a good thing to understand what makes a dodgy hit legal.
  19. THANK YOU. The guy isn't a natural presenter anyway (can you say 'robot') but wow he's getting tired of this. I half expect him to make one saying 'PAY ATTENTION, STOP MAKING ME MAKE THESE ###### VIDEOS. ITS REALLY SIMPLE', take off his tie and run out of the buiding screaming. Ok, I might have taken it too far. :ph34r: EDIT: I think it's 'Vice President of player safety' DOUBLE EDIT: Anyone else want to see him do one on one of his own suspensions (I believe he got a couple) and one on the Bertuzzi-Moore sucker punch?
  20. Was Averys allegation ever verified or could he be lying?
  21. I think Shanahan might then spend all his time making youtube videos for pissed off fans.
  22. +1. Nice post man. :clapping:
  23. Not sure I see the big deal with the new facebook, seems to work better and looks almost the same.

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