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Everything posted by RazielSabre

  1. Warhammer 40,000: Legion of the Damned. great book so far.
  2. Don't be silly, that would require Deluca having a reasonable, fair, thought out opinion as opposed to hating everything.
  3. Forgot my damn lunch. Blast.

  4. Theres only one thing in Toronto I want and thats to visit the CN tower. I'd keep the center, it being our weakest position and all...
  5. Lmfao.
  6. That was the plan anyway. I don't think a 1st round upset was their plan lol. Kass is mainly there to protect the star players, and from what I can tell his doing a really good job. That was sarcasm.
  7. They want him for hitting and strength, remember their going for the cup this year and nothing less.
  8. Their looking everywhere for answers. The problem for them now was the same when Miller got run by Lucic for us. Your star gets run and you start doubting yourself, they fall apart.
  9. Well I appear to have the flu but at least my Xbox has arrived :D

  10. Mass Effect 3 RULES!

  11. I don't buy that for one minute. His struggling and getting far too frustrated but if he takes it slow and has a little fun all will work out. His still a rookie and the change from Vancouver to Buffalo has to be a big one. Styles, offensive prowess, etc.
  12. Nobody with the worst +/- on the Sabres gets put in our top 4 (Regehr). Myers is our franchise defenseman and probably the best 2 way Dman on our team (Ehrhoff is much better than he was but I feel I can rely on Myers at both ends while Ehrhoff is more offensive).
  13. Both have had one good season, seems like an impossible question.
  14. Bye bye towers. Glad to see them go.

  15. Calgary might take him, or he might be too young.
  16. While I've thought long and hard about Penner, even cheap I have to agree with you. He is the last type of player we need.
  17. I agree, I also like the article on the front page about him, backs up that 'clutch' image. Nice, hadn't heard that. As much of a disaster as it's been for us this year, especially him, I can't help but like him.
  18. Supposedly, as discussed. He seems happier now.
  19. Dear cyclists, before any of you moan about drivers any more please DONT RUN RED LIGHTS! Yet again I see cyclists choose what road rules they want to abide by. Don't want to be treated like scum on the roads, start abiding by the laws of the road like everyone else. Tossers.

  20. Ah ok, thought it was more. I still think Leino's game type suits Vanek and Pom better than Roy. Also he is slightly bigger so might be better in that regard too.
  21. I'd prefer $4mill anchoring the 3rd line than the 5.7 or whatever Leino's on pay wise. Whether it's fair or not I think it would help fans perception and maybe even the players if Leino went on the top line.
  22. No, but it was kind of funny. Really? Already? Wow you don't take long.
  23. Don't know, pretty good on Saturday. I'd think about swapping him and Roy around. He seems to thrive off of good linemates more than most.
  24. Don't get me wrong, he worked hard at the things he was good at but I've always felt thats all he did. He was never terribly physical, never a fighter, never an energy player. He is one of the best at his game but his gone now so do we just hope we can resign him or do we see if we can get a physical, hard presence who can also take faceoffs?
  25. I'm also quite for getting some new blood in the ranks. Gausted was a big useful center but I think he is guilty of coasting at times, relying on being good at PK and faceoffs to not always be the best he can be, certainly offensively.
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