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Everything posted by RazielSabre

  1. I saw about 30 seconds and wow, I played better at school! Booing and Jeering to make you proud!
  2. I understand your point, don't get me wrong. If I were Shane Doan though I'd have a shortlist of 4 teams: LAKings, San Jose Sharks, Anahiem Mighty Ducks and Colorado Avalanche. Maybe Dallas Stars, depending on if I was out of options. I suspect his priority is his family, NOT the Stanley Cup. I suspect that because he has said so (if he moves, it won't be far). This why I've always maintained we don't have a shot.
  3. I haven't read anything about him 'wanting a cup'. All his stated his wanted is to stay in Phoenix or to have stability. Thats all his said, nothing about a Cup.
  4. Wow, brilliant post. Excellent point, I hadn't seen it like that but it makes sense to me now.
  5. If I said hit, I meant beat. You win the beat down on Lucic and Chara, but you make it happen anyway. You pick that fight AND you win it. LOL. Wow. True enough. I do know a number of people that think its a stupid sport played by thugs though.
  6. Game, set and match. You get the gold medal sir. Yet you complain when GoDD does it about Ruff/Regier/Sabres organisation.
  7. You were expecting one? :huh: I will never think a 35 year old player is worth Parise money, especially as it's only $2mill lower than Crosby got. I know what he brings but I object to the cost.
  8. You seen any of the footage? About 4 teams have been thrown out now I think, two S.Korea, one Chinese pair and an Indonesian pair. Idiots.
  9. :) Chara is a huge chunk of perfectly mobile meat who can take a beating and is SERIOUSLY guilty (ask Max Pac) of his own violations. Go after their big guns was my point. Going after their goalie shows we're as pathetic and classless as they are and that is unacceptable in my eyes. Would you have messed with Brodeur with Stevens on the ice?
  10. Time to throw in the whole 'I'm an Atheist and I take objection' routine and get a real argument started. Don't worry, I'm joking. I don't really care either. :)
  11. I was WONDERING if the main cultural difference COULD be the fact you guys believe more in retribution than the Brits do. That is all, not thuggish or brutish. Both cultures are equally capable of brilliance and atrocity alike. Keywords: Wondering, Could. Agreed, you try putting any other team in the same position. The defending Stanley Cup Champion gets the benefit of the doubt as they are the poster child for the NHL, but even then it was unjust. Also one additional point, we would have done it as retribution, so we would have been penalised worse. Technically mine aren't. I want to make sure whoever the 'victim' is is ok. I have no interest in violence. But thats a personal preference. I understand it's part of the game and going after the biggest, toughest members of a physical team like the Bruins would have been good. Imagine Vanek, Pom, hell even Gerbe or Myers checking Chara or Lucic into the boards Scott Stevens style? I believe that sends more of a message than flying into the goalie like 'special superman'. We aren't a brilliant sporting nation, but the reason we aren't good at Ice Hockey (very important to be specific, field hockey is far more popular) is because of a) while most people know of it, most Brits hate it. Us Brits are a minority (you should feel yourselves blessed by our presence :P). It was not a slight, it was the beginnings of an observation. For instance, guns are licensed, legal and popular. Hell with the NRA its argued that they are part of your constitutional right I believe. While guns are legal under license over here the licenses are stricter and there are far less people with them. We have different cultures, please accept that. If the attitude towards 'retribution/revenge' is one of them I see no reason for you to get defensive.
  12. Bolded part: laughable. Cheap shots and dirty tactics do happen in Football, but how many career ending injuries are there in Hockey compared to Football? I'm not defending the Premiership, I hate football and most of it's stars but I'm only making a point. I said the idea was stupid and moronic, not you. As far as I'm concerned if we had replied by smacking Thomas we should have been arrested for assault and intent to injure, because that's what it would have been.
  13. I respectfully disagree, I think the idea is moronic and short sighted. However I'm beginning to think this is the key culture difference between the UK and the USA, I'm not sure.
  14. Then go or Chara, Lucic, a big tough bastard. Show we back down from no person. Don't hit the one guy on the ice who's least likely to batter you senseless.
  15. Go Brits! w00t 2 medals so far. Well done USA and China though. I'm getting sick of the amount of bitching going on over here though. Brits can't be happy with anything...
  16. Ohhh. So RJ said it, so that makes it ok then. Consider me corrected by the god of all Hockey. :rolleyes:
  17. Who out of our bottom 6 gets axed to make room for Arnott though?
  18. I've always disagreed with this. Get physical with Lucic by all means, as long as no concussions are caused get brutal. Running the goalie is another thing, thats beyond the line and out of bounds, even as revenge. I dislike Thomas both as a person and as a Boston player but he didn't hit Miller so running him would be REALLY stupid and pathetic. I would have felt shame as a Sabres fan had we done so. We're adults, not children.
  19. Skeptical of this whole idea.
  20. The only person I've seen reports of doing that is Pronger, hence the reason he normally has the C, so people just follow him. But again, I'm not even sure how true is.
  21. $30MILL, 4 YEARS?! Ok, Doan can stuff right off. His NOT worth that. Those aren't far from Ovi, Crosby numbers.
  22. That does sound vaguely familiar.
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